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A brief critique of the obvious perversions in the Hedges discourse
Chris Hedges has outdone himself this time -- the video below tells the entire story, from his clearly anti-Serb stance, right down to the support he gives to the American status quo, though that support is not immediately apparent. Hedges utilises many historical icons of social change in his defeatist and PASSIVE, DO-NOTHING, toxic rhetoric. He cleverly invokes the memory of champions of social CHANGE/ACTIVISM like Martin Luther King, and Jesus Christ and makes reference to many revolutionary writers whose shoes/sandals he is not fit to clean.
Firstly , every major social revolution in modern history succeed due to ACTIVE forces of change violently overcoming existing corrupt forces of the status quo, usually via ARMED STRUGGLE!
Hedges espouses passivity in the face of extreme State violence; his method would have seen American revolutionary forces passively sitting down and occupying instead of fighting British invading forces. Imperialist invaders would have had a field day if Americans followed the DEFEATIST philosophy of Hedges. Fortunately for America, FIGHTING rebel forces ACTIVELY opposed the British forces they wished to defeat and defeat them they did! Furthermore, bearing arms is now a Constitutional right in America.
Hedges cleverly makes constant references to Jesus Christ as some sort meek, IMPOTENT, passive figure like himself, this is complete misinformation; Jesus was a DYNAMIC ACTIVIST and a very BOLD social reformer/CONFRONTATIONIST, to the extent he armed himself with a whip and actively ejected corrupt monetary forces from the Temple. As a 'monarch'/God (not an anarchist) Jesus could have waved his finger and wiped out all opposition but he remained limited by his mortal coil in order to demonstrate that anyone could follow his example, an example he set for ALL his followers, Hedges! Jesus Christ was amazingly confrontational and exhibited extraordinary courage in his time.
From the destruction of the Roman Empire by fighting barbarian forces to the French, Russian, Chinese, Cuban and many other SUCCESSFUL revolutions, VIOLENT confrontation was employed by rebel forces until the State collapsed from within and without. Without violent action/resistance no change occurs -- FACT!
Where have you been since Vietnam, Hedges, your vile, mass murdering State has murdered over FIVE million INNOCENT civilians in that time and continues to do so TODAY, so lets all sit passively around while sadistic regulators pepper spray us -- in your deluded dreams, Hedges! You are either a frustrated martyr or completely delusional.
The statement that the people cannot successfully compete against the State on its own terms is patently FALSE and completely defeatist, as every major successful revolution [that] did exactly that, PROVES, you moron; who are you trying to kid or worse, who do you really work for -- or are you just a plain COWARD at heart?
The Occupy, DO-NOTHING, devoid of direction, non-movement requires no help from the outside to self-destruct and become irrelevant; blaming convenient anarchistic blocs for its failures fools no-one with a semblance of brain. Insisting that a protest movement avoids active engagement and violent strategies to overthrow heinous criminal (State) forces is a 'crime' in itself, Hedges; I could go on but the point is made and I have no more time to waste on you!
In conclusion I would state from widespread contact that very few people outside the US agree with you. New DYNAMIC, rapidly growing forces exist that ACTIVELY engage in new digital strategies designed to topple criminal States by targeting their soft underbellies -- and 'bless' these countless activist keyboards.
Are you aware the act of editing is a VIOLENT act, Hedges? So too are computer codes designed to wreak havoc on critical systems, you antiquated Christian Luddite; of course I refer to the only successful 'army' threatening the criminal elites TODAY, the rapidly expanding (masked) anarchistic, anonymous, digital UNDERGROUND! What day is it Hedges, you've clearly had yours?