Cleaves Alternative News

Ramos-Horta interviewed on ABC
by budgie Thursday, Mar 27 2008, 8:58am
national / imperialism / commentary

An Australian current affairs program, ‘Lateline,’ featured an interview with the convalescing President of Timor-Leste last night. However, very little in the way of new information was forthcoming. Either the President, Jose Ramos-Horta, was intentionally withholding information or he has little new knowledge to offer regarding the attempt on his life.

We are inclined to interpret his guarded comments as evidence that he continues to harbour concerns for his personal safety and that he is unsure who his real friends and allies are at the moment! However, it is clear he remains ignorant of the identities of those who arranged the attempt on his life and the murder of rebel leader, Alfredo Reinado.

Many questions surrounding the shooting remain unanswered; the fact that Ramos-Horta did not mention the rebel leader during the interview was extraordinary! Ramos-Horta had been arranging Reinado’s return to civil society just prior to the shooting. It was no secret that Reinado was detested by Australian forces for tarnishing their reputation as effective soldiers; his many escapes from Australian forces earned him legendary status among his people.

Western commercial interests viewed Reinado as a troublesome, interfering force. He was blamed for the slow progress in developing infrastructures necessary for oil exploitation! It seems everyone had/s their eye on the oil dollar. The value of the oil and gas resource was once described by a former Australian foreign minister (Gareth Evans) to be in the “zillions of dollars!” That alone is reason enough for some to murder!

American oil companies have the blood of over one million Iraqis on their hands; the lives of a few Timorese rebels and a nationalist president are of little concern when such sums are involved!

We might have to wait until the President is safely back in his country before new light is shed on the very suspicious circumstances surrounding the shootings. Nevertheless, Jose Ramos-Horta has fought long and hard for the independence of his nation and the welfare of its people -- we wish him a speedy recovery and a safe return to his homeland.

Fuck the murdering western oil companies!

Russia and China would be extremely pleased to assist in the development of the nation’s resources. Their presence would ensure balanced development and increased benefits/profits going to the people and the nation. The West’s track record in Iraq and Kosovo is far from appealing.

A nation’s resources belong to its people -- Viva Timor-Leste!

Cleaves Alternative News.