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The Murdoch media praises show pony, Kevin Rudd
by nano Saturday, Dec 15 2007, 9:55am
international / social/political / commentary

Rupert Murdoch’s show pony, Kevin Rudd, is the focus of foaming praise in the local mass media. One report described Rudd as almost walking on water and appearing taller than his actual diminutive height, another Murdoch rag described him as “shining” – give us a break! But ain’t it a shame Kevin ignored the issue of five murdered Australians; shirking the responsibility of bringing the Balibo murderers to justice is noted -- another 'fearless' leader in the Howard tradition! But our Kevin was made for prancing and the Bali summit afforded the perfect opportunity for Murdoch's new show pony to strut his stuff on the international stage. Our Kevin didn't disappoint, he proved to be a very well trained (Shetland) pony indeed -- his owners should be very pleased!


The desperate and tacky praise heaped on Rudd belies the charade that Bali really is. A science documentary broadcast on national television fifteen (15) years ago emphatically warned of catastrophic events (especially the destruction of our barrier reef) if the world didn’t take IMMEDIATE action to curb polluting emissions – that was then. Today we are in RUNAWAY mode but the powers continue to deceive and mislead the public, they continue to display contempt for the herd and the environment. However, Bali did provide a perfect distraction and propaganda opportunity but today’s cynical and savvy public has not been deceived despite the best efforts of the mass media. Newswires are already reporting general discontent and describing the Bali summit as just another futile exercise – another FAILURE!

Corporate powers are now in damage control and seem to be feeling the heat more than the rest of us – possibly for very good reason. The world will soon look to those responsible for concerted deceptions that resulted in global catastrophe! The deceptions perpetrated on the public were deliberate, concerted and done with flagrant contempt for the people and the environment. For the sake of short term PROFITS corporations were/are willing to sacrifice OUR LIVES AND THE ECOLOGICAL BALANCE OF THE PLANET! Do we need any more proof; the public domain is saturated with incriminating evidence? Today’s plutocrats seem oblivious to the fact that the masses have hanged their leaders from lamp posts for lesser offences in the past. Be advised!

In Australia – a desert nation – one of the world’s largest and wealthiest transnational mining companies, BHP-Billiton, plunders the nations high quality artesian water resources at a rate of 30-million litres/day; the water is desperately needed for irrigation and food production. I reiterate this water is high quality drinking water and is wasted on polluting mining activities. To add insult to injury BHP extracts this water free of charge while the Australian population bears the burden of skyrocketing food prices as a direct result of escalating irrigation (water) costs! How is it our farmers and the population are forced to bear costs while billion dollar Transnationals continue to plunder precious water resources free of charge? Justify that travesty Mr. show pony; is this the "fair go" you promised during the election campaign?

Bali seems to have been nothing more than a massive public relations and media exercise because little in the way of REAL RESULTS is evident!

Today's reality is alarming, the corporations have intentionally deceived the people and delayed remedial action; the effects of global warming are now irreversible – North Polar sea ice has completely melted for the first time in recorded history. We are twenty years too late for emission control strategies -- notwithstanding the immediate need to curb all pollution -- the world requires radical and effective survival strategies beginning with regulation and drastic conservation. In other words a value shift from the suicidal, short term PROFIT motive to balanced long term survival strategies. The Bali summit evaded hard reality by postponing real commitments; how thoroughly absurd given the urgency of the situation.

The failure of Bali is described or camouflaged thus: “a framework for future discussions,” “a useful way forward” and other meaningless and deceitful expressions. I recall the “light at the end of the tunnel” or how about the more recent “cut and run” or staying (Iraq) until the “job is done!”

You will underestimate today’s populations at your own peril gentlemen, you no longer have a monopoly on information and its dissemination and I wouldn’t trade places with any of you for all your combined wealth!

The linked story by Murdoch lackey, Glenn Milne, is a shameful disgrace. It must be embarrassing walking around the office with custard on your face, Glenn!

Glenn Milne -- News Ltd employee
Glenn Milne -- News Ltd employee


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by cubic Saturday, Dec 15 2007, 9:20pm

Rudd fails first crucial test on international stage.

By ignoring the guilty Balibo murderers while in Bali, Rudd has sent the wrong message to the Indonesians and the world.

The spiritual leader of JI, Abu Bakar Bashir, took the opportunity to visit the Bali bombers in jail and threaten a "big disaster" if the trio were executed.

The Bali bombers also utilised the media presence to spout more invective against Australia. "Not long now, Australia will go down," said Samudra.

Bashir's visit was timed to compromise Rudd's performance in Bali and test his mettle.

The world is watching Kevin; you were warned not to ignore the Balibo murderers. We take no delight in pointing out your failings, Kevin; they are obvious to all it appears.

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