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Independent Open Publishing
"The price of ignorance is slavery"
"O mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe." -- Adam Weishaupt
Oz: "we are hiring mercenaries"
major mitchell, Sunday, Jun 10 2012, 2:24am
In a thinly disguised effort to 'internationalise' the ADF and weaken its fiercely independent, highly skilled and dedicated, patriotic fighting forces, the treasonous Gillard government has -- on orders from Washington -- implemented a policy to dilute our fighting forces with FOREIGN mercenaries that have no allegiance to anything other than themselves and money! (story and 1 image)
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other press
Aussies Turn their Backs on Major Parties
smiley, Sunday, Jun 3 2012, 11:31am
The Australian Labor and Liberal Parties have been rejected by the majority of Aussies as unrepresentative sell-outs to Big Business, the Corporations and Washington. How did the Labor Party expect to survive Gillard's disgusting and insulting LIE on the Carbon crucifixion and how did the Liberal Party hope to survive after Howard's shameless, cowardly kowtowing to Washington's every whim to the extent of involving us in America's illegal and immoral civilian killing wars?
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other press
Carbon Tax Gillard most popular (what!)
addy, Monday, May 28 2012, 11:28pm
In what surely must be the most tortured political poll ever taken, Juliar Gillard has emerged as Australia's preferred leader -- who are you people trying to kid? (story and 1 image)
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Mandatory Full Body Scans at Oz Airports or ‘no-fly’ rule Applies
gamma, Wednesday, May 23 2012, 10:28am
Aussies will no doubt be overjoyed with the new, legislated no choice option at Oz airports -- be scanned or be ‘fucked!’ Submit to Big Brother or find another mode of transport! (story and 1 image)
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Sleight of Hand Economics
jess, Wednesday, May 9 2012, 10:29am
It took an American CEO to indirectly inform Aussies they were officially experiencing an economic 'recession,' euphemistically called a ‘downturn’ by those that dictate policy to politicians. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, May 10 2012, 1:43am
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Eunuch Oz Treasurer Wayne Swan Squeals at Banks
grip, Friday, Apr 13 2012, 11:44pm
Wayne Swan, the impotent Labor Party Treasurer of Australia seems to be having some difficulty with the Big Banks yet again. He seems to have forgotten he is the representative of the people and has a mandate to regulate the banks whenever necessary -- it was Labor PM, Paul 'fingers' Keating, who deregulated the banking sector and allowed banks to rapidly increase (via parasitic fees) their wealth which they have NOT distributed fairly throughout the community. Unfair services fees, which Keating gifted banks, are nothing short of THEFT. (story and 1 image)
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Corruption and the Selective War on Drugs
baz, Monday, Apr 9 2012, 10:23am
There they were again, about a dozen young cops with their sniffer dogs sweeping the pub next to my friend's café. My friend always dreads when police sweeps coincide with one of my visits, he knows I have an acute sense of justice and fair play and am likely to undiplomatically voice my opinion.
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injustice/law /
Living in your own private Labor Party
baz, Tuesday, Apr 3 2012, 9:12am
The entire Australian population is AWARE of the cause of Labor's plummeting support/popularity -- really, one we would have to be retarded not to know the OBVIOUS reason behind Labor's RAPID decline! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, Apr 3 2012, 10:19am
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Oz Labor Party Begs for Mercy
Marissa Calligeros via baz, Thursday, Mar 22 2012, 10:11pm
Begging has never been what could be described as a successful winning strategy to gain political leadership - LOL! However, in the most appalling political turn of events seen anywhere in the world -- probably in all political history -- an Australian, female-led (no reflection on strong, capable, Aussie women of integrity whatsoever), State Labor Government has taken to begging the public for consideration and admitting DEFEAT BEFORE the elections have been held -- My God! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Mar 25 2012, 7:08am
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other press
Useless Governments - Private Consultants Reap $500m a Year
Edmund Tadros and Markus Mannheim via stan, Monday, Mar 19 2012, 9:10am
THE federal [Gillard] government has spent half a billion dollars a year on consultants since Labor won office 4½ years ago, an analysis of its contracts shows.
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other press
“Luring Hackers,” by Stephen Conroy - Oz communications minister
lynx, Friday, Mar 16 2012, 7:52am
Former censorship minister under Kevin ‘hand-mirror’ Rudd, Stephen ‘vpn’ Conroy (lol) has advertised in the local mass media for hackers -- whom he/the media refers to as, “boffins” -- to assist him/government/private industry in protecting Corporate networks!
