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Media Files

'Whip it' - DevoHangin’
(I want to know) Is this Love - Bob MarleyScorpio Moon
Ain't no Sunshine when she's gone - Bill WithersIndigo
Alone in the Crowd - Pavlov's DogTransformations
Amy Winehouse - Will You Still Love Me TomorrowRestored
Amy Winehouse -- Wake up AloneAbsence
Angel of the Morning - Juice NewtonStirred
Angel of the Morning - The PretendersBetween
Audio of deleted Youtube vid Pt. 1Sabrosky: 9/11, a joint US-Mossad Operation
Bad To The Bone - George ThorogoodFearless
Ballad Of Ned KellyHoward: too familiar and contemptible
Bang Bang -- Nancy SinatraUntitled Volume
Beatles - Tell Me Why"Why Did You Lie to Me?"
Behind Blue Eyes -- The WhoDream walls, Illusory fears
Bird is the Word - TrashmenUK Guardian Censors Truth regarding Iraq Invasion
Bob Dylan - SenorForgotten Song
Bob Marley - Stir It UpBodies in Space
Bonnie Tyler song versionSearching
Boom Boom - ACDC, John Lee HookerHesitation
BoysNot always morbid or drear -- Oz Political reporting
Bring it on Home to Me - Sam CookeNeedless Losses
British MP George Galloway Condemns Israeli Attack on Aid FlotillaIsrael: are we really surprised?
Brzezinski's warningBlack and White Polarised Discourse in America
Celeste - DonovanBeing Here
Chain Gang - Sam CookeBig-Money Takeover of America
Chimes of Freedom (Flashing) -- Bob DylanSovereignty or corrupt Puppet government?
Chris Harris interviewSydney’s “Go (and get fucked) Bag!”
Clannad -- Harry's GameTamarama Sunset
Close Your Eyes -- Talyor & SimonA Healing Poem
Crazy Love -- Marianne FaithfullGood
Death of a Clown -- The KinksThe Runner
Debt Peonage -- Dr Michael HudsonOz Puppet leadership, but at what cost?
Don't let me be MisunderstoodTime Out
Donovan - Catch the WindThe Collector
Eleanor Rigby - The BeatlesYou have been previously warned -- BE warned AGAIN!
Elites in fear of Global Political AwakeningEverlasting
Every Breath You Take -- The PoliceObama Condones Extrajudicial Assassinations
Fancy -- The KinksFloodgates
For What It's Worh - Buffalo SpringfieldOccupy 'Movement' [UPDATE]
Fotheringay -- Fairport Conventionneed you now
Freda People - John LennonThe Unravelling Ruling Elite
Free Press a Myth -- Guns and Butter RadioA Random Juxtaposition
Gimme Shelter“It’s just a shot away”
Harlem ShuffleSoul Dance
Hey Joe -- Jimi HendrixPoliticians under direct attack: the times have changed
Hey Little Girl - IceHousePrince William and Kate -- feast on the distraction, otherwise ugly REALITY may Intrude
Hide your Love away -- BeatlesIn Anticipation of a Kiss
I Hear You Knocking - Gale StormIF
I just wanna make love to you - Muddy WatersHesitation
I only want to be with You -- Dusty SpringfieldSavoir
I will follow Him - Little Peggy MarchGoogle CEO, Eric Schmidt, where’s the Love?
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight - Bob DylanLost Poems
I'm a Loser - The BeatlesYou have been previously warned -- BE warned AGAIN!
I'm So Free - Lou ReedDemented America, more absurd by the day!
If not for You - Bob DylanCasualty of Love
In My Life - The BeatlesPiano
It's Alright Ma I'm Only Bleeding - Bob DylanThe Last Laugh
It's in his Kiss -- Betty EverettSavoir
Janis Joplin - To Love SomebodyTo Love
Jeff Buckley and Hannah Trigwell perform Cohen's HallelujahThe Lack of Discipline
Joni Mitchell - WoodstockBodies in Space
KD Lang - HallelujahThe Secret Chord
Land of Make Believe - EasyBeats [of Oz]Absence
Leonard Cohen - HallelujahThe Secret Chord
Lies!Kevin Rudd, 'pathologically incapable!'
Lola -- The KinksStrange Love
Lost in France -- Bonnie TylerSapphire Blue
Lou Reed - Perfect DayRestored
Lou Reed - Satellite of LoveWhere have all the Poets gone?
