Not so stupid!
by dingo Wednesday, Oct 22 2008, 11:18am
international /
social/political /
The now 100% divorced from reality U.S. president Bush, recently spoke with Russian, Chinese and Indian leaders in the hope he could marshal support for the financial crisis he and his ‘have mores’ created! Are you serious, you vacuum-headed retard? How bereft an imbecile is this cracker? It was only yesterday that his VP, ‘shotgun, Halliburton’ Cheney, threatened Russia for foiling U.S. plans in Georgia! Let’s not forget U.S. attempts to spoil the Olympics for China via their lackey the Dalai Fraud! Perhaps it was the NATO official who laughed as he poured scorn on Russia over its inability to prevent the amputation of Kosovo from traditional ally, Serbia! Or maybe it was Condi Rice’s ability to bribe Polish and Czech leaders in order to install offensive missile ‘defence’ systems CLEARLY targeting Russia that will help persuade BRIC leaders to support America.
The blithering idiot president is now expecting the world to indulge a nation that is responsible for one million innocent civilian deaths, starting needless wars, stealing the wealth of weaker nations and destabilising the global economy.
Would someone tell this idiot that sane people do not revive or support criminals that have stolen your wealth, murdered your wife and raped your daughters – how ‘out there’ is America? What do they put in the water over there, cos it’s better than BC bud?
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