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"The price of ignorance is slavery"
"If money helps man to do good, it is of some value; if not, the sooner it is got rid of, the better" -- Swami Vivekananda
Fukushima Evacuations Too Late ..
staff report via sal, Tuesday, Dec 13 2011, 9:45pm
FUKUSHIMA — Some residents near the Fukushima No. 1 plant might have been exposed to up to 19 millisieverts of radiation during the first four months of the nuclear crisis, the Fukushima Prefectural Government said Tuesday. (story and 1 image)
international /
health related /
other press
The Use of the Military on Domestic Populations soon to become a Reality
Kevin Zeese via reed, Tuesday, Dec 13 2011, 8:35pm
A radical change in law to allow the use of the military inside the United States, against U.S. citizens and residents, and to allow their indefinite military detention based merely on suspicion of being engaged in hostilities against the U.S is being rushed through congress. This amendment, sponsored by Senators Carl Levin and John McCain, was added in the senate after a closed door hearing and has received overwhelming bi-partisan support on the senate floor, with very little debate.
international /
social/political /
other press
Add Quakes to Rumblings Over Coal Seam Gas Rush
Henry Fountain via gaz, Tuesday, Dec 13 2011, 7:02am
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Until this year, this Rust Belt city and surrounding Mahoning County had been about as dead, seismically, as a place can be, without even a hint of an earthquake since Scots-Irish settlers arrived in the 18th century. (story and 1 image)
international /
environment /
other press
US Troops Begin Operations on the Jordan-Syria Border
Sibel Edmonds via stan, Monday, Dec 12 2011, 10:37pm
December 12, 2011 ---- According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources in Jordan, during the last few hours foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villages of the north-Jordan city of "Al-Mafraq", which is adjacent to the Jordanian and Syrian border.
international /
peace/war /
other press
Not all Pakistani Men are Women!
staff report via jalal, Monday, Dec 12 2011, 2:30am
Local police said gunmen in southwestern Pakistan attacked a NATO supply convoy, killing one truck driver. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, Dec 12 2011, 3:01am
international /
peace/war /
other press
Get Over it! -- Banker/Corporate Interests Control Western Governments
beau, Saturday, Dec 10 2011, 9:18pm
Surely the REALITY of Global Banking and Corporatist cartels running (ruining) the global economy and exercising complete control over western governments is widely KNOWN today? Even the dimmest dipsomaniac commentators, analysts and academics seem to have finally caught on. However, some (very few) dipso-journos etc, continue to mis-represent/report the stark REALITY around them!
international /
social/political /
other press
Xmas Bonuses on Wall St., shit sandwiches for the rest
Sam Pizzigati via reed, Saturday, Dec 10 2011, 12:22am
Criminal Wall Street Bankers and brokers are laughing all the way to THEIR Christmas/Hanuka bonuses while the people learn to eat shit and like it! Why average Americans remain in awe or fear of these,
PARASITIC, criminal scumbags the world may never know? Simply make CONSTANT DEMANDS that KNOWN fraudsters at G Sachs and the other five colluding Big Banks are brought to TRIAL -- is that so difficult? Sure is, Occupy protesters still haven't articulated any demands or viable strategies, all they can do is get arrested for doing NOTHING -- pure 'genius', you pathetic, American, MANAGED clowns! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Sunday, Dec 11 2011, 1:05pm
international /
injustice/law /
other press
Coal Seam Gas - Deadly Time Bomb
staff report via stan, Thursday, Dec 8 2011, 11:44pm
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a draft analysis of data Dec. 8 from its Pavillion, Wyoming ground water investigation. At the request of Pavillion residents, EPA began investigating water quality concerns in private drinking water wells three years ago. Since that time, in conjunction with the state of Wyoming, the local community, and the owner of the gas field, Encana, EPA has been working to assess ground water quality and identify potential sources of contamination. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Dec 9 2011, 6:40am
international /
environment /
other press
The United States of Hypocrisy
judd, Wednesday, Dec 7 2011, 9:51pm
Flagrant double standards and brazen hypocrisy have reduced America's reputation, credibility and moral standing in the world to ZERO. The US Senate with an overwhelming bi-partisan majority recently passed a Bill which included provision for Indefinite detention without trial or charge on SUSPICION! This outrageous thought crime Bill was first introduced by Obama as "preventative detention," so it is CLEAR Washington is following an AGENDA -- the question that urgently requires an answer is, whose agenda is Washington following because it is obvious that government ceased representing the interests of the Democratic Majority decades past? (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Dec 8 2011, 8:50pm
international /
injustice/law /
other press
US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections
Tony Cartalucci via reed, Tuesday, Dec 6 2011, 8:44am
