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Saddam defeats Bush from grave
by yarra Tuesday, Jan 1 2008, 8:14am
international / social/political / commentary

What to do with a living president defeated by a dead dictator?

I will never forget the rallying call Saddam made prior to his arranged execution; his final command to the nation was to fight a classic guerrilla war of attrition and draw the American elephant into a quagmire where it could EASILY be DEFEATED. He promised victory if the people persevered and he was right. However, Saddam’s ranting was more a manifestation of bravado and personal rage than directives to a people that hated his guts!

The truth is America defeated itself! Cheney was aware that a military intervention in Iraq would result in a quagmire; he said as much in an earlier interview. So what was it that drove the administration to pursue a suicidal course against its better judgement? In a word, GREED, and the luxury of having a quarter-brain, buffoon president to take the fall.

In view of the WMD lies, pre-emptive war illegalities and the resulting civilian holocaust, the ONLY recourse at this late stage is accountability and criminal prosecution. It is simply INSANE to persist with DENIAL; the entire world is aware of the one million Iraqi civilian casualties and the litany of LIES and subterfuges surrounding the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

A nation vandalised, plundered and plunged into anarchy is difficult to ignore! The USA can no longer AFFORD to avoid the TRUTH of its crimes and failures!

This year is election year in America and not one candidate has mentioned the civilian holocaust in Iraq and taken responsibility on behalf of the nation. Consider the consequences of persisting with this insane denial. FLAGRANT DISREGARD FOR THE LAW from our leaders gives license to the people to do likewise – have we read the news lately? People are shooting their leaders and its becoming infectious.

Prosecuting every last neo-con involved in any way with the failed and criminal policies of the Bush administration is the only action that has a chance of redeeming the nation. America stands at the brink of annihilation, history informs us that rogue and pariah nations are usually destroyed by a confederation of nations united for that single purpose!

Social tipping point

If social institutions fail the people the masses will act of their own accord. It is most unfortunate that Bhutto’s ASSASSINATION is having such a profound effect on Pakistan. For the cost a well placed bullet the fate of a nation – and perhaps the world -- has been altered. The point is not lost on those who hold America responsible for the deaths of so many innocents!

Let me illustrate it thus: one million dead civilians leave millions more (very angry) LIVING relatives and compatriots; if justice is NOT served would we be surprised if a campaign of assassinations ensued? Perhaps shooting innocent Americans on sight may serve to illustrate a point and awaken a nation to its moral responsibilities!

Americans have already been targeted, most recently a U.S. diplomat shot and killed in the Sudan – more deaths will undoubtedly follow as people REALISE they have a simple but effective means at THEIR disposal.

I AM REFERRING TO SOCIAL BREAKDOWN – can the world afford not to prosecute the leaders of the coalition for their blatant disregard for law and order?

Confronted with assassinations and deteriorating social situations what do you imagine the USA and its bereft allies are doing? THEY CONTINUE TO FLOUT THE LAW, from Kosovo to the Middle East and on the home front against local populations! A most extraordinary and stunningly stupid course of action in the circumstances!

The Bush regime has been accurately described as the “nothing right” regime – must we follow this perverse and criminal regime to ruination and possibly annihilation?

The choice is very clear today; either arrest the war criminals or endure anarchy, chaos and mob rule on a GLOBAL scale!

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