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"The price of ignorance is slavery"
"He makes no friends who never made a foe" -- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Social Reality Pill
yarra, Wednesday, Mar 18 2009, 9:01pm
For those living in the subterranean depths and for others who may not yet have noticed that one of the world’s great ‘religions’/ideologies has COMPLETELY FAILED! The STARK REALITY of today is that FREE MARKET CAPITALISM is DEAD or at the very least [is] a FLAWED and failed system. (story and 3 comments)
Last Commented Sunday, Mar 22 2009, 10:21pm
international /
social/political /
Paul Keating’s recent ‘sledging’ of Timothy Geithner in context
Kingfisher, Tuesday, Mar 17 2009, 10:48pm
Perhaps no Western leader was closer to the CIA backed, mass murdering former Indonesian President, General Soeharto than former Australian PM, Paul Keating. It would be fair to say that Soeharto and Keating were as ‘thick as thieves.’ (story and 2 images)
international /
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The FARCE that is the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Kingfisher, Thursday, Mar 5 2009, 12:40am
China has questioned the “legitimacy” of the ICC immediately after it issued a warrant for the arrest of the President of Sudan, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. The ‘legitimacy’ of the court is in question due to its flagrant PARTIALITY -- we haven’t heard a peep from the ICC regarding warrants and charges against American or Israeli war criminals to date! And that is not for lack of EVIDENCE, which is freely available in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, notwithstanding the compromising public admissions (relating to torture) made on national television by former VP, Dick Cheney! Is it possible that ICC (and UN) investigators are so blind or incompetent? Highly unlikely! OR IS THE COURT A BRAZENLY BIASED INSTITUTION OF POLITICAL CONVENIENCE AND THEREFORE LEGALLY ILLEGITIMATE in every sense of the word?
international /
imperialism /
Short memories and cowardice among ‘Superpowers’
birdie, Tuesday, Mar 3 2009, 12:41am
The avowed enemy of Russia, China and the entire free world, as the crimes of the past decade clearly indicate, is the criminal, terrorist (by any definition) USA! But what is Russia and China actually doing to forever hamstring this evil, mass murdering influence and prevent it wreaking more horror and havoc on the world? (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Tuesday, Mar 3 2009, 11:09am
international /
peace/war /
Unremitting deceit from leadership is killing the country
barra, Saturday, Feb 28 2009, 8:56am
How desperate, exhausted and thoroughly dispirited are the American people today?
American leaders in the public and private sectors have all but destroyed the nation with their lies, false hope and massive frauds. However, few analysts and advisers it seems are aware of the cost and consequences of constantly deceiving and ABUSING the people. (story and 5 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Mar 15 2009, 9:05pm
international /
social/political /
Lobotomy for all!
Kwang zi, Thursday, Feb 19 2009, 11:02pm
Up to 20,000 jobs will be shed as the Royal Bank of Scotland attempts to recover from the appalling mismanagement of its executive class. [Isn’t it always the way; rank and file workers PAY the PRICE for managerial failures?] Puppet governments bailout banks with taxpayers’ hard-earned money then banks, in ‘appreciation’ of OUR help, sack us in droves without a second thought – now that’s GRATITUDE for YOU! (story and 3 comments)
Last Commented Saturday, Feb 21 2009, 10:31pm
international /
imperialism /
Oz Parliament Suspended
fish, Monday, Feb 9 2009, 8:46am
The Australian Parliament suspended normal business today to acknowledge the bushfire tragedy that continues to impact the State of Victoria. Politicians from both sides of the House expressed their sympathies for the victims. As of 11 Feb., 181 lives have been lost to the fires. Large townships have been severely impacted and some historical hamlets have been wiped out completely. Expressions of grief and sorrow gushed from Parliament House like the water pillaged from our artesian basin by BHP-Billiton! Today is a day of national reflection for more reasons than one. (story and 1 image)
international /
social equality/unity /
Central Asia, Nemesis of Empire
Kingfisher, Saturday, Feb 7 2009, 10:13pm
Is it coincidence that organised crime flourishes wherever the US engages in its imperial wars of acquisition and exploitation? Only a fool or the uninformed civilian population would think that explosive increases in heroin production in Indo-China and Afghanistan were unrelated to American militarism. American military intervention in those regions was immediately followed by massive increases in opiate production. The ‘golden triangle’ and the so-called ‘golden crescent’ have become infamous as the largest heroin producing centres on the planet, what do you suppose is the common causative factor in these vastly divergent -- culturally and geographically -- regions? Does organised criminal activity ‘follow’ the USA or is the USA the world’s leading criminal and terrorist organisation? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Feb 8 2009, 8:27am
international /
imperialism /
Keith Olbermann's scathing attack on war criminal Cheney leads America in WRONG direction!
nose, Friday, Feb 6 2009, 10:58pm
Outside America we are not so easily distracted, duped OR MISLED! It is NOT a matter of "leave the country" (stated with downcast eyes, Mr Keith Olbermann) or finalising your attack on Cheney with "GO!" It is QUITE THE OPPOSITE!!
international /
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‘Yes we can,’ what?
