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Independent Open Publishing
"The price of ignorance is slavery"
"There is no other teacher but your own soul" -- Swami Vivekananda
Occupy Wall Street in a Sentence
leon, Saturday, May 5 2012, 10:49am
'You are the ineffective, directionless 99%, they are the highly focused, effective 1% -- that's the REALITY!' (story and 1 comment and 1 audio file)
Last Commented Saturday, May 5 2012, 11:05am
international /
social/political /
Violence USA: The Warfare State and the Brutalizing of Everyday Life
Henry A Giroux via baz, Saturday, May 5 2012, 12:17am
Since 9/11, the war on terror and the campaign for homeland security have increasingly mimicked the tactics of the enemies they sought to crush. Violence and punishment as both a media spectacle and a bone-crushing reality have become prominent and influential forces shaping American society. As the boundaries between "the realms of war and civil life have collapsed," social relations and the public services needed to make them viable have been increasingly privatized and militarized.(1) The logic of profitability works its magic in channeling the public funding of warfare and organized violence into universities, market-based service providers and deregulated contractors. The metaphysics of war and associated forms of violence now creep into every aspect of American society. (story and 1 image)
international /
peace/war /
other press
 The Spanda Principle or Divine Pulsation
sadh, Friday, May 4 2012, 12:15pm
I would not dare elaborate on these wonderful attached PDF texts, which form the basis of Kashmiri Trika Saivism, a distinct type of Saivism that was heavily influenced by the intellectual tradition of Chinese Buddhism. These texts constitute the ambrosia of Indian monist teachings while relating to the Indian Saivite tradition. (story and 1 image and 4 attached files)
international /
philosophy /
America the World's Leading civilian killing Terrorist Nation signs terrorist pact with Oz
bluey, Friday, May 4 2012, 2:13am
The world's leading civilian killing, therefore terrorist nation, America, which has been continuously engaged in criminal warfare since the illegal intervention in the Balkans, has signed yet another counter-terrorism pact with the slavish Federal Labor government of Australia -- the irony of that signing may be lost on moron Americans but not so on educated Aussies. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Saturday, May 5 2012, 12:03am
international /
social/political /
other press
sandman, Friday, May 4 2012, 12:01am
Economic Austerity programs are designed for the enslaved masses, yes that's right, the average or common people; have you seen bankers or corporate directors/CEOs or other elite rogues under any austerity pressures or 'doing it tough' economically? Not on YOUR life, corrupt elite cabals SHOWER themselves in money and benefits at YOUR expense simply because they can -- and YOU do NOTHING about the GROSS injustices, screaming double standards and gaping disparities, you disgraceful, spineless, shit-eaters! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Friday, May 4 2012, 11:18pm
international /
imperialism /
Surrounded Russia Threatens Pre-emptive Nuclear Strike
peter, Thursday, May 3 2012, 9:45pm
Russia under gutless, squeaking mouse Putin, allowed itself to be surrounded by Western offensive missile and radar systems. It was CLEAR at the time these moves to slow-choke Russia should have been immediately RESISTED with force -- the cowardly Americans tested and won that move and more including offensive installations on yellow dog China's doorstep. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Thursday, May 3 2012, 10:26pm
international /
peace/war /
other press
The Crimes of Barack Obama
Dave Lindorff via gan, Wednesday, May 2 2012, 11:47pm
As we slog towards another vapid, largely meaningless exercise in pretend democracy with the selection of a new president and Congress this November, it is time to make it clear that the current president, elected four years ago by so many people with such inflated expectations, is a betrayer. We had hoped that Obama would act in progressive ways and keep his promises; however, as is clear today, Obama is not only a betrayer of those hopes, but is a serial violator of his oath of office. Obama is in truth a war criminal, easily the equal of his predecessor George W. Bush and perhaps even of Bush’s regent, former Vice President, Dick Cheney. (story and 1 image)
international /
social/political /
other press
Response to ‘Autumn Leaf’
sandra, Wednesday, May 2 2012, 10:59pm
take the good and leave the rest
international /
prose/poetry /
Telco block on Pirate Bay Backfires big time
Lee Taylor via styx, Wednesday, May 2 2012, 10:15pm
A [UK] court ruling ordering telcos to block customers from using The Pirate Bay has reportedly backfired - sending a "record number" of people to the file-sharing website. (story and 1 image)
international /
mass media /
other press
wisp, Wednesday, May 2 2012, 12:04pm
a relationship apart (story and 1 image)
international /
prose/poetry /
Remember Vietnam and the "Light at the end of the Tunnel?"
