Cleaves Alternative News

Today’s Colonial Australia
by dingo Monday, Nov 19 2007, 10:34am
national / social/political / commentary

What a pathetic lot Aussies really are; their current war criminal leader, John Howard, typifies the national character perfectly. The former British (now American) colony continues to suffer from a colonial cringe mentality a century after declaring Federation. Someone forgot to declare a national IDENTITY at the time of federation and Aussies have suffered lackey status and inferiority ever since!

Racist, coward and war cirminal: the 'best' PM we've ever had!
Racist, coward and war cirminal: the 'best' PM we've ever had!

Australians today have not only supported but praised their xenophobic, racist, cringing, cowardly, servile, lackey and war criminal leader John ‘Winston’ Howard – excuse me while I spew! No honourable person could tolerate this disgusting worm in their presence let alone as a NATIONAL LEADER! The Japanese faced with such a leader would have committed ritual suicide en masse! ‘Dinky dye’ Aussies have no concept whatsoever of the meaning of the word HONOUR.

I offer as proof the disgusting cowardly behaviour of 'the leader,' John Howard who upon winning leadership for the first time immediately pooped his pants and ran so fast for the protection of America the dust has not yet settled!

The despicable worm Howard then set about to destroy with a vengeance every unique characteristic and value the nation could claim as its own; Howard considers the inferior American system superior. No more egalitarian ‘fair go’ and classless society with opportunity for all; Howard introduced economic feudalism and a clearly defined economic class system that has created the widest wealth disparities the nation has seen since convict days. Howard’s RETROGRESSIVE POLICIES AND RETROGRADE THINKING are now legendary; however, the best is yet to come! Rather than rebel or refuse to be enslaved again, the moronic Australian sheeple praised their lying, rodent, ‘hero’ and to show their support and gratitude have kept their lying criminal rodent in office for 11 long years – oi, oi, squeal!

The Australian population has not only learnt to eat shit they have learnt to like it!

Australians seem to thrive in economic oppression and enjoy wallowing in Howard’s new slave society – do not forget that CEOs and the business elite reward themselves with tens of millions in salaries while their companies rape the land at speed without any consideration for contributing to society or providing means for survival when finite resources are depleted – that’s good ‘ol Howard corporate servility in action!

Remember when you are faced with inflated prices at the supermarket – the result of farmers paying high prices for irrigation – that BHP Billiton extracts 30 million litres of high quality artesian drinking water PER DAY for filthy mining purposes – FREE OF CHARGE!

Howard’s compliant defence minister Brendan ‘studs’ Nelson has accepted sub-standard military hardware at inflated prices from boss man America. The yanks can rely on Oz as a dumping ground for inferior weaponry and aircraft. The Indonesians paid less and obtained far superior equipment from Russia. Good ‘ol lackey Howard has just surrendered air supremacy to Asia – excuse me while I spit!

Need I mention his pet hate of education, which he deliberately compromised at great cost to national development? Educated people are perceived as threatening by Howard and his corporate bosses – keep the masses dumb and servile by increasing costs so only the rich are able to afford higher education!

Health and dental, the simple services we expect in Oz are in a state dysfunction thanks to Johnny and his user pays American mentality.

I could go on but spoon-feeding the moronic masses is tiresome. Continue listening to Howard’s lies and re-elect him as the best Prime Minister we’ve ever had!

Shit sandwich anyone?

Cleaves Alternative News.