Love Grows -- Edison LighthouseIn Anticipation of a Kiss
Love Hurts - Keith Richards and Norah Jones LiveFade
Love Hurts -- Roy OrbisonStrange Love
Love is Strange -- Mickey and SylviaStrange Love
Love minus Zero no Limit - Bob DylanDoing the ton on a 'Saint'
Magic Bus - The WhoNot always morbid or drear -- Oz Political reporting
Max Keiser talking straight on Athens International RadioCriminal elites – see how they run!
Message of Love - The PretendersGoing Underground
Michael Hudson -- Guns and Butter interviewU.S. gives kiss of death to Australian Labor Government
Michael Hudson on Collapse and OligarchyTalking Junk Economics and Eating Caviar
MonaOz Poetry
Moonlight Mile - The Rolling StonesObsidian
Mr BojanglesTime Out
My Boy LollyPop -- Mille SmallThe Collector
My Sharona - The KnackFire and Ice
Nick Drake - FlyChance Encounter
Nights in White Satin -- Moody BluesBlack Satin
Nothing More - FotheringayDoing the ton on a 'Saint'
Nowhere Man - The BeatlesOccupy Wall Street in a Sentence
NPR Pentagon ReportCorporate Rule: Proof Irrefutable
Paint it Black -- The Rolling StonesUS soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies'
Palitha Kohona, Lankan UN Ambassador interviewed in OzAustralia’s complicity in War Crimes
R.E.M - It's the End of the World (as we know it)Could the ‘Occupy’ movement be the first Matrix, “there is no spoon,” Revolution?
R.E.M - Losing my ReligionThe Ever Changing White House Bin Laden Story
Rachel Maddow discusses, 'thought crime' incarcerationUS Policy: ‘on the nose’ more than ever
Rescue Me - Fontella BassRescue
Rough Justice -- The Rolling StonesPerfect Ironies
Run to Paradise - ChoirboysGoing Underground
Sam Stone, sung by Johnny CashJunkie Nation: $10 TRILLION goes 'missing' from Pentagon since '91
Sand and Foam - DonovanStirred
Sandy Denny - Listen, ecouteChance Encounter
Satisfaction -- Rolling StonesA Random Juxtaposition
Sea of LoveUnexpected
Season of the Witch - DonovanIndigo
She Belongs to Me - Bob DylanRegrets
She's Not There - ZombiesA Whore of a Word
Slice of Heaven - Dave DobbynGoing Underground
So Sad - Marianne FaithfullNeedless Losses
Some say I got Devil - Melanie SafkaUntitled-2
Somebody to Love -- Jefferson AirplaneA Random Juxtaposition
Stand by Me - Ben E KingDawn
Stand By Me -- the DriftersPenetration
Stay -- Jackson BrowneStrange Love
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob DylanPerfect Ironies
Sung by Jennifer WarnesFirst We Take Manhattan
Sweet Lullaby - Deep ForestFrom Wounded Knee to Afghanistan
Sweet Surrender - Tim BuckleyAscension
Sweet Virginia - Rolling Stones (Live '72)Mage
Sympathy for the Devil“It’s just a shot away”
Take Good Care Of My Baby - Bobby VeeLOVE is NOT a dirty word!
Tangled up in Blue -- Bob DylanFire and Ice
The Air that I Breathe -- The HolliesSummer Rain
The Band Played Waltzing MatildaAnother Aussie “Sacrificed” in Afghanistan
The EasyBeats -- original versionSwirling
The End - DoorsTo Catch a Psychopath
The End - The BeatlesGod's Chosen Scumbags
The Joker -- Steve Miller, unpluggedThe Incredible Vacuity of Meaning
The Last Time - Rolling StonesGoing Underground
The Night Before - The BeatlesVenture
The Police -- Every Breath You TakeWikiLeaks Lawyer: bureaucratic bungle exposes AMERICAN watch list
The Pretenders - Hymn to HerResonance
The Shondells -- Hanky PankySea Deity Terrestrial God
The Trip - DonovanThe Incredible Vacuity of Meaning
These Days -- Jackson BrowneStowaway
Time is on MY Side -- Rolling StonesRobert Gates: maintain occupation of all invaded territories
Tin SoldierUnexpected
Tracks of my Tears - Adam LambertTo Catch a Psychopath
Truth Hurt Lies Kill - Dr Dahlia WasfiArmed vs Unarmed Resistance
Urban SpacemanBanana Accomplished
Walking in the Rain -- Ronnie BennettEmbraced
We are AustralianOz Carbon Tax in a Nutshell
We Can't Make It Here -- James McMurtryObama: More Polished Than the Last Puppet
We Love You -- Rolling StonesRobert Gates: maintain occupation of all invaded territories
We've Only Just Begun7.2 Magnitude Huge Earthquake Rocks Japan
When I was Young -- Eric Burdon and the AnimalsThe Failed Assange Op
While my Guitar Gently Weeps -- The BeatlesAmerica the ‘Free’
Winter Winds -- FotheringayWinter Winds
Without Darkness - Peter Sarstedt Rescue
You can't always get what you want -- The Rolling StonesAborted Dreams
You were on my Mind -- Crispian St PetersSummer Rain
Airport TSA screener abuses child -- (Deleted from Corporate Youtube) Love and Freedom, Forever
Deleted Video available to view or download -- fuck you, Youtube/GoogleWikiLeaks/Assange: US instigated Interpol attack
Hitler Flips over Nano-thermite at Ground Zero - Mp4US State Dept Threatens WikiLeaks/Assange
Hitler Flips over WikiLeaks -- video parodyThe Global Info War Continues


A.O.Spare -- Zos: commentary and good platesVisitations
Abramelin - book 1Visitations
Abramelin - book 2Visitations
Abramelin - book 3Visitations
Abstract HacktivismNASA Hacked (Again)
Achad on QBLVisitations
ACLU-CIA-'Fax'9/11 Commission Intimidated and Hamstrung from Start
Animal Farm -- George OrwellUS Congress rejects flawed bailout: think outside the 'box!'
