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Red Corridor image Grass Roots Military - India's Naxalites/Maoists Neeta Lal via baba, Sunday, May 13 2012, 10:49am
NEW DELHI - As India's Maoists continue to strike terror into the hearts of civilians by looting and kidnapping with impunity - they are now estimated to control a staggering one-third of the country's districts - more disquieting facts about their modus operandi have recently come to light. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, May 13 2012, 11:08pm
international / social/political / other press

Paranoid Dalai Fraud image Tibetan Dalai Fraud is suffering Paranoid Psychosis staff report via karma, Sunday, May 13 2012, 8:29am
They're [China] trying to "poison me," says Dalai Lama. In a CLASSIC textbook case of paranoid psychosis, CIA asset and religious fraud, the Tibetan Dalai Lama has accused China of training Tibetan women to assassinate him with, wait for it, poisonous hair (what about the woman?) and poison religious scarfs -- it's medication time in Dharamsala! (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / other press

text CIA - "The dark side; that’s what we do." justin, Saturday, May 12 2012, 11:41pm
Don't kid yourselves, CIA practices are not peculiar to so-called 'intelligence' (criminal) agencies. By way of backgrounding the following story I would relate some of my personal experiences with State crime and the criminals that work for government regulatory agencies.
international / injustice/law / other press

text Thousands Plan Protests Against NATO Chicago Summit poppy, Saturday, May 12 2012, 12:23am
Bush once let it slip but got it right; the NATO/US/Banker/Corporatist alliance promoting permanent WAR, murder and PLUNDER for the personal gain of the elite few, are simply modern day CRUSADERS -- nothing distinguishes them from the paid mercenaries the Vatican dispatched to destroy the competing church of Byzantium and relieve it of its huge stores of gold, silver and other wealth. History records that under the GUISE of liberating the 'Holy Land' Byzantium was duly sacked and its wealth appropriated by murdering, thieving MERCENARIES in the service of the Vatican -- the Templars being the most conspicuous mercenary force answering only to the Pope in Rome!
international / peace/war / commentary

bhutan1.jpg image Bhutan gets it right with 'Gross National Happiness' Index Dean Nelson via sadh, Friday, May 11 2012, 9:53am
Just when the world thought all hope was lost -- with the US perpetual war, murder and plunder, doctrine -- a tiny Himalayan nation returns to the core human values of Peace, Joy and Harmony; the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan has officially adopted a Gross National Index of 'HAPPINESS' to measure the well being and REAL wealth of the nation! (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Friday, May 11 2012, 10:39am
international / health related / other press

text Keep 'em Ignorant and Trembling in Fear wetson, Friday, May 11 2012, 1:42am
We never tire or get hoarse screaming truth from the mountain tops -- as it is known that one TRUTH defeats a billion lies. We have an unfair advantage; you see, 'they' have to spend zillions and harness the entire corporate media to perpetuate their LIES, propaganda and misinformation.
international / peace/war / commentary

Jamie Dimon, rogue Bankster image Wall Street Banksters Feeling Heat red, Thursday, May 10 2012, 11:59pm
Deserving of all the contempt and hostility the public directs at criminal Wall St Banksters, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs etc., chief honcho of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, openly apologised for wrong doings – “self inflicted mistakes” (O, really!) -- and admitted that certain practices the Bank engaged in were unprincipled – understatement of the year! (story and 1 comment and 1 image and 1 attached file)
Last Commented Wednesday, May 16 2012, 8:20am
international / imperialism / commentary

Just most of them! image Thousands of British police join anti-austerity protest Michael Holden via magus, Thursday, May 10 2012, 8:57am
As criminal (printing toilet paper money) Banker controlled Western Capitalism unravels in Europe, and thousands take to the streets in protest, what do you suppose are the headlines in America? No, not Wall St panicking or Bankers hanging from light poles, BUT homosexual Obama (his first preference is men) supporting gay marriage, how earth shattering! The desperate Corporate media must maintain the illusion and keep distractions flowing, FOR DEAR LIFE -- we wouldn't want the comatosed American population waking up and joining the GLOBAL movement against crooked Bankers, market traders and exploitative/rapacious, tax avoiding Corporatists! (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, May 10 2012, 10:04am
international / social/political / other press

text Terminal 21st Century Capitalism James Petras via stan, Thursday, May 10 2012, 8:19am
The economic, political and social outlook for the second decade of the 21st century is profoundly negative. The almost universal consensus, even among mainstream orthodox economists, is pessimistic regarding the world economy.
international / imperialism / other press

