"What is absurd and monstrous about war is that men who have no personal quarrel should be trained to murder one another in cold blood" -- Aldous Huxley
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basic 2+2 logic -- the overwhelming MAJORITY of the US population is a DEAD loss -- self-evident! Who else on earth would allow themselves to be genitally groped by strangers -- 'to keep us safe?' Unspeakable MORONS.
debate raged over the prospect of innocent casualties while targeting and eliminating the elitist scum that have plunged the entire world into economic chaos and war.
However, it became patently CLEAR that those that CHOSE to ENSLAVE and debase themselves are not FIT to survive -- the choice is THEIRS as are the consequences of their actions/choice.
The debate is resolved in favour of (US) obliteration and WORLD peace!
GOODBYE to the DISEASE that is the United(?) States of America and hello to the purging of extremely UNPOPULAR and criminal NATO officials in CONTINENTAL Europe and the UK.