Appearances are rarely the reality, Mr Cartalucci. Let's not miss the forest for the trees; ask yourself direct questions like where was Russia (and China) while US/NATO committed horrendous war and other crimes against humanity in Libya? Do not forget that Putin and Hu sanctioned the 'humanitarian intervention?' Or, better still, where was Russia when it could have easily stopped US/NATO expansionism in the Balkans. Slavic Yugoslavia is blood related; Balkan slavs gave mother Russia (a written) language and Christianity yet the GLOBAL criminal cabal that incorporates Moscow, Beijing and Washington ensure that the push for one world government is never opposed in the real sense. Where was the outrage when NATO/US bombed civilian Belgrade and targeted the Chinese Embassy, killing a number of Chinese nationals? 'Opposition' from Russia and China is purely theatrics. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, Dec 6 2011, 10:15am
international /
imperialism /
other press
Lying Nations -- Carbon Emissions HIGHEST on Record
staff report via snowy, Tuesday, Dec 6 2011, 5:23am
Forget tipping point (exceeded years back) the latest stats indicate that no nation has been forthright regarding Carbon reduction programs nor will they ever be; the hard reality of short term expediency has overwhelmed the imperative of long term SURVIVAL -- an unfortunate/insane reality but REALITY nevertheless. All national/local ETS and Carbon Tax programs are now a misplaced policy joke an unnecessary tax burden. Carbon emissions are a GLOBAL problem that require a GLOBAL SOLUTION! (story and 2 images)
international /
environment /
other press
PFC Bradley Manning Requests Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as witnesses
Josh Gerstein via stan, Monday, Dec 5 2011, 6:15am
An Army intelligence analyst charged with leaking a huge trove of diplomatic cables and military reports to WikiLeaks is demanding that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testify as witnesses at a preliminary hearing set to begin next week. (story and 1 image)
international /
injustice/law /
other press
NATO’s Extremists Continue Program of Ethnic and Ideological Cleansing in Libya
Gerald A. Perreira via gan, Thursday, Dec 1 2011, 9:39pm
The western media blackout on Libya is ongoing as horrendous crimes against the people continue to be committed unchallenged by corrupt International UN officials and other western legal Institutions.
The world can add another expression to the list of neo-con permanent war horror slogans of the 21st century -- "IDEOLOGICAL CLEANSING", which is the elimination of any voice, notion or thought against the ruling criminal elite! (story and 2 images)
international /
peace/war /
other press
US Assassination Program in Afghanistan -- A Total Disaster!
Rebecca Murray via stele, Wednesday, Nov 30 2011, 7:50am
A 'night raid' in Hakimabad in the heart of eastern Nangarhar province shows the face of U.S.-led presence in Afghanistan, and what it means to local people. (story and 2 images)
international /
peace/war /
other press
Target Iran: Another Banker/Corporatist Unnecessary War
Tom Burghardt via fleet, Tuesday, Nov 29 2011, 10:43pm
If American financial and Corporatist ruling elites are still able to gauge public opinion or the GLOBAL mood, they would be aware that the entire WORLD is fed up with America's CORPORATIST WARS of plunder and civilian killing for the benefit/profit of the FEW. I refer to the "few" that CONTINUE to shower themselves in undeserved bonuses while they foreclose and throw average American citizens onto the streets, AFTER those same citizens bailed Wall St Bankers and Corporatist scum out of trouble -- that's 'gratitude' for YOU! WHO OR WHAT ARE YOU/WE FIGHTING FOR, PEOPLE; an honourable cause or elitist profiteering criminals who regard the population as no better than EXPENDABLE beasts of burden?
There is no honour or SENSE fighting Wall St/CORPORATIST wars. Russia and China-SUPPORTED Iran is no threat to the USA or anyone else, though LYING Zionists would have us believe otherwise! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Tuesday, Nov 29 2011, 11:14pm
international /
peace/war /
other press
54 Members of the European Parliament Express Serious Concerns over the Treatment of Bradley Manning
James Ball via judd, Tuesday, Nov 29 2011, 7:25am
More than 50 members of the European parliament have signed an open letter to the US government raising concerns about the treatment of Bradley Manning, the US soldier in military detention for allegedly leaking classified US documents to the whistleblowing site WikiLeaks. (story and 1 image)
international /
human rights /
other press
SECRET Fed Loans to Big Banks upward of $13 Billion
Bob Ivry, Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz via stan, Monday, Nov 28 2011, 11:45pm
The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see what it was missing.
international /
injustice/law /
other press
Noam Chomsky 'nails it' for the Unaware Few
jalal, Monday, Nov 28 2011, 7:33am
Truth doesn't require props, support, garnishing, reams of documentation or continuous repetition in the mass media. It only requires people of integrity to announce it, hear it and disseminate it! Thank you Mr. Chomsky.
international /
imperialism /
other press
Dominique Strauss-Kahn victim of Conspiracy: Lawyer
Paul Harris via stan, Sunday, Nov 27 2011, 9:48am
A detailed study has unearthed fresh doubts over alleged rape and sexual assault charges in New York against former IMF chief, Dominique Strauss Kahn. (story and 1 image)
international /
injustice/law /
other press
US to spend more than $6bn in Conquered Iraq next year
W.G. Dunlop via aziz, Sunday, Nov 27 2011, 9:25am
BAGHDAD — The United States is to spend more than $6 billion in Iraq in 2012 even though its forces are to withdraw from the country by the end of this year, US ambassador James Jeffrey said on Sunday.
international /
imperialism /
other press
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