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Former Oz PM, Paul ‘fingers’ Keating, once stated that when he wished to distract the public and the media he would throw the media hounds (dogs) a ‘bloodied piece of (sensational) meat’ -- spoken like a true politician and criminal arsehole.
Now consider the growing tide of people world-wide that do not swallow the piss-weak, feeble, US Government report (cover-up) of the 9/11 attack! Add the latest discovery of US military grade nano-thermite -- a sophisticated demolitions, steel cutting/melting explosive -- at the scene of the crime and the demands by New York fire fighters for a standard procedure forensic investigation into the 9/11 building fires, explosions and collapses and you have an urgent need to distract (the public) if you belong to the Corporate criminal elites that have hijacked the world’s democracies and pushed the world into acquisitive wars. Notwithstanding there is also the case of heinous criminal negligence involving oil companies and their associated industries in the now toxic Gulf of Mexico.
Who better to utilise for the purpose of distraction and media grab/focus than that house slave and Corporate errand boy, Barack ‘gay’ Obama.
Trained analysts have no difficulty spotting a fix especially one as obvious as the Mosque-ground zero fix.
Enter one gangly, black fag, President announcing to the WORLD that he supports freedom of worship and the right to build a Mosque two blocks from ground zero in New York and the result is entirely predictable. Attention is immediately re-focused on Islam, or Muslims as the culpable group involved in the 9/11 attacks when there is ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE to support that claim – though there are reams of Corporate media print and trillions of video pixels that infer guilt.
Nice try you fifth rate wankers, but the world is far too media savvy these days to wear such an obvious fix; though the same can’t be said for the average American moron. Those imbos are so dumb and uninformed they are off the scale, which makes spotting their handlers’ tricks so easy -- for the educated, thinking, international community that is!