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Compromised US Military Considers Nuclear Option
by peptide Tuesday, Feb 21 2006, 4:21pm
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

The Sino-Russian alliance observes developments with keen interest

Arab fighters and insurgents have demonstrated to the world that the US is a ‘superpower’ in name only. A poorly armed and trained but highly motivated and dedicated band of fighters has exposed the US military as weak, inept, unskilled, brutal and bereft. From South America to the Himalayas, resistance against capitalist plunder and exploitation signals the inevitable failure of militaristic capitalism. Regardless of all other considerations people today have confirmed that they will fight any aggressor who threatens their homes, families and way of life.

Astute readers would recall the dissociative ranting of the “bouquet of flowers” invasion and the ‘three-week war’. The Iraq debacle proves without doubt that Bush and his neo-con strategists are divorced from reality. It is evident that the USA cannot prosecute a land-based war or maintain a ‘policing’ presence.

An unfortunate consequence of the failure of US ground troops is the need for the ‘chiefs’ to re-assert an invincible image to the world; as each day passes the USA becomes the object of even greater scorn and ridicule.

A hard core group (of lunatics) who believe the US has the right to utilise any superior technology in order to further its aims and interests have always existed in the US military. From the Korean War to the present, the temptation to utilise nuclear weapons has been checked by good civilian government – that is – until today. The present US administration is the most inept in modern history. It is almost certain that the US will resort to the use of ‘strategic’ nuclear weapons in the near future.

The use of any type of nuclear weapon, by any nation, in today’s volatile world would constitute an act of total irresponsibility (insanity). It would be the duty of all other nuclear nations to respond in like manner against the offending nation. If the nuclear option is taken there can be no debate after the event. The offending nation must be eliminated or disarmed by the UN.

The USA must be dissuaded from exercising the nuclear option – in the event that it disregards international opinion, the united nations of the world would be forced to intervene and confiscate all WMDs. Failure to comply with the peaceful demands of the nations would necessitate a full-scale invasion in order to liberate the American people from a despotic, violent and lunatic regime. Hopefully after the elimination of the world’s most aggressive regime the world could progress toward a new era of peace and cooperation.

No single nation has the moral or legal right to impose its will or values on any other nation or cultural group. Any regime that assumes it has the right to dictate policy to the world and would intimidate other nations with WMDs must be viewed as a threat to world peace and be dealt with accordingly.

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