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"The price of ignorance is slavery"
"No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent" -- Abraham Lincoln
Digital Technologies have rendered the Geopolitical Redundant
minnie, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 11:39pm
It’s TIME to abandon notions of States, borders, nations and tribes – today it is the global masses, THE PEOPLE (debt-slavery/austerities/war) that have been TARGETED by minority ruling elites in whose interests divisive policies are maintained. Comprehensive global warfare has been waged on the entire global population by Transnational Banking and Corporatist elites for decades. Today it is CLEAR that global elites, who know no borders or recognise no flag, wage war against the PEOPLE of the entire WORLD. Take another look at the GLOBAL situation to verify the plain truth for yourselves.
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news report
The Crucifixion of Joy
ryall, Wednesday, Apr 25 2012, 12:31am
I hadn’t thought about it before, a reader brought it to my attention.
I am a poet and am predisposed to joy, happiness and love – inherent traits in all human beings. But as is so clear today, these (now rare) traits and emotions are fragile and must be nurtured, protected and allowed to reach their full potential and STRENGTH in order to withstand the massive depressing, TOXIC forces of American culture and society – the sickest, most destructive culture that exists on the planet today!
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Trifecta Resista Peaceful Protest Against Drone Warfare
addy, Tuesday, Apr 17 2012, 11:59pm
Following hot on the heels of a sadistic, racist, Israeli soldier slamming his rifle into the face of a peaceful protester we have the USAF advancing on peaceful protesters in the USA -- just perfect! (story and 3 comments)
Last Commented Wednesday, Apr 18 2012, 4:43am
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other press
Excerpts from the Manifesto of the Underground
shad, Tuesday, Mar 27 2012, 11:42am
It is forbidden to openly publish or reveal the entire manifesto until law and order are restored; however, the following excerpts convey the essential and core message/policy. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Wednesday, Mar 28 2012, 11:08pm
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other press
Avaricious Pig American Directors could learn from Aussie Bosses
Elissa Doherty via stele, Tuesday, Jan 31 2012, 7:03am
A MELBOURNE boss has stunned his staff by giving them a staggering $15 million gift -- the ultimate pay-off for their hard work and loyalty. (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jan 31 2012, 8:11pm
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other press
Charlie Chaplin turns Fascism on its Head
fleet, Sunday, Jan 22 2012, 7:15am
"Greed has poisoned men's souls" (story and 1 image)
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other press
We Rise or Fall Together
manny, Wednesday, Jan 18 2012, 10:50pm
In no way do I cast any negative criticism on Australia’s long suffering indigenous people as a whole though a recent political distraction by Washington lackey, Oz PM Juliar ‘carbon tax’ Gillard, forces me to address some dubious characters in this article. The matter relates to a government media grab/distraction; Gillard wishes to recognise the original occupants of Australia in the Constitution; HOWEVER, she consciously chooses not to view the matter in its historical, genocidal context – an invasion and the establishment of a penal colony that served the interests of a COMMERCIAL and MERCANTILE British Empire seeking more PROFIT by force of arms. The invasion of Australia and colonial development by the British Crown and the subsequent slaughter (for sport in some instances) of the local indigenous population is historical fact, though much historical fact is glossed over to make it more acceptable or ‘naturally' consequential. (story and 2 images)
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Where the Money Doesn't Go -- Poverty USA
Sy, Friday, Jan 13 2012, 8:59am
Never did know for whom the bell tolls but I sure do know where the money goes and it doesn't go to thee! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Jan 13 2012, 9:18am
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other press
Australian Credit Card Debt Blows Out to Record $50 Billion
bluey, Thursday, Jan 12 2012, 10:44pm
Credit card debt in Australia has blown out to over $50 billion according to recent figures released by the Reserve Bank of Australia; for a meagre population of 21 million, which includes every man, woman and child, that is quite an ‘achievement,’ you mindless MORONS -- who taught YOU to spend money you don’t have? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Jan 13 2012, 7:35am
international /
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Global Criminal Scenario Unfolding Before Our Eyes
quill, Saturday, Nov 19 2011, 7:01am
It has been confirmed by sources from a number of moderate Muslim nations that the CIA and Banker/Corporatist controlled Washington have struck deals with Islamic extremists in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa in order to exploit valuable resources and gain strategic geopolitical advantages.
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news report
Egypt: Another Fundamentalist Revolution
staff report via Ali, Friday, Nov 18 2011, 10:35pm
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in Tahrir Square on Friday for a mass rally aimed at pushing Egypt's ruling military to cede power, 10 months after an uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak's regime.