Appropriations ManualDeals With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back
AR - Dallas Reserve BankNothing is 'Too Big To Fail' - Reserve Banker calls for Reform
Art of War pdfArt of War
Arthur Chresby - Your Will Be DoneA Sovereignty Primer
Ashtavakra GitaEssence of Yoga
Australian ConstitutionA Sovereignty Primer
Best Enemy Money can Buy -- Anthony SuttonWikileaks Soldier Reveals "360 Rotational Fire" Orders to Kill Civilians
Caldwell pdf -- pussy 'guru'Religion: from Failure to Liability
CIA Terrorism DocumentWikiLeaks: CIA as "exporter of terrorism"
Commentaries on the Oz ConstitutionA Sovereignty Primer
Court RulingFederal Court Overrules NDAA Provision
COVID-19_The Great ResetGoing Underground
Creating Magickal Entities -- David CunninghamOsiris and the Golden (Solar) phallus of ‘resurrection’
Creating Servitors/Magical Entities -- Michael DanglerVisitations
Dark Psychology and Manipulation -- setGoing Underground
DIY SovereigntyA Sovereignty Primer
Empire of the City - Knuth, 1944Matt Taibbi, 'got to!'
Entire (atiyah) letterMcCain, Anthrax & the Afghan Blunder
Evolution of Civilisations - QuigleyMatt Taibbi, 'got to!'
Executive ResponseUS Executive may Veto Senate Bill on Indefinite Detention for 'Terrorist' Suspects
Facts/figures from Soil AssociationThe Australian ‘Banana’ Tragedy
Federal ReserveA Sovereignty Primer
Formal rejectionBig Pharma, leave our kids alone!
Freedom from the KnownFreedom from the Known
From Dictatorship to Democracy - Gene SharpLong suspected now confirmed, Recent ‘Social Revolutions’ Orchestrated and Financed from Washington
Full speechTop U.N. Official Accuses U.S. of Inhuman 'Atrocities' in Iraq, Afghanistan
Full study documentScientific Study Confirms Corporatists Run the World
Fuller on QBLVisitations
Garland of LettersMonism and Pluralism
George Orwell --1984Draconian measures to protect 'copyright'
Goldman MotionWall Street Banksters Feeling Heat
Grand Jury -- Report 1My ally, my Terrorist – Aussies lament!
Grand Jury Eric Holder -- Report 2My ally, my Terrorist – Aussies lament!
GSM exploit explained'Global Square' equals Global phishing Net
Incomplete list of criminal incitements against AssangeWikiLeaks threatens to release 'Digital Thermonuclear Device'
Internal DOJ Report Approving TortureTREASON, Government Ministers and Regulatory Agencies in Oz
Johnny Liberty pdfA Sovereignty Primer
Lancet Report pdfReality knocks, nobody Home!