dingo, Thursday, Feb 5 2009, 7:45pm
A previous post put it to the American people clearly and without ambiguity; “well, what the fuck CAN YOU?” During the US election campaign the world watched with great amusement (millions) of mindless American morons chanting “YES WE CAN!” Another typically ambiguous and directionless chant/slogan missing the VITAL QUALIFIER to give it meaning and DIRECTION! (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Friday, Feb 6 2009, 9:38pm
international /
social/political /
Three high profile fugitives, Bush, Blair and Howard
nano, Tuesday, Feb 3 2009, 8:20pm
As the world takes stock of the military and economic CARNAGE these men are responsible for it becomes ever more URGENT -- imperative in fact -- to place them in the dock of a war crimes tribunal and hold them accountable for their actions. We have no illusions, of course we are aware they are merely pawns but they CONSCIOUSLY engaged in the most heinous crimes committed this century and expedited the now FAILED strategies of various powers and interests – THESE MEN ARE ABLE TO LEAD US TO THE SHADOWY FIGURES that have for years PULLED THE STRINGS BEHIND THE SCENES. [Perhaps we have signed their death warrants!] (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, Feb 3 2009, 11:22pm
international /
injustice/law /
A Procession of Fools
peptide, Saturday, Jan 31 2009, 4:10am
The leading contributing factor to the liberation of the enslaved masses in the early 21st century was the brazen and overt criminality of the Bush and other allied regimes. The Bush regime singlehandedly and irreparably undermined every aspect of social cohesion, traditional value, regulation and legality in the western world. Among its most outstanding ‘achievements’ are a civilian holocaust in Iraq, perpetrated in the name of ‘liberty, freedom and democracy,’ and the blind pursuit of de-regulated, free-market capitalism, which culminated in the destruction of the GLOBAL economy! No small feats considering Bush’s tenure in office was only eight short years! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Jan 31 2009, 4:55am
international /
social/political /
The greatest victory of the ultra-right is our SERVILITY and moral PARALYSIS
joe the gardener, Wednesday, Jan 28 2009, 9:31pm
WE ARE LED TO BELIEVE the Bush era is really over and that President ‘Ebony Smooth’ will save the US and the world – for fuck’s sake, people! Are we so FRIGHTENED and desperate we are willing to swallow that load of pure unadulterated, divorced from the remotest semblance of reality, CODSWALLOP? [Does anyone know what a ‘cod's wallop’ actually is?] (story and 3 comments)
Last Commented Thursday, Jan 29 2009, 11:44pm
international /
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Obama’s lack of integrity alienates world
Kingfisher, Friday, Jan 23 2009, 5:40pm
Obama has alienated a world that believed his message of ‘hope and change!’ His FAILURE to pursue the many torturers and war criminals of the previous administration is perhaps the primary factor contributing to the massive disillusionment of the people. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Monday, Jan 26 2009, 8:03am
international /
social/political /
Silver Lining: musings from the hacker elite!
Kismo, Friday, Jan 16 2009, 8:49pm
Every ‘dark cloud’ has a silver lining and Obama is no exception. The first thing to learn about victory is NEVER LOSE HEART! So what, if Obama is proving to be the greatest traitor and betrayer since Benedict Arnold; the American Revolution survived Arnold, gained momentum and forged onward to FINAL VICTORY. How much easier to overcome a slick, TRANSPARENT, no-conscience, carpetbagger like Obama? Too bloody easy, mate! (story and 1 image)
international /
miscellaneous /
Growing disillusionment forces Obama to retry internet tricks
Kingfisher, Thursday, Jan 15 2009, 2:47am
The mainstream has always been SLOW to adapt to the latest technologies; an amusing and highly exploitable fact/situation. Antiquated media modes of communication and moguls too old to change have no answer to the millions of independent digital voices that speak in one voice whenever the need arises. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, Jan 15 2009, 7:41am
international /
social/political /
NASA Scientist -- Australia threatens life on Earth!
major mitchell, Friday, Jan 9 2009, 10:45am
And we thought we’d amount to nothing more than a bunch of cringing, apathetic cowards led by super lackeys, Howard and Rudd! (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, Jan 12 2009, 6:12pm
international /
environment /
Obama and a status quo we can believe in!
nano, Saturday, Jan 3 2009, 12:30am
Sit back, relax and we’ll do it for you – why not exploit existing conditioning? It would not be an oversimplification to state that Obama won a presidential campaign based on two words and one second-hand slogan, ‘Change,’ ‘Hope’ and ‘Yes we can!’ In any other nation people would have demanded generous helpings of DETAIL served with their ambiguities, but not in lobotomised America, a land where a good slogan can take you to the top. The American people have once again paid the price for investing meaning where none previously existed – it’s an old (tired) advertising TRICK that continues to work on gullible, ill-educated populations! (story and 1 image)
international /
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Failure to heed lessons from recent past spells doom for Obama
budgie, Tuesday, Dec 30 2008, 8:17pm
The 44th Presidency promises to be a watershed in American history but not for the reasons hoped for by vested and other interests – it is over gentlemen! Obama has already been accurately assessed by the people as a betrayer, turncoat, house slave and lackey. (story and 4 images)
international /
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Doomed to failure: Wall St Banksters continue to Deceive
quill, Sunday, Dec 21 2008, 12:08am
The following analysis is revealing for a number of shocking reasons, not least of which is that criminal Wall St Banksters are attempting to deceive their way out of insolvency by creating money from nothing! Isn’t that what caused the global financial collapse in the first instance? What have these white-collar criminals learnt, NOTHING, it seems?
international /
imperialism /
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