"There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting." -- Buddha
What would you do?
silk, Thursday, Jan 17 2008, 5:10pm
Reduced alternatives. (story and 1 image)
international /
peace/war /
The Mother Load: grass roots electioneering
nano, Tuesday, Jan 8 2008, 9:14am
“That damned internet!” We could hear the plutocrats and media moguls from here (Australia). There is no denying that many ruling interests have taken a severe pounding from the ‘new’ grass roots GLOBAL communications medium. Given the means, many small voices on the net have combined to form a tsunami for "CHANGE" – there’s that magic word again!
international /
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A bullet for Obama
finch, Saturday, Jan 5 2008, 8:09pm
Who would have thought the dark horse democrat would capture the hearts and minds of so many with his slick speeches and smooth delivery – a good dose of charisma hasn’t gone to waste on him either. However, the plutocrats are murmuring; their anointed has been usurped by the people’s choice – a certain foreboding now hangs over Obama as he continues to gain in the race to the Presidency. Consider what the rabid right once did to a white Catholic democrat President and his brother. Who imagines they have changed after witnessing their handiwork with Bush and the neo-cons? (story and 1 image)
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Domestic collateral damage
nano, Saturday, Jan 5 2008, 8:40am
People are unravelling at an alarming rate today. Millions are succumbing to the pressures of western, affluent society. Something critically important to human well being is definitely missing from the capitalist formula. Almost the entire population is suffering from stress/anxiety related complaints. Did we destroy numerous indigenous cultures for this? Is our ‘advanced/superior’ culture a LIE or rather is it a sociological DISEASE that is killing the planet? It is clear that nintendo and plasma TV do not happiness make! CONSUMERISM BENEFITS ONLY THE FEW IT SEEMS! (story and 2 images)
international /
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China set to displace all nations as sole superpower
Kingfisher, Thursday, Jan 3 2008, 11:47am
The inevitability of China’s rapid ascension to the position of leading superpower is creating dread in traditional western centres of power – but it's the west that has been beaten at its own game. (story and 2 images)
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David Hicks and ‘Freedom’
col, Saturday, Dec 29 2007, 7:58am
David Hicks walked ‘free’ from Yatala high security prison yesterday but freedom is a very ambiguous term and an extremely elusive state. Hicks is discovering, after his release, that prison walls are not necessarily physical. After suffering five years of the most insidious, horrendous, psychological and physical TORTURE at the Guantanamo Bay torture facility, David Hicks could in no way be described as ‘free.’ He will carry the scars left by Guantanamo for the rest of his life – psychologically Hicks remains incarcerated. However, he need not remain a mental cripple, many have survived torture to live and ‘fight’ again. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Dec 29 2007, 9:25am
international /
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Reversed Asymmetry
dave, Monday, Dec 24 2007, 9:48pm
The sheeple are incapable of lucid thought so it’s necessary to drive the point home with simple and repetitive slogans and news items – ‘just an ol’ fashioned love song’ from a burnt-out ad man, but bear with it for a while.
international /
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The time it takes a falling nation to disintegrate
gan, Thursday, Dec 20 2007, 9:15pm
The amount of money America splashes around in aid, grants, loans, bribes and expenditure is astronomical. All things being unequal, America is spending what it does not have; the result of course is a dollar that plummets when other nations decide they cannot afford to maintain their dollar reserves. The drunken sailor economics of Bush and his fellow incompetents has already killed the American economy; the nation just hasn’t hit the ground yet!
international /
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Naxalites indicate viable future strategy
major mitchell, Tuesday, Dec 18 2007, 2:18pm
The landless peasants, tribal people and Dalit (untouchable) underclass of India and Nepal have been exploited, oppressed and treated with disdain for centuries, but no longer, they have taken up arms and are fighting their oppressors with a vengeance. They have successfully targeted and killed hundreds of their oppressors; feudal landlords, industrialists and the mega-wealthy. The astounding result of this strategy has been a power sharing deal in the government of Nepal – a remarkable success!
