Julian Assange: What it means to be an Australian Citizen
by bluey Friday, Dec 3 2010, 8:08pm
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social/political /
Responding to a question regarding going back home to Australia at some stage, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks answered as follows:
“I am an Australian citizen and I miss my country a great deal. However, during the last weeks the Australian prime minister, Julia Gillard, and the attorney general, Robert McClelland, have made it clear that not only is my return impossible but that they are actively working to assist the United States government in its attacks on myself and our people. This brings into question what does it mean to be an Australian citizen - does that mean anything at all? Or are we all to be treated like David Hicks at the first possible opportunity merely so that Australian politicians and diplomats can be invited to the best US embassy cocktail parties.” [Emphasis added.]
Indeed, Oz HAS RARELY IF EVER BEEN REPRESENTED by its cringing, servile, LACKEY, politicians. The COWARDLY BASTARDS have always SHAMELESSLY kowtowed to Imperial Powers, first Britain now the USA and have willingly ABANDONED their citizens to foreign powers – this attitude in STARK CONTRAST to other SOVEREIGN nations, particularly the USA. We recall just recently a former US President, Bill Clinton, making representations then shuttling captured US citizens safely back to the USA from North Korea; and a US Congressman personally escorting a Mormon idiot back to America from Burma after he created massive difficulties for its most famous political dissident, Aung San Suu Ky.
It is not difficult to determine why the American masses turn a blind eye to the most heinous crimes committed by their government overseas when Americans know their government, for all its failings, immediately comes to their RESCUE and assistance in times of trouble.
I would refrain from revealing anymore information based on expert cultural analysis; the opposition pays countless dummies to steer them in the wrong direction and OUR EXPERTISE is a strong component of our ‘armoury’ in our fight against the evil powers that have hijacked our Democracies.
Julian Assange expressed similar sentiments (link below) though in a restrained manner; well, I come from a great Aussie tradition of roughs, immigrant rebels (Kelly) wild colonial boys (Morant) and fuming patriotic nationalists – you’d better fuckin’ believe it – and I am not so restrained in voicing what many Aussies think, but are unable to openly express!
Who could forget the most embarrassing exhibition of cowardice, grovelling and servility ever witnessed in international politics, I of course refer to the most cowardly PM Oz has ever known, John ‘deputy sheriff’ Howard, his head was so far up Bush’s arse that even today he bears a strange American facial tan.
Not to be outdone in the grovelling stakes by the conservatives, Labor FM, Stephen Smith, while the entire world watched, made such a shameless exhibition of grovelling, kowtowing and knee-walking in Washington before Condi Rice that even she couldn’t help but laugh openly – PATHETIC! I could go on but I’d need a bucket.
Understand this and understand it well, most, if not all – past (Keating) and present -- Australian politicians are guilty of TREASON for selling the country and its citizens down the drain. Oz is now overrun by Transnational Corporations raping the nation (and its citizens) and taking 99% of the profits offshore, but that’s another story – unfortunately, there are many, all of which will make very good Legal cases in the near future, you can back it in!
The strength of Oz culture lies in the fact that our political capitals have never removed the shackles of colonialism, each successive Prime Minister runs to ‘big daddy’ simply because they are INCOMPETENT and do not have the balls (or ovaries in Gillard’s case) to administer and manage a WEALTHY, INDEPENDENT, SOVEREIGN NATION -- a situation that elite powers are at pains to maintain!
As a result, rebellion against oppression and exploitation and an ACUTE sense of FAIR PLAY are alive and well in the population, as Julian Assange and others who choose to remain nameless, clearly exemplify.
Real Aussies instinctively FIGHT injustice, criminal powers that murder, rape, exploit and plunder, we have seen it all too often and as it is ingrained in our culture to resist; WE DO SO INSTINCTIVELY, wherever we find it! And it could also be said that it builds a certain INDEPENDENT character and unusual qualities (skills) knowing that we will be abandoned by our disgustingly SERVILE governments if we find ourselves in bother. However, I would remind our treasonous politicians in Canberra that the tables are turning and YOUR DAY OF RECKONING FAST APPROACHES!
Much media static surrounds the figure of Julian Assange -- a TACTIC essentially designed to distract the masses from his work of EXPOSING CRIMINALS in HIGH OFFICE.
I now leave you with his responses to open questions, hosted by the Guardian UK:
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