Cleaves Alternative News

Kevin Rudd: ask any prancer!
by dingo Thursday, Mar 13 2008, 10:50pm
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

The new Australian PM is proving himself to be a major letdown, disappointment, non-event; a man of the status quo UNABLE TO HANDLE THE BIG ISSUES! A man defined and managed by big business, especially the financial and mining sectors, the two sectors responsible for wreaking havoc on the economy and environment!

It is now clear, beyond doubt; our current PM is a SHOW PONY, a wanna-be media darling – and he’s even proving to be an inept ‘prancer!’

After watching Rudd ‘cave’ badly in parliament over demands made by the opposition on a pensioner payout issue; witnessing his clearly inept management of the economy over a considerable period, especially his mishandling of the rapacious Transnationals; the last straw comes in the form of the current toothless Haneef ‘inquiry’– the inquiry you have when you’re not having an inquiry! A Claytons PM and a Claytons inquiry!

We are forced to face the obvious, our new PM, Kevin Rudd, is an ineffective lackey and show pony who sought only to be PM for its own sake – no plans, no vision but especially NO REPRESENTATION for the majority of Australians. A Labor tragedy, prancing!

Rudd is just another servile corporate lackey and American slave; the hopes of the nation have been dashed on the rocks of vanity, incompetence and lack of character.

WE ARE ALL SORRY, KEVIN! Not only for Aborigines, who continue to face the same appalling conditions they faced BEFORE your media performance; we are SORRY FOR THE ENTIRE NATION AND ALL ITS PEOPLE.

Where have all the TALENTED Aussies gone? To the private sector everyone!

The economic problems are easily rectified with an equitable approach; those who reap/rape most from the nation owe most to the nation – it is a criminal injustice that a nation of only 20 million suffers economic stress when the nation is exploited for hundreds of billions per year by the Corporate sector. Is this the “fair go” you promised everyone, Kevin?

The Libs are no better, their $610 billion national debt blow-out is proof of the FACT.

So where does the nation go from here? Wherever America and the Transnationals tell it!

When will WE ever learn? [Probably never!]

America is a good indicator of mass paralysis in times of great need. The sheeple are fit for the slaughter, as always! Too frightened to move in any direction they forfeit their sovereignty for slavery. Led by the most transparent lies, machinations and blatant injustices – THEY CAN’T GET ENOUGH!

Cleaves Alternative News.