Learn some tricks from them -- Army's Unconventional Warfare paperGuess Who's ABOVE the Law, Suckers?
limits.pdf'Limits to Growth' Warning confirmed in latest Study
limitstogrowth.pdf'Limits to Growth' Warning confirmed in latest Study
Mind Control, World Control -- Jim KeithDraconian measures to protect 'copyright'
Modern Money Mechanics (Chicago)A Sovereignty Primer
Mystery of BankingA Sovereignty Primer
National Security StrategyCommon denominator: 9/11 and the Bush Doctrine
NATO's Secret Armies -- Daniele GanserFarce at the Hague
Official counter-terrorism strategyEvery LIE reveals the TRUTH it attempts to Hide
Oz Constitutional info -- the peoples' will be doneA Sovereignty Primer
Patanjali Yoga Sutras -- Swami VivekanandaEssence of Yoga
PDF VersionUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
PNAC.PDFFor Neocons, an Attack on Iran Has Been a Six-Year Project
Potential risks arising from nanotechnologies in Food'Food Safety' Used to Increase Corporate Control over Food and Agriculture
Prof. Nash on press freedom in OzFried Pig: Sydney police (genius) Tasers self!
Prolonging warMcCain, Anthrax & the Afghan Blunder
Propaganda -- Edward Bernays, 1928Voting is NO LONGER about the Major Puppet Parties, it’s about real REPRESENTATION
Questions and AnswersFreedom from the Known
Raja Yoga -- Swami VivekanandaDemystifying Yoga
RAND Corp InitiativeCommunications Minister Conroy opts for Orwellian option
Red Cross ICRC Torture Report"They should arrest Obama for impersonating a President"
Risk assessment of nanotechnologies in Food'Food Safety' Used to Increase Corporate Control over Food and Agriculture
Self-RecognitionThe Spanda Principle or Divine Pulsation
Siva SutrasThe Spanda Principle or Divine Pulsation
Society of Spectacle -- Guy DebordSemantic Subterfuge and Semiotic Terrorism
Spanda Karikas_1The Spanda Principle or Divine Pulsation
Spanda Karikas_2The Spanda Principle or Divine Pulsation
Special Ops Report US ArmyUnconventional Warfare in the 21st Century
State Department Letter to Assange/WikiLeaksUS State Dept Threatens WikiLeaks/Assange
Strategic shocks, US 'defence' paperAstounding!
Stripping the GurusThe Guru
Study claiming bots will be operating in the field by 2020Pentagon exploring robot killers that can fire on their own
Super Imperialism - Michael HudsonAmerica vs America and its losing!
Surangama Sutra -- Charles LukJnana
Surviving the Cataclysm -- Webster G Tarpley"Global Economic Collapse"
Talks with Sri Ramana MaharishiJnana
Tasmanian Monetary Report, 1935A Sovereignty Primer
The Biggest Secret (A Feast for Fools)Melbourne hosts Cult Conman
The Case Against Henry KissingerThe Obama re-action to Iran unrest
The Five Stages of Collapse -- Dmitry Orlov"Global Economic Collapse"
The Grand Chessboard -- Zbigniew BrzezinskiThe Audacity of Ethnic Cleansing
The Magician His Training and Work -- W E ButlerSoul Dance
The Rockefeller file -- Gary AllenCorporate Rule: Proof Irrefutable
The Secret Team - Col. F. ProutyThe CIA’s links to Wall Street
The Story of the Commonwealth BankA Sovereignty Primer
Tragedy and Hope - QuigleyMatt Taibbi, 'got to!'
turnerlogrowth.pdf'Limits to Growth' Warning confirmed in latest Study
UN Eco-farming ReportEco-farming can double food output -- UN
UN Manning ReportUN Torture Investigator Concludes Bradley Manning NOT Tortured
UN ReportObama's Prize
US Dept. Defense Info war paper!And the Band Played On ..
US Improvised 'Law'Hicks Update: Determined to Fight
US Locavore IndexHealth and Food Activism - Go Local, reject WTO and Global Food Monopoly
Vijnana Bhairava TantraEssence of Yoga
Writ against Obama Obama may become first invalid U.S. President
Yoni TantraAs it is
You are the WorldFreedom from the Known
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Between ...: America's Role in the Technetronic EraACTA: The Corporate Usurpation of the Internet
beyond_good_and_evil.rtfCivil Disobedience and the Australian Cringe
Coroner's full reportNSW Coroner: Balibo five murdered in cold blood
DARPA request in full, rtfDARPA seeks network firing ranges for cyber weaponry
Empire -- Hardt & Negri A Meeting With Che Guevara
Guerrilla Warfare -- Ernesto 'Che' GuevaraAmerica/NATO: Failure at every turn
Kropotkin's classicAnarchism: What it really stands for
Nugan Drug BankSingo furious over Broadcast Regulator’s ruling on Alan Jones
the_antichrist.rtfCivil Disobedience and the Australian Cringe
U.S. Courts dealing with 'Sovereign Citizen' ArgumentsBanana Terrorists strike in Bondi Junction
The Crowd, Gustav Le BonFart Power: there is hope after all!
The Psychology of Revolution, Gustav Le BonWater Pistol

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