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text Fusion wisp, Wednesday, Jun 1 2011, 11:22am
sublime encounters
international / prose/poetry / literature

text You rhea, Monday, May 23 2011, 11:45am
a song of love
international / prose/poetry / literature

text Lighthouse rayn, Tuesday, May 17 2011, 10:39am
beacon in the expanse
international / prose/poetry / literature

yinyang.jpg imageaudio Being Here ryall, Saturday, May 14 2011, 10:32am
as surely as night follows day .. (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / prose/poetry / literature

text Planted evo, Monday, May 9 2011, 11:35am
shine brighter!
international / prose/poetry / literature

audio Chance Encounter ryall, Friday, May 6 2011, 11:04am
when least expected (story and 2 audio files)
international / prose/poetry / literature

artwork, sarah howell image Born tomorrow/yesterday eve, Sunday, Apr 24 2011, 3:42pm
a place between heaven and earth (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, Apr 27 2011, 5:17am
international / prose/poetry / literature

artwork, sarah howell image Retribution zeb, Friday, Apr 22 2011, 10:19am
The native people of Australia are able to sing law breakers to death; this song is sung for those that deserve and attract it most. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Apr 23 2011, 4:28am
international / prose/poetry / literature

text A child is born in Amerika dan, Saturday, Apr 9 2011, 11:05am
a patriot's lament (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Apr 9 2011, 1:31pm
international / prose/poetry / literature

text Stairway rayn, Wednesday, Apr 6 2011, 11:59am
a ladder of light
international / prose/poetry / literature

audio Black Satin rade, Wednesday, Mar 30 2011, 11:45am
reflections of the night (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose/poetry / literature

text Golden Soma wisp, Saturday, Mar 19 2011, 8:11pm
in the north country where golden soma grows
international / prose/poetry / literature

audio From Wounded Knee to Afghanistan reese, Thursday, Mar 17 2011, 12:48am
to everything a season, a time and place for change (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose/poetry / literature

aurora.jpg image the Voluptuous see wisp, Sunday, Feb 20 2011, 8:54pm
do you see? (story and 1 image)
international / prose/poetry / literature

text to Be kelly, Thursday, Feb 17 2011, 8:37am
a fond reminiscence
international / prose/poetry / literature

text Bearing Arms ryall, Tuesday, Feb 15 2011, 8:14am
We hang or free OUR OWN, Ms Gillard. Your actions in relation to Oz citizen Julian Assange will seal your fate, one way or the other. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Feb 17 2011, 7:28pm
international / prose/poetry / literature

audio Everlasting fray, Saturday, Jan 22 2011, 10:56pm
The enduring is sometimes forfeited for the transient (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose/poetry / literature

text The South Wind ryall, Friday, Jan 7 2011, 10:18am
rejuvenates and sharpens the senses.
international / prose/poetry / literature

text A Lover's Lullaby ryall, Tuesday, Dec 21 2010, 9:39am
Sound precedes the Word, the universe is carried on a song.

"Of Merlin wise I learned a song --
Sing it low or sing it loud,
It is mightier than the strong
And punishes the proud." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

international / prose/poetry / literature

text Recognition fray, Wednesday, Dec 15 2010, 9:19am
all the wonders we have known
international / prose/poetry / literature

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