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How ruling elites support and protect their PUPPET politicians
by nib Saturday, Jan 2 2010, 10:59pm
international / mass media / opinion/analysis

After taking a massive Carbon Trading (PR) ‘body blow’ at No-Hopen-Hagen and suffering jibes of “loser” and accusations of “coward,” for RETREATING rather than directly confronting new opposition leader, Tony ‘the basher’ Abbott, the Oz PM, Kevin ‘CENSORSHIP' Rudd, is in dire need of assistance, especially from his CORPORATE and MEDIA MASTERS – and they sure are quick to protect their property!

Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd

A policy implementation considered critical by all minority ruling elites is INFORMATION CONTROL or CENSORSHIP. Managing the free flow of information on the Internet is to these interests an IMPERATIVE! Nefarious ruling elites may be sociopathic and evil but they are not foolish! They are acutely aware that ideas, not people, revolutionise societies and change the course of history [notwithstanding personal safety issues regarding the TRUTH of 9/11 and the Anthrax attacks -- if the TRUTH of these events became publicly known and accepted, members of ruling minorities would ALL face execution or at the very least life in jail.]

People would be so completely appalled by the crimes committed by these evil cabals they would probably eradicate every last one of them. So you can imagine the sheer terror felt by these criminals every time information on the net compromises and then identifies them! Regardless of ALL the excuses offered by authoritarian nations, puppet politicians and ruling groups today, any fool that imagines reasons other than self-interest are behind CENSORSHIP policies, is sorely deluded if not retarded!

In you faced execution you would of course curtail, censor and control every skerrick of information that threatened your safety, would you not? BUT THE ISSUE HERE IS IN WHOSE INTERESTS? Surely, not ours, the MAJORITY -- that is sure!

Censorship has given rise and maintained every oppressive regime that has ever existed, from the USSR, Stasi controlled East Germany to China and many other oppressive nations today. To that ignominious group of nations we can now add AUSTRALIA -- the shame and anger I feel as a conscientious Aussie citizen at this time is beyond measure – so I write to FIGHT and RESTORE what we have lost!

All draconian laws that interfere with our hard won rights, liberties and freedoms should be challenged by EVERY freedom loving person on the planet – lest of course the freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to implement are eliminated due to our lack of VIGILANCE and fortitude!

Today we have two major information sources vying for supremacy, the mass media, which has become known for its brazen propaganda and sordid sensationalism and the Internet based Independents that attempt, against all the odds, to keep the public informed. It is CLEAR from the position the mass media has taken supporting illegal wars, holocausts and overt LIES, that the Independents have become the Torch-bearers of FREEDOM and JUSTICE today! A situation that has been thrust upon them, I would add!

It is therefore not surprising that these two major information streams are in 180 degree aspect (opposition) to each other i.e. the mass media says ‘black’ on an issue and the Independents say ‘white!’ The situation couldn’t be (it could actually) more starkly divided.

Of course the more accurate and factual sources are winning the day; readers are shifting from traditional media to the more honest and INFORMATIVE Independents. As a result, public perceptions and views on a variety of issues and topics are slowly but surely changing, which needless to say, is sounding alarm bells in the halls of traditional power.

Entrenched power is not displaced overnight or indeed allows itself to be compromised without a fight, a challenge which was expected and pre-empted.

The current Oz PM, Kevin Rudd, a despicable treasonous lackey, is attempting to implement in FREE Australia, REGRESSIVE totalitarian CENSORSHIP policies reminiscent of Stalinist Russia. Rupert Murdoch and his ilk are out in force supporting their obedient puppet politician, as INFORMATION CONTROL is critical to their very survival.

I offer the following feeble and transparent attempt by Murdoch and his cohorts to bolster Rudd’s slipping and sliding popularity over MANDATORY CENSORSHIP and a slew of FAILED initiatives such as whaling, homelessness, water theft by BHP, USA extracting our valuable Gold and Uranium in exchange for their worthless toilet paper money, to name just a few of Rudd’s administrative failures. Also, it should not be forgotten that the so-called ‘stimulus’ package, or DEBT SLAVERY by any other name, enslaved OUR nation to rogue Banksters for generations to come – that traitorous service is to date Rudd’s largest crime against the people of Australia, it proves without doubt that Rudd is acutely aware of who butters HIS bread!

Citing Murdoch’s Australian, a January 2, headline in New York’s (link below) Bloomberg media reads:

“Australia’s Rudd Increases Electoral Support, Australian Says”

Nothing could be further from the TRUTH; Rudd has taken a battering over almost every issue he is running with, from Carbon Trading to Internet Censorship – but as Adolf Hitler once said, ‘if your going to tell a lie tell a BIG ONE’ – a lesson learnt well by the mass media today – just view FOX ‘news’ for verification!

The feeble claim made by mutually (CFR) supporting mass media outlets on both sides of the Pacific is based, incredulously, on “telephon(e)y polls” – where demographics easily reveal tastes and preferences based on suburb locations! Combine that little trick with constricted poll questions, which beg their own answers, and you have a completely FABRICATED and DISTORTED picture, which never reflects REALITY but does SERVE the interests of those who contrived it!

Read the Bloomberg piece and Murdoch supporting poll ‘evidence’ critically and the claim that Rudd's electoral support has 'increased,' is easily exposed as a CONTRIVED FRAUD.

In conclusion it becomes evident that the primary factor/dynamic affecting the public consciousness today is INTEGRITY – something ruling elites DREAD!

The fact remains, it is far more expensive and difficult to sustain LIES than to relay TRUTH; notwithstanding the fact that BIG LIES are soon exposed, like the Anthrax and Nano-Thermite utilised in 2001 terrorist attacks, originating in the same US MILITARY LABORATORY – what a fuckin’ travesty!

Put simply, no one believes mainstream bullshit anymore!

Censorship in Oz? Over someone's dead political body!

I challenge those that may continue to harbour vestiges of doubt to simply look up the word 'DEMOCRACY' in any dictionary. Bear in mind that over 95% of the Australian population DISAPPROVE of MANDATORY CENSORSHIP of any kind!


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Sure Winner
by kayote Sunday, Jan 3 2010, 8:13pm

Opposing Rudd's Mandatory (Maoist) Information Censorship is a sure winner for any Australian politician. Yet the only thing we hear from our Parliamentarians is the Sound of Silence! A very odd situation indeed.

One would have expected the loudmouthed, brawling, Tony Abbott to scream it down -- after all, his Party is supposed to represent individual freedoms and liberties, but not a peep from Abbott!

It's amazing how much these weak-kneed pollies fear Murdoch and others of his kind.

Our politicians seem to have forgotten that popular support on traditional issues always wins the day. Yet Abbott and the rest continue to stare a gift horse in the ARSE!

The popular song, 'Sounds of Silence' begins, " Hello 'darkness' my old friend ..."

A popular Australian folk song begins, "Once a jolly puppet camped by News Corp's headquarters!"

But its nice to know Abbott is lining up behind all the other puppets on issues important to the public.

For fuck's sake!

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