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The now anachronistic ‘Department of Defense’ (DoD) recently released a commercial business assessment (see link) of Afghanistan's resource and mineral wealth, which has been measured in the hundreds of BILLIONS of DOLLARS -- a routine matter for Corporations BUT an extraordinary assessment by the Pentagon, which traditionally should be an arm of government charged with the responsibility of national security and defense! Perhaps a name change for the obsolete traditional military is warranted, how about the ‘Department of Greed and Invasion or Civilian Killing and Holocausts or Resource Plundering and Theft etc;’ I’m sure readers could offer hundreds more accurate titles for the obscenity that has occurred these past few days?
Whether this very revealing release was the result of ineptitude, laziness or just plain AMERICAN, ‘fuck you’ arrogance, the cat is well and truly out of the bag now!
So soon after the commercial financial sector held a ‘gun’ to ‘our’ government’s head and demanded that taxpayer’s bail out the THIEVING banks, corporatists arrogantly reveal their complete hold on our nation -- do they really imagine people (of the world) would wear this OUTRAGE while we all continue to suffer the consequences of the failed global economy? One may well wonder what these corporatist lunatics have for breakfast – but WE KNOW – two huge lines of blow (cocaine)! My rhetorical question is, should this latest revelation that Corporations rule government AND MILITARY, surprise anyone?
Hearken back for moment and remember the IRAQ invasion; wasn’t it all about ‘security issues’, such as weapons of mass deception and Disneyland mobile anthrax labs etc – that is what WE WERE LED TO BELIEVE by the lying, CORPORATE MEDIA. However, today we discover that it REALLY was about resource (OIL) THEFT by the greedy beyond measure, CORPORATISTS -- what’s a million dead civilians when it comes to the bottom line?
Do we really wish to be ruled by these reprehensible, lowest of the low, human cockroaches OR should we RESTORE REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT in ALL our respective nations and hold those responsible for the calamity in which we now find ourselves, to ACCOUNT? Do not hesitate in your response, corporatists are a KNOWN quantity. WE HAVE SEEN WHAT A ‘GREAT JOB’ THESE VERMIN DO – what’s an oil spill or two between friends or a FAILED global economy or a few bungled wars and a civilian holocaust – real talent at work?
The solution is simple, NATIONALISE the banks and other failed criminal Corporations, return wealth to the people and restore our State institutions to their traditional roles. I speak with some authority, as an educated military officer I was commissioned to uphold very clear values and to defend against the enemy, DOMESTIC and foreign!
IT IS CLEAR the enemy today is located in boardrooms NOT deserts, jungles or mountains! Today it could well be said that the only good executive is a DEAD EXECUTIVE (after due process of course).