international /
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Kosovo independence: an attempt to weaken Russia
peptide, Thursday, Dec 13 2007, 9:14am
Western powers led by America have been marshalled to support a unilateral declaration of independence by Muslim secessionists in Kosovo sometime in the Spring. Moves by western powers to illegally secure Kosovo’s independence exhibit a sense of urgency and importance, which the tiny Serbian province clearly does not warrant! What lies behind America’s frantic need to support secessionist moves by a loathed Muslim criminal and terrorist organisation? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, Dec 13 2007, 11:46pm
international /
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The Law of Inverse Proportions
budgie, Tuesday, Dec 11 2007, 9:54pm
The title refers to a sociological law, the crowd or mob mind; the larger the mob the lower the intelligence ratio until we get to national levels where the intelligence of a nation measured by its population is in the minuses. How demonstrably true especially in developed nations where literacy levels should indicate otherwise. In America, arguably the most developed western nation, the national IQ is clearly in the 100 unit minuses. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Wednesday, Dec 12 2007, 8:45am
international /
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Parochial thinking Global Realities
finn, Monday, Dec 10 2007, 12:10pm
Most people would think it ‘only natural’ to be more concerned with issues that effect their personal social environment than with issues involved in a mutually effective global reality. However, parochial thinking in a global world is a recipe for disaster, as America and Israel have recently discovered.
international /
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Scandal and the status quo
fish, Saturday, Dec 8 2007, 6:31pm
Western societies have become active seekers of sensationalism and scandal to the extent that today scandal has become a component of political life, but not in the usual sense. Scandal is now deftly utilised by ad men, propagandists and consultants for purposes that are not immediately apparent. In an interesting inversion of usual effect, political scandal today actually assists those who are ‘scandalised!‘
international /
mass media /
yarra, Tuesday, Dec 4 2007, 6:25pm
I was in the process of writing the future of the world on a pinhead when that quarter-brain Bush appeared on TV accusing other nations of threatening world peace – hold it right there! The two most aggressive, invasive and murderous nations today are clearly Israel and the USA – the civilian death toll is evidence of the fact!
international /
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‘Cocaine' Economics: a rude awakening
peptide, Friday, Nov 30 2007, 2:02pm
The pinnacle of absolute denial has been reached, I refer initially to the notion that Reserve Banks are able to actively intervene and restore today’s delinquent stock markets. Laissez-faire capitalism has come of age, but we do not see a well-groomed, successful, balanced ‘mature adult’ free market, we see instead a spoilt infant crying out for daddy government to bail it out of trouble; an infant incapable of accepting the responsibility for its self-centred and self-serving behaviour. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Dec 1 2007, 7:33am
international /
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Plutocrat selects new President of the USA
finch, Friday, Nov 30 2007, 7:55am
Understand the not so subtle subtleties of plutocracy. After installing Kevin ‘lunch in New York’ Rudd as the new Prime Minister of Australia, Rupert Murdoch has sent a clear signal to his media minion's by supporting Hillary Clinton with an overt contribution for her campaign in the race for the presidency – message received loud and clear, Rupert! In other words it’s all but over for other contenders as Murdoch’s media machine adjusts to the wishes of its owner. (story and 2 images)
international /
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Soldier's Tale
gan, Wednesday, Nov 28 2007, 8:52pm
At times it's better to let pictures tell the story: (story and 3 images)
international /
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Jesus, a fag?
fish, Saturday, Nov 24 2007, 10:09am
The Jews consider an unmarried adult male as not quite right, not human in fact. Jesus was in the prime of his libidinous life when he was killed at age 33 yet we have no clear record of any sexual liaison with anyone – male, female or hamster! The question is therefore begged, what were Jesus’ sexual predilections and what revealing information of a sexual nature exists in texts today. (story and 1 image)
international /
theology /
Contractionism and the fear response
Kingfisher, Saturday, Nov 17 2007, 10:17pm
All mammals are susceptible to the fear response, including the dominant species, man! The fear response is characteristic of pack/herd animals and other species that exist in social groups. Clearly defined hierarchies are evident in these groups; less ‘dominant’ animals display submissive and subservient behaviours in the presence of more dominant members of the group -- and so it is with man. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Sunday, Nov 18 2007, 8:26am
international /
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STOP and think for a moment!
finn, Friday, Nov 16 2007, 4:38pm
It began long before George W Bush wiped his arse with the Bill of Rights and American Constitution. It finally dawned on me while I was writing the future of mankind on a toilet roll. The American Constitution that Bush treats with disdain and contempt, begins with the classic, “WE THE PEOPLE ..,” I must apologise for being slow if this observation is obvious to all -- but the common people had nothing whatsoever to do with encoding the principles set down in America’s most venerated State documents! (story and 1 image)
international /
human rights /
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