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other press
All able Australians to Melbourne!
dasha, Friday, Oct 21 2011, 12:09pm
Australians that subscribe to traditional Oz values – the egalitarian ideal, the fair go, free speech and the right to peacefully gather and protest in OUR democratic nation, exercise your prerogatives NOW -- MELBOURNE NEEDS YOU!
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The Duelling Egos of Alex Jones and David DeGraw
dasha, Wednesday, Oct 5 2011, 10:29am
I would remind ego bruised Jones and DeGraw that the elitist forces they oppose do not openly display petty ego pathologies. Nefarious ruling elites are known to cooperate like true anarchists. The public schoolgirl bickering of Jones and DeGraw is undoubtedly having a detrimental effect on the “Occupy” protest movement. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Thursday, Oct 6 2011, 7:29am
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other press
 Time Out
baz, Monday, Oct 3 2011, 9:51am
I have been fighting all my life; first with abusive parents then with peers in an abusive education system; then with criminally corrupt police, lawyers and all manner of state officials, hypocritical theologians and other respected paedophiles and aberrants of ‘high’ society. It makes one wonder why they don’t teach hard reality in schools and prepare the young for the injustices of a criminally corrupt world. (story and 2 images and 2 audio files)
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NYPD FUEL National Social Revolution
dasha, Monday, Sep 26 2011, 11:45pm
Video records of unrestrained police brutality and pepper spraying of contained and non-violent protesters at the NYC “OccupyWallStreet” ONGOING EVENT mark a watershed in MORON American modern history. Have you people no memory of what occurred in the 60’s when police decided to use EXTREME force against the public? THE ENTIRE NATION ROSE UP AGAINST THE CORRUPT, CRIMINAL ESTABLISHMENT! You almost lost it then, it was only a campaign of criminal assassinations from the President down to political pop stars, which eventually contained the situation. But you can’t do that TWICE! Not that anyone would give a hoot if you knocked (puppet) Obama, your man in the White House! (story and 2 images)
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Forget American ‘US and Them’ – WE are ONE!
stele, Saturday, Sep 24 2011, 12:45am
Social unity, cooperation and equality are imperative for the long term sustainability, survival and overall success of any society. It is no accident that all the world’s great religions insist on brother/sisterhood; indeed, all the great social movements of history were founded on good fellowship and mutual cooperation.
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The Mega-Rich
lou, Saturday, Jul 30 2011, 11:21am
Money is seldom lost, it is usually funnelled.
If you ever wondered where all the money goes while nations are failing, look to the manipulators that produce nothing substantial but juggle, shuffle, trick and manipulate. The result is the obscenely rich and opulent plutocracy and elite insiders. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Sunday, Jul 31 2011, 11:40am
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other press
One Immutable Law
fish, Thursday, Jun 30 2011, 9:58am
There is only ONE Law in this Universe and that Law is LOVE – we all know it though some would deny it. Love binds everything of itself, to itself, forever. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Jun 30 2011, 10:12am
international /
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news report
Washington Darling Silvio Berlusconi gets a taste of REAL Democracy
dasha, Tuesday, Jun 14 2011, 9:57am
Former media magnate and temporary Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, has been jerked back to reality with an overwhelming defeat; though the issue related to nuclear energy, the PEOPLE expressed more than that issue required. Clearly THE MAJORITY of Europeans have had enough of corrupt, elitist government and MASS MEDIA DECEPTION, Berlusconi’s speciality! Analysts are now pondering the ramifications for other European lackey leaders, Papandreou, Sarkozy, Cameron, Merkel and a host of newly corrupted East European puppets that toe Washington’s DEEPLY UNPOPULAR, permanent war, civilian killing (and via its IMF and World Bank) AUSTERITY, line! (story and 5 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jun 15 2011, 9:55pm
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The Phantasm of Opposition in Today’s World
Al, Saturday, Jun 11 2011, 2:10am
First, allow me to qualify the title for those who stubbornly refuse to believe or acknowledge the existence of an elitist, Financial/Corporatist, globalist agenda.
THREE independent NUCLEAR superpowers exist in the world today. We know the combined force of any two could easily OBLITERATE the third; I refer of course to Russia, China and America. Now, recall the Sino-Russian military alliance designed as a political and military counter-balance to the perceived strength of the USA. Indeed, the combined strength of Russia and China easily exceeds that of America alone, though with the addition of Western European nuclear powers the balance becomes almost equal again, though the Sino-Russian pact remains the stronger.
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