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Kandahar Massacre: Pentagon/Washington Caught Lying yet AGAIN!
by staff report via stele - RT Saturday, Mar 17 2012, 11:04pm
international / injustice/law / other press

It should come as no surprise that a military organisation that exonerates murderers of women and children in Iraq -- Haditha massacre -- LIES and attempts to deceive the public with mindless and FEEBLE stories of recent massacres of women and children in Afghanistan! The Pentagon and Washington are clearly lawless, CRIMINAL organisations, plain to see! The USA remains the world's leading civilian killing, THEREFORE TERRORIST nation, in the WORLD today!


The lone, brain damaged, alcoholic gunman with seemingly superhuman abilities to kill people simultaneously in two different locations, has been exposed as a feeble cover-up by the Pentagon and Washington. Independent investigations report that a pack of C-O-W-A-R-D-L-Y drunken, possibly amphetamine hyped, demented US soldiers seeking maniacal revenge on an OCCUPIED people, are responsible for the Kandahar massacre.

Report from RT follows:

Up to 20 US Troops Behind Kandahar Bloodbath – Afghan Probe

An Afghan parliamentary investigation team has implicated up to 20 US troops in the massacre of 16 civilians in Kandahar early on Sunday morning. It contradicts NATO's account that insists one rogue soldier was behind the slaughter.

The team of Afghan lawmakers has spent two days collating reports from witnesses, survivors and inhabitants of the villages where the tragedy took place.

“We are convinced that one soldier cannot kill so many people in two villages within one hour at the same time, and the 16 civilians, most of them children and women, have been killed by the two groups,” investigator Hamizai Lali told Afghan News.

Lali also said their investigations led them to believe 15 to 20 US soldiers had been involved in the killings. He appealed to the international community to ensure that the responsible parties were brought to justice, stressing the Afghan parliament would not rest until the killers were prosecuted.

"If the international community does not play its role in punishing the perpetrators, the Wolesi Jirga [parliament] would declare foreign troops as occupying forces,” he said.

The head of the Afghan parliamentary investigation, Sayed Ishaq Gillani, told the BBC that witnesses report seeing helicopters dropping chaff during the attack, a measure used to hide targets from ground attack.

Gillani added that locals suspect the massacre was revenge for attacks carried out last week on US forces that left several injured.

In response to the massacre Afghan PM Hamid Karzai called for US troops to quit Afghan villages and confine themselves to their military bases across the country. Furthermore, the Taliban announced that talks with US forces would be suspended.

Meanwhile the US military has detained one soldier in connection with the massacre and transferred him to Kuwait amid outcry for a public trial in Afghanistan. Currently, the soldier is being flown to Kansas base, AFP reported.

US authorities are currently conducting an investigation into the motives behind the attack, but maintain that the soldier’s trial must be dealt with by the US legal system.

It is believed that the soldier may have had alcohol problems and been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Report from PressTV follows:

US Forces Raped Two Women in Kandahar Carnage: Probe Mission

The Afghan parliamentary mission investigating the recent massacre of 16 civilians by US forces in Afghanistan says two women were raped during the deadly incident, Press TV reports.

Two members of the fact-finding mission, Hamidzi Lali and Shakiba Hashemi, told the general meeting of Afghanistan’s parliament on Saturday that the American troopers raped two Afghan women before starting the massacre.

They said between 15 to 20 US soldiers were involved in the carnage.

This is while Washington claims that the 38-year-old Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, who has just arrived in the US, was the only American military personnel responsible for the massacre.

Earlier on Friday, Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai criticized the United States for not cooperating with the Afghan fact-finding team and said the killing of civilians by foreign forces in Afghanistan “has been going on for too long.”

On March 11, a group of US soldiers went from house to house in three villages in Kandahar’s Panjwaii district and gunned down Afghan civilians inside their homes, killing at least 16 people -- mostly women and children -- and injuring several others.


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