Cleaves Alternative News

Australia: relegated to servility permanently
by dingo Sunday, Dec 2 2007, 10:10am
national / social/political / commentary

Who is the leader you have when you’re not having a leader, why Kevin Rudd of course! The Haneef case, Kevin, remember? The case YOU stated required a full investigation because the collusion between Howard, minister for Immigration Andrews, and senior public servant, dropkick Mick (have another drink) Keelty, was bloody obvious! The case REEKS Kevin and you know it, otherwise a timid little turd like you wouldn’t have mentioned the need for a full inquiry. Very big call from a timid Queensland bureaucrat! Well, we are waiting for ACTION, Kevin!

Bureaucrat and conservative dork, Kevin Rudd
Bureaucrat and conservative dork, Kevin Rudd

Where is the inquiry Kevin? The Haneef case is a sure winner and crucifixion of Andrews, Keelty and possibly Howard and Ruddock. Where are your balls Kevin, in the rice cooker?

You’d better take another look at past Labor leaders Kevin; with the exception of Hawke they were all men of CALIBRE, what calibre are you, Kevin?

Ok, ok, I know what you’re all thinking, why don’t you give it a go, smartarse. My answer is ok, I/we will. I need to remind the population that Australia has always had a solid contingent of real men and women scattered throughout the broader community. Who is up for it? Who is gonna stop Oz ex-military, YOU, Kevin? Don’t make us laugh!

Imagine the servile slaves and non-entities in Parliament putting up a fight – you’d have to be kiddin’! Perhaps the US ambassador, Jethro Bodine, could make a quick call to Bush so he could deploy some of his amphetamine troops and out-sourced security guards – we could compare combat enhancing drugs, swap stashes and have a wild ol’ time killing innocent civilians!

I love the smell of burning Queenslanders in the morning; hang on a tic, it's time for another hit of dexedrine ..... where’s the innocent, unarmed, civilians, I’m frying?

[And where's the Haneef inquiry, Kevin?]

Dr. Haneef: the face of Oz racism, corruption and injustice
Dr. Haneef: the face of Oz racism, corruption and injustice


Cleaves Alternative News.