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Real Australian spirit required to remedy national crises
by major mitchell Tuesday, Jun 24 2008, 10:59pm
international / social equality/unity / article

Enough time has passed for every Aussie to conclude that the Rudd government, faced with critical issues, is GUTLESS and USELESS! Rudd and his mob of no-hopers appear even more servile and slavish to U.S. dictates and corporate interests than the previous Howard government -- as inconceivable as that REALITY may be for most Aussies. However, after seven months of Rudd’s vacuous parading and poncing around, blind Freddy sees!

Need we offer proof? Where are the REDUCED food/fuel prices and wage equalisations for average workers and Aussie battlers – not even war criminal Howard would have allowed average Aussies to suffer to this extent? The rental and housing crises are also ‘too hard’ issues for Kevin Dud and his no-hoper ‘government.’

The whaling cave-in and its repercussions are matched only but Rudd’s cowardice when faced with an attack from Indonesia in the form of Muslim fanatic Bashir pouring scorn on the victims of the Bali bombing, for God’s sake! This challenge/insult was levelled at Rudd on the occasion of his first international appearance at the Bali climate summit; world leaders were not impressed but were happy to be made aware of the measure of Australia’s new 'leader'. Rudd not only displayed paralysis in the face of this despicable attack but failed to demand the surrender of the NOW KNOWN murderers of the Balibo five! Every Australian has been shamed for all the world to see – cringe and cringe some more!

But to the most critical issue of all – WATER! BHP continues to PLUNDER our precious, high quality, artesian water resource FREE OF CHARGE! Need I remind Rudd that this high quality drinking and irrigation water is a finite and extremely PRECIOUS resource? BHP sources millions of litres per day for its polluting URANIUM mines in South Australia without the least government oversight or demand for payment. Need I remind Rudd that BHP is the worlds largest and richest mining company? Rudd allows the wholesale RAPE of OUR NATION to the tune of hundreds of billions per year – do we really need a PM who is clearly unable to represent the interests of the people and the nation?

It is a very simple matter to force the Corporations to subsidise the cost of food importation while we allow our rivers to rejuvenate; yes, I am speaking of suspending ALL but the most essential water leases/licenses and importing food in order to keep prices down. Costs would be borne by the companies that hitherto have enjoyed a FREE RIDE raping our nation!

The CEO response would be free market gibberish and the threat of buyers going elsewhere, fine! Imagine suppliers around the world realising Australian resources were now off the market! Prices would double overnight!

Let them come begging for high quality product and when they do quadruple the price but only after establishing a type of ‘OPEC’ for mineral suppliers. EASILY done but CHARACTER AND DETERMINATION are required, two qualities the Howard and Rudd governments burnt on the altar of SLAVERY and SERVITUDE, you unspeakable, traitorous scum!

I have nothing more to add except the ‘right person for the right job’ – the last two governments ARE CLEARLY NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE MAJORITY OF AUSTRALIANS!

You should be aware of the existence of highly skilled and trained Australians that will not allow this nation to be ruined or fed to the sharks. Taking Parliament House would pose no major problems, gentlemen!

We love this country and will not see it RUINED under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. It shouldn’t surprise you that some Australians are willing to die for the country they love.

WE WILL NOT SEE THE NATION OR THE PEOPLE SOLD INTO SLAVERY! Let history be our judge; we do not fight for nothing, gentlemen. YOUR future is in OUR hands!

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