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Oz Defence Establishment Rejects ‘kneepads’ Smith as Minister
dasha, Friday, Mar 9 2012, 9:47pm
It seems that Australian defence personnel have finally woken to the true character of the current defence minister, Stephen ‘kneepads’ Smith, a renowned coward, US groveller, political opportunist and proven incompetent. (story and 1 image)
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Calls for 'kneepads' Smith to Resign as Defence Minister
Dennis Shanahan via baz, Wednesday, Mar 7 2012, 8:21am
The findings of an inquiry into a sex scandal at an Australian defence academy, even in their distilled form, lays the groundwork for credible demands that Stephen 'kneepads' Smith resign from the defence portfolio. (story and 1 image)
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other press
Gillard Retains Party Leadership, 71 to 31
polly, Sunday, Feb 26 2012, 10:22pm
In a largely anti-climactic outcome today the Labor caucus voted 71 to 31 in favour of Juliar Gillard retaining the leadership of the governing Labor Party. Leadership challenger Kevin 'photo-op' Rudd was left holding his hand-mirror for comfort. (story and 1 image)
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Australian Labor Party Imploding
venom, Friday, Feb 17 2012, 8:14pm
The poisonous intrigues of the Australian Labor Party, especially the corrosive venom former vindictive leader Kevin 'non-event' Rudd continually sprays at sitting leader, Juliar 'carbon tax' Gillard, is tearing the Party apart. The solution is simple get rid of BOTH of them! The TOXIC DUO must be excised from the Party completely otherwise it runs the risk of years, possibly decades, outcast in the political wilderness. Be advised, Labor jellyfish! (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Friday, Feb 17 2012, 8:48pm
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Delusionists Expect Justice in a Thoroughly Corrupt World
nano, Tuesday, Feb 14 2012, 11:03am
What legal tidbits have made news recently? The appalling miscarriage of justice regarding the sentence handed down to a convicted civilian killing US marine, three months and no jail time! The offender was directly involved in the infamous Haditha massacre; women, children and other unarmed civilians were herded together and deliberately shot in the back of the head by murdering US marines. This travesty is but one of many involving the US military that routinely terrorise, rape and murder innocent civilians and others in occupied countries. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, Feb 14 2012, 8:23pm
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injustice/law /
Oz PM JuLIAR Gillard Lives up to Her Name yet Again
gemma, Wednesday, Feb 8 2012, 9:47am
Reprehensible LIAR and nationally reviled BITCH, Juliar Gillard, earned her reputation by serving foreign -- FIVE US military bases on Oz soil -- and Corporate/Banking interests (Carbon Tax) ahead of her own nation and its people; that simple! It was clear after her gut-turning address to the AMERICAN Congress (pewk) that the US had found the perfect obedient lackey in Juliar Gillard. (story and 1 image)
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Gillard: Oz jobs culled by high Aussie Dollar?
baz, Wednesday, Feb 1 2012, 7:05am
According to Washington doormat PM, Juliar ‘Goldman Tax’ Gillard, the cause of local job losses is the high Aussie dollar not the despicable policy of Corporations (she serves) heartlessly dumping workers at the slightest whim. Oz workers are expected to be loyal, slave for corporations and endure reduced benefits, wages and conditions – their reward for making personal sacrifices their mangers and directors are loath to make, is the sack. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, Feb 1 2012, 8:54pm
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Indigenous Aussies Launch Spontaneous Attack on Oz PM Gillard
warra, Wednesday, Jan 25 2012, 11:15pm
Incensed by comments opposition leader Abbott made, inferring that Aborigines were better off today, a group of protesters from the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra surrounded a Restaurant the PM and opposition leader were lunching in.
There is no doubt that security was caught flat-footed by the surprise protest, the fear on Gillard's face was palpable. Perhaps now she realises a little of the terror her US support/policies inflict on others.
As representatives of the mass murdering British Crown, Aboriginal protesters were justified in their non-violent attack on Gillard and Abbott. Justice MUST be served and compensation/reparations made for genocide and the destruction of numerous tribal cultures. Notwithstanding pursuing criminal proceedings in local and international courts against the Crown and Australian government for their GENOCIDAL policies and heinous treatment of indigenous Australians since the colonial invasion. (story and 3 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Friday, Jan 27 2012, 6:13am
national /
imperialism /
other press
The Measure of a Servile, Knee-walking, Treasonous Oz Politician
des, Friday, Nov 11 2011, 8:07am
Do you seek confirmation or the Truth regarding Australia's 'soft colony' status to the USA? Well here it is, from 'our' custard faced Foreign Minister's own custard-filled mouth:
Foreign Minister Kevin 'vanilla' Rudd urges patience regarding the FIVE new full scale US military bases PM Gillard approved during her requested visit to Washington. (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Friday, Nov 11 2011, 8:56pm
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