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Australia’s complicity in War Crimes
by liz Monday, Apr 26 2010, 8:54pm
international / injustice/law / commentary

It is high time Aussies pulled their insular, xenophobic heads out of their arses and FACED some home truths regarding our conscious complicity in War Crimes. The most infamous and enduring in recent history is of course successive government cover-ups of the cold blooded MURDER of five Australian journalists in Balibo, in 1975. Beginning with Whitlam and (then) Foreign Minister, Gareth ‘zillions in oil’ Evans and extending to OVERT LIAR and WAR CRIMINAL John ‘aluminium tubing’ Howard and the Iraq civilian HOLOCAUST; through to the present servile government and the Sri Lankan military’s brazen summary executions of suspected LTTE fighters and the concentration of almost the entire Tamil population in camps not fit for human habitation. It should not be forgotten that the Sri Lankan ambassador to the UN, Palitha ‘only losers get tried for war crimes’ Kohona, holds dual Australian and Sri Lankan citizenship. We, as a moral nation, have RESPONSIBILITIES!

Palitha Kohona (right) attends President at State reception, note flag!
Palitha Kohona (right) attends President at State reception, note flag!

A nation that prides itself on an egalitarian ideal and the ‘fair go’ cannot afford to tolerate brazen injustices and crimes from our leaders or close neighbours. It is high time we confronted ourselves and applied legal remedies where necessary, beginning with the KNOWN brazen criminals in our midst regardless of their station in society. Who the hell do they think they are flouting Laws that apply to ALL of us!

Laying blame on Corporate controlled USA and its military – the ‘satellite assisted’ Sri Lankan planned blitzkrieg of the LTTE, support for the Indonesian Suharto dictatorship and leading the civilian holocaust in Iraq/Central Asia – is not a solution, though US involvement in most of the world’s major war crimes is a given these days. Australia remains a sovereign nation and has very clear obligations and responsibilities to its citizens and the international community.

The current Labor government, known to be shamelessly servile to Wall St, Big Business and Washington seems to have forgotten that the resource wealth of this nation belongs to the public – that is the PEOPLE -- NOT the private Transnational Corporate sector; a proposal to inflict a 40% tax on all mining corporations, currently engaged in the wholesale rape of the nation’s wealth, is currently being discussed. Our view is that an imposed tax rate should not fall below 70% -- whose wealth? A larger percentage of the trillions in profits could then be returned to the nation instead of disappearing in offshore coffers.

The world has experimented with unregulated laissez-faire capitalism and now faces the catastrophic results of that failed experiment. It is clearly time to re-instate the role of the judiciary and civilised Law, especially crimes relating to Commerce, Trade, Finance and Sovereignty/Treason; the criminals in our midst must be dealt with.

We can thank failed free market capitalism for one thing only, it flushed the criminal class from its former shadow realms into plain view – further action is required to restore our representative democracy and hold former criminal leaders to account.

The Oz Rudd government has recently closed the door on Tamil Asylum Seekers

har, har! -- you reprehensible, supercilious, black lackey prick! It is very unwise to tempt fate.

audio Palitha Kohona, Lankan UN Ambassador interviewed in Oz


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