"There are no greater forces for change than MORAL OUTRAGE and INJUSTICE and there is no greater social force than the PEOPLE!" -- Anon
A Touching Story
Nick Pearson via ryle, Sunday, Jun 10 2012, 11:16pm
A 6yo Chinese girl who was callously dumped by her parents because of a rare genetic condition has been adopted by a distant grandfather the newswire reports today.
My heart and soul shriek and lament every time I see children abused or maltreated, its something in the DNA. However, in this rare instance this poor little girl was saved by a distant relative. (story and 1 image)
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Imagine That!
sandy, Friday, Apr 6 2012, 11:42pm
Imagine a once free nation that has implemented indefinite detention without trial or charge on its citizens or that has legalised murder/assassination of anyone it chooses on executive order only; a nation that has legalised torture and routinely corrupts the law, exonerating its mass murdering commercial criminal elites but prosecuting others for misdemeanours. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Friday, Apr 6 2012, 11:48pm
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Goldman Sachs Insider: Culture of Self-interest, Misrepresentation and Corruption
Greg Smith via reed, Wednesday, Mar 14 2012, 9:22am
TODAY is my last day at Goldman Sachs. After almost 12 years at the firm — first as a summer intern while at Stanford, then in New York for 10 years, and now in London — I believe I have worked here long enough to understand the trajectory of its culture, its people and its identity. And I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it.
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It's About Social Control NOT Security
trish, Wednesday, Mar 7 2012, 8:11pm
American politicians constantly warn of the al-Qaeda bogey man and the threat posed to the USA by these mysterious media enemies. US citizens have been stripped of all their 'inalienable' rights by recent indefinite detention and extra-judical assassintion 'laws.' Totalitarian social control measures are now characteristic in the USA but few seem to notice and even less are willing to fight for their rights.
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Going Cashless with RFID Despite Huge Risks
Eleanor Bell via stele, Monday, Jan 30 2012, 8:23am
Banks, financial institutions and now internet service providers are tapping into the market for contact-free payment systems (story and 1 image)
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Competing Banks Engage in Cyber Warfare
Leonie Lamont via sal, Thursday, Jan 5 2012, 11:00am
Not all hacks originate from the underground. The hacker community is aware that Banks via third party front men, have enlisted the services of some rogue hackers to launch attacks on their competitors. It seems that some astute Bankers are exploiting a common mis-perception, that all successful hacks are launched by mysterious black hat hackers. (story and 1 image)
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'Occupy' Mindlessness
Adam Martin via reg, Thursday, Jan 5 2012, 12:50am
Here we go again, passive, do-nothing, go-nowhere, unfocused, directionless, agenda DEVOID and uncoordinated 'Occupy' protesters arrested for, you guessed it, doing NOTHING! Well, on the bright side at least this time they didn't sit passively and get pepper sprayed by sadistic police.
I will resist the urge to pour scorn on this obviously orchestrated by the man, DESIGNED to do-nothing, 'movement.'
When 'Occupy' achieves something, the smallest victory let me know, Mr Chris Hedges -- in the meantime 'Occupy' is notorious for its INEFFECTIVENESS and its INABILITY to ACHIEVE ANYTHING, you mindless MORONS -- only in America! (story and 1 image)
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DIY Surveillance Drone
Noel Sharkey and Sarah Knuckey via shirley, Thursday, Dec 22 2011, 8:19am
The public seem to have finally caught on! It became very clear in the early stages of the orchestrated, do-nothing, 'Occupy' movement that the police were very sensitive to being filmed and monitored -- it seems authorities can't handle what they apply to others!
A lateral thinking 'Occupier' has adapted a hobbyist copter drone to act as a surveillance copter for the people. (story and 2 images)
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Dykes of the Reich
ellse, Tuesday, Nov 1 2011, 12:51am
Fascists have very clear agendas and get things done, when they occupy they really OCCUPY!
Clearly defined objectives, direction, plans, tactics and strategies are characteristic of Fascism; read PNAC and you too will stand in awe of our achievements and successes to date. Marvel at our wonderful (and totally illegal) military interventions, invasions and occupations since the Balkans. Witness how we murder civilians daily and assassinate state leaders with IMPUNITY!
The best the opposition has come up with -- after witnessing a DECADE of OVERT CRIMINAL ACTIVITY -- is a do-nothing, demand nothing, rudderless, lame, protest movement, keep up the good work, lamers!
While you PASSIVE, POWERLESS dummies twirl we constantly MOVE FORWARD! (story and 1 image)
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Crashing Satellite Hacked
Kismo, Saturday, Sep 24 2011, 5:04am
"The failure of ROSAT was controversially blamed on Russian computer hackers. Although it was never conclusively proven, experts claimed it was consistent with similar cyber-attacks." (story and 4 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, Oct 3 2011, 8:52pm
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“Last Man Out” Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure
Richard Roepke via stan, Sunday, Aug 14 2011, 10:07am
The following story from a CREDIBLE witness adds to the MOUNTING EVIDENCE that 9/11 was a black flag operation and that the testimony of numerous firemen, police and civilians regarding multiple EXPLOSIONS was/is an accurate account of events! The official NIST report is noted for its outrageous omissions, inadequate analysis and erroneous conclusions.