Vanuatu PM, Sato Kilman image Paternalistic, "Disrespectful" Oz Federal Police "Expelled" from Vanuatu staff report via baz, Thursday, May 10 2012, 12:19am
Australia's version of the FBI has been right royally kicked out of Pacific Island nation, Vanuatu. It seems racist, moron Australia has yet to learn RESPECT, especially when on foreign soil. Commodore Frank Bainimarama of Fiji may have some advice for Vanuatu's PM and I'm sure China would be extremely happy to assist in any diplomatic, financial and investment capacity -- you dunce Oz, incompetent (Gillard) government! Yankee overlords will not be happy, Juliar! (story and 1 image)
international / imperialism / other press

locavore.jpg imagePDF Document Health and Food Activism - Go Local, reject WTO and Global Food Monopoly staff report via sal, Wednesday, May 9 2012, 10:57pm
Community supported agriculture projects, farmers markets, and other 'local food' systems are on the rise nationwide, according to a first of its kind index based on US government data. And supporting this 'Locavore' movement is a growing army of consumers who recognize the connection between their food choices and the impact they have on communities, the environment, and their own health. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / health related / other press

drone.jpg image US War Crimes Becoming Routine Glenn Greenwald via sam, Tuesday, May 8 2012, 11:25pm
Favourite war crime weapon deployed by the CIA and military -- DRONES -- have done their IMPRECISE, dastardly job again and killed more women and CHILDREN. The command to launch -- deadly and imprecise by nature -- missiles was given in the full knowledge that civilians would also be killed, that ACTION constitutes a war crime in any Court on the globe, there's no avoiding the legal issue but there is avoiding RESPONSIBILITY simply because the passive American population, in the face of heinous (conscious) MURDER, allows its government to commit these crimes. The people are therefore complicit -- a condition elite cabals desperately sought to create! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, May 14 2012, 12:00am
international / injustice/law / other press

Former NSW Premier, Kristina 'muffle' Keneally image Oz ABC ripples over ex-Premier's advice to Gillard jarra, Tuesday, May 8 2012, 12:49am
Have you ever seen such a thing in your life as three (Gillard, Bligh, Keneally) blind female Labor leaders? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, May 8 2012, 5:06pm
international / social/political / commentary

text They Are Taking Our Rights Away, Again. rique, Monday, May 7 2012, 9:58pm
Does it take a 93 year old black woman to take the lead and drive a point home in the cringing USA? Viviette Applewhite disgraced more able younger Americans by launching a court action against draconian new laws. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Tuesday, May 8 2012, 8:51am
international / human rights / other press

jantinuk_march.jpg image Japan: ONGOING Nuclear Disaster, Japanese Shut down Reactors staff report via radium, Monday, May 7 2012, 8:54pm
Japan celebrated the switching off of the last of their nuclear reactors today. Thousands marched in the streets waving banners and playing music as their country went nuclear free for the first time since 1970. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, May 7 2012, 10:35pm
international / environment / other press

greece_demo.jpg image Greek Voters Punish Austerity Parties yanis, Monday, May 7 2012, 9:28am
Greeks quite rightfully vented their anger over imposed austerity measures in the latest elections. It seems Greek citizens refuse to accept responsibility for the reckless actions of Bankers. Where do Bankers and other large financiers get off shifting the blame for their drunken sailor lending onto the public? (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / other press

 François Hollande image Socialist Imposter wins French Election -- it's business as usual! red, Sunday, May 6 2012, 11:26pm
C'mmon people, is Europe as mindless as the US? Does anyone really expect 'change,' is anyone 'hoping' that the new 'socialist' president will return France to the people and constrain Banking and Corporate parasites? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, May 6 2012, 11:37pm
international / social/political / commentary

text Military Dishonour and Corporate Wars for Profit tran, Sunday, May 6 2012, 10:40pm
Regardless of all the (now known) lies and feeble propaganda, ALL today’s wars are fought for Corporate PROFIT – filthy money! Where is the HONOUR in that? Indoctrinated soldiers were led to believe that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11 -- an internal US/Mossad black flag operation in the same CRIMINAL, TRAITOROUS tradition as the USS Liberty attack. The American Reichstag burning (9/11) was 'necessary' in order to launch and justify Corporate America’s ILLEGAL, invasive, corporate WARS of PLUNDER! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Sunday, May 6 2012, 11:02pm
international / peace/war / commentary

obama_wallstreet.jpg image Obama has "reservations" but he complies anyway! zed, Saturday, May 5 2012, 11:58pm
Drone addicted, child killing, war criminal president Obama -- let's face facts for a change -- pretends to have 'reservations' regarding HIS ROLE in America's rapid descent into a fascist, military State. The latest news is 're-education camps' for activists and social dissenters. Just think independently for a moment and ask how any President of the ONCE free United States could approve a LAW that indefinitely incarcerates without charge or the option of a trial -- I mean think about THAT before you are taken for another distracting propaganda or evangelical fantasy ride! (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

text Amon stylus, Saturday, May 5 2012, 2:28pm
in Thebes and other places
international / prose/poetry / literature

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