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Avaricious Pig American Directors could learn from Aussie Bosses
by Elissa Doherty via stele - Herald Sun Tuesday, Jan 31 2012, 7:03am
international / social equality/unity / other press

Aussie Boss gives $15 million to staff

A MELBOURNE boss has stunned his staff by giving them a staggering $15 million gift -- the ultimate pay-off for their hard work and loyalty.

JuLIAR 'Goldman Tax' Gillard, the most unrepresentative and reviled PM in Oz history
JuLIAR 'Goldman Tax' Gillard, the most unrepresentative and reviled PM in Oz history

Workers at bus company Grenda couldn't believe their good fortune when surprise bonuses averaging $8500 were paid into their accounts - with some staff receiving as much as $30,000.

Family-owned Grenda Corporation recently sold off its transit operations after 66 years and decided to pour a chunk of the profits into the remarkable thank-you gesture.

Patriarch Ken Grenda, 79, and sons Geoff and Scott, have been dubbed Australia's most generous bosses after rewarding 1800 staff, from drivers to senior executives, for contributing to the company's success.

Some wept while others rang their banks thinking there might be an error.

But Mr Grenda, the major shareholder, modestly played down the "best boss" moniker, instead paying tribute to his staff.

"A business is only as good as its people, and our people are fantastic," he said. "This is to recognise that. We have had people here who are second generation, and one fellow in the same job for 52 years.

"We have grown from just four bus routes in Dandenong in 1945 to operating 1300 buses in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. You only get there if you have good people."

The family has been swamped with about 100 emails and countless phone calls of thanks from staff, who will all keep their jobs under the new owners.

Mr Grenda, who was awarded an AM for his services to the bus industry, said the gratitude was humbling.

"The response has been pretty fantastic," he said.

"People said all sorts of things. One said they had a huge amount of bills and you have suddenly got me out of a hole."

The bonuses were paid in various amounts based on years of service and position.

Staff who had worked with Grenda for three months or more pocketed anywhere from about $1000 to $30,000 before tax.

The company last year sold its transit operations to Melbourne operator Ventura for about $400 million.

Grenda is also Australia's largest bus maker, building about 600 buses a year.

It expects to settle on the sale of the bus building business Volgren to a Brazilian company tomorrow.

Grenda bus driver Heath, with the company for just 10 months, received less than the average bonus, but was dumbfounded by his windfall of around $850.

"Some employees were calling their banks assuming it was an error," he said. "Good bosses are hard to find and Ken was a very good boss, one of a kind."

© 2012 Herald and Weekly Times

'Onya, Oz!'

[Meanwhile Banker and Corporate controlled America wages illegal wars and murders countless civilians for the obscene PROFIT of a few! America is not a nation it is an OBSCENITY to civilised societies everywhere.]


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by dinky d Tuesday, Jan 31 2012, 8:04am

could u imagine the gentile hating Jewish Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs Bankers doing anything remotely similar?

it's a pity your servile to Goldman Sachs and Corporate elites PM, Juliar Gillard, lacks the Aussie spirit -- she undemocratically imposed a (foreign) Banker designed 'Carbon Tax' on a population that clearly despised it.

Gillard has single handedly destroyed all prospects for her Party at the next Federal Election simply because she blatantly serves Bankers and Corporatists and NOT the people that elected her -- the consequences of breaking the promise NEVER to introduce a Carbon Tax under a government that she led will be felt by her Party for years, possibly decades.

she's very similar to that reprehensible hypocrite and LIAR, Obama; however, unlike average Americans, Aussies have a memory that extends past the last episode of American Idol!

Lloyd 'shylock' Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs
Lloyd 'shylock' Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs

bankers of all people
by templar Tuesday, Jan 31 2012, 8:11pm

Of all the trades, professions, skills, arts and other talents humans possess -- how in the hell did we allow fuckin' BANKERS -- the lowest of the low -- to take control of the world?

It is time to do something about the unrepresentative power bankers and others in allied professions exercise over civilized humanity.

It's not just me, the Christian Savior was perhaps the greatest exponent of a non-mercenary society in history -- he CLEARLY DETESTED BANKERS (money changers) and the RICH. His ideal was a society of fair exchange and service for the common GOOD OF ALL, not just the few!

Fuckin' Zionist filth; if they do not desist of their own accord then they must be PURGED, as has been done on many previous occasions.

We have seen the world they wish to create -- permanent war, mass murder, THEFT and debt SLAVERY, all in the name of (Satan's) Jewish PROFIT.

The time and half-time, is NOW!

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