We re-iterate that a COMPREHENSIVE FORENSIC investigation conducted by independent experts is absolutely imperative if the TRUTH of 9/11 is to be revealed/known. Do not forget that 9/11 remains the major EXCUSE to which corrupt politicians constantly refer as justification for the loss of social liberties and America's criminal wars of plunder and civilian killing. If the government has nothing to HIDE then let's have a proper investigation NOW! (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, Aug 16 2011, 11:49pm
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Truth Denied
nano, Thursday, Aug 4 2011, 3:21am
Numerous LEADING academic and scientific EXPERTS are demanding a FORENSIC investigation into the 9/11 event. The government report is clearly INADEQUATE.
If 9/11 is a crime, as the government would have us believe, then DENYING valid requests for a comprehensive forensic investigation into the event, CLEARLY constitutes a crime after the fact! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Aug 4 2011, 11:01pm
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9/11- Collapsing Buildings Do Not normally Disintegrate
astrogirl, Saturday, Jul 2 2011, 11:26am
The following video draws on the theories of Dr Judy Wood, Structural Engineer.
Dr. Wood offers a radical new theory to account for the almost complete disintegration of the Twin Towers and Building 7. She adds her voice to the thousands of PROFESSIONALS demanding a FORENSIC INVESTIGATION into the collapse of the towers at the WTC on 9/11. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Saturday, Jul 2 2011, 11:11pm
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Bitcoin Explained
Andy Greenberg via bill, Monday, Jun 20 2011, 10:18am
Bitcoin is a grassroots nonprofit project that seeks to fashion a new currency out of little more than cryptography, networking and open-source software, and Gavin Andresen is the closest thing the project has to a director. Bitcoin is not, he explains, just a new way to digitally spend dollars, pounds or yen. That's been tried before. (story and 1 image)
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Equal Opportunity alive and well in NSW Police
staff report via stele, Friday, Jun 17 2011, 3:19am
Not to be outdone by the yobbo blokes, a female pig has been arrested after openly pissing on Central Sydney’s Hyde Park War Memorial – well, when you’re blind drunk and ya gotta go, ya just gotta go, so why not make an anti-war statement in the process?
Regardless of her very predictable defence, Hyde Park abounds in trees located away from the busy pedestrian walkway around the War Memorial and the gaze of private security guards. Silly little drunken piglet! (story and 1 image)
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700ft Metallic Penis found on Mars
glenn, Monday, Jun 6 2011, 11:50am
An amateur astronomer has discovered, with the assistance of CIA partner Google, what appears to be a metallic cylindrical structure on Mars -- Orson Wells would be proud. All I have to say after listening to the alarmist gibberish by the 'discoverer' is, only in (lobotomised) America!
The REAL news back on earth is far more interesting; Iceland, Portugal, Greece, Spain and Ireland are about to default on their sovereign debt while an Indian Yogi (with 30 million followers) has pledged to fast to death in protest of systemic corruption in Government. It seems Bankers and their Madison Ave partners are getting desperate.
Gee, 'i hope it's not a weapon' too, you mindless moron. No population on earth is as frightened and as gullible as the American population -- home of chicken shits, land of morons and quivering cowards! (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Monday, Jun 6 2011, 12:07pm
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Fail and Grow Rich on Wall Street
Robert Scheer via fleet, Wednesday, Nov 24 2010, 9:14pm
Welcome to the brave new world of post-bailout capitalism. The Commerce Department announced Tuesday that corporate profits are at their highest level in U.S. history, and the Fed released minutes of an early November meeting in which officials predicted a stagnant economy and continued high unemployment. (story and 1 image)
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The Thieving Banks of Oz
Fagin, Friday, Nov 12 2010, 8:54pm
Following the announcement by the four major Oz banks that their mortgage interest rates would exceed the rate set by the Reserve Bank it may be high time to put an end to the downright unfair and exploitative practices of the GREEDY, AMORAL Banks of Australia. (story and 3 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Dec 3 2010, 6:51am
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High Frequency Traders Manipulating Futures, Options, Bonds, Currency and Commodities Markets
via reed, Friday, Oct 29 2010, 8:04am
As I noted earlier today, high frequency traders trade not only stocks, but also futures, options, bonds and currency: (story and 1 image)
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Dumping Dollars The Easy Way
Bob Chapman via fleet, Thursday, Sep 30 2010, 9:21pm
"Russia is the exception and has thus far failed to use stimulus to weaken its rouble. Every time the IMF tries to suppress gold prices with its gold sales, Russia is right there buying it up, which must infuriate the elitists in Europe and the US. Almost 2/3s of their economy’s growth loss has been due to drought and fires, but with close to $500 billion in foreign exchange, they have no trouble buying gold, which puts those reserves at close to 24 million ounces. It is an easy way to dump dollars.
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