staff report via you're kiddin', Wednesday, May 2 2012, 2:14am
Obama vows to "FINISH THE JOB," in Afghanistan -- would we care to outline what the J-O-B actually is, Mr Drone child killer, Obama? America hasn't fought a legal war in decades. Iraq was a LIE -- over one million innocent civilians dead. Pakistan is a continuing Drone war crime as are the Sudan and Yemen. Libya was a complete travesty; Syria is a crime in the making -- WHAT FUCKIN' JOB are you talking about, you LYING arsehole? Do you imagine the world is as GULLIBLE and STUPID as the cowering, uneducated, genitally groped, American population, you LYING, duplicitous piece of dog shit? (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, May 2 2012, 11:17pm
international /
mass media /
other press
The Obscenity of Unrepresentative Government
sal, Monday, Apr 30 2012, 10:12am
It was an American event journo's dinner at the White House that triggered this response. Obama is now known internationally as just another puppet clown serving Wall St elites; it has become painfully obvious to the world that this black (sell-out) lackey is completely devoid of compassion and any sense of empathy with the common people, as indeed are ALL political leaders in Western (former) democracies today. (story and 3 comments and 4 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, May 1 2012, 7:19am
international /
social/political /
House Passes Draconian Internet Spying Bill
Tom Burghardt via Kismo, Sunday, Apr 29 2012, 10:57pm
This was to be EXPECTED but I would remind everyone (again) that internet spying is only possible if you reveal your true identity or other identifying data like mobile phone numbers etc -- REVEAL NOTHING that could identify you on the internet, use aliases at ALL times and pre-paid anonymous ISP services. You were warned time and again but you thought it was a game -- well I suppose it is, a nightmare in the making!
international /
mass media /
other press
Google's illegal Wi-Fi Hacking Exposed by Engineer
David Streitfeld via lynx, Sunday, Apr 29 2012, 10:04pm
Google's harvesting of emails, passwords and other sensitive personal information from unsuspecting households in Australia and around the world was neither a mistake nor the work of a rogue engineer, as the company long maintained, but a program that supervisors knew about, according to new details from the full text of a regulatory report. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Thursday, May 3 2012, 2:10am
international /
mass media /
other press
The Cure and the Disease
tom, Sunday, Apr 29 2012, 10:08am
I was particularly amused by the title of a piece (linked) written by veteran Oz political journo, Michelle Grattan, regarding Australia's backstabbing, TOXIC PM, Juliar 'Carbon Sachs' Gillard. It read, "Gillard tries to stop the rot;" hilarious, as Gillard is the rot! It's like sending in 'Typhoid Mary' to cure typhus or Dracula to manage the blood bank. Juliar Gillard has single handedly completely destroyed the Australian Labor Party both at State and Federal levels. Her appalling backstabbing of the public (and Rudd) over the Carbon Tax is the primary reason she has become the first 'political leper' in Australian history -- how anyone imagined she would get away with such a GROSSLY traitorous act, is beyond my comprehension and the Oz publics' judging by catastrophic State Labor losses in recent elections. (story and 1 image)
international /
social/political /
The TRUTH about 'Drone Warfare'
skye, Sunday, Apr 29 2012, 12:53am
Pilotless aircraft or Drones are sitting ducks in the sky, any antiquated PILOTED jet fighter is able to knock them out of the sky with EASE, so why all the terror and hype surrounding Drones? Also, understand that ALL air forces world wide know the above facts/truth. (story and 1 image)
international /
peace/war /
Digital Technologies have rendered the Geopolitical Redundant
minnie, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 11:39pm
It’s TIME to abandon notions of States, borders, nations and tribes – today it is the global masses, THE PEOPLE (debt-slavery/austerities/war) that have been TARGETED by minority ruling elites in whose interests divisive policies are maintained. Comprehensive global warfare has been waged on the entire global population by Transnational Banking and Corporatist elites for decades. Today it is CLEAR that global elites, who know no borders or recognise no flag, wage war against the PEOPLE of the entire WORLD. Take another look at the GLOBAL situation to verify the plain truth for yourselves.
international /
social equality/unity /
news report
One useful Neocon Legacy
piri, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 11:47am
The American Imperialist agenda that the neocons launched so effectively and that Obama pursues to this day, has a single positive element to it, perhaps confirming something my granny once told me as a child, 'nothing is all bad or good,' though the neocons came awfully close to being all bad. In hindsight it appears the neocons did humanity a great service by demonstrating how utterly servile, useless and fearful today's American masses are! (story and 1 image)
international /
social/political /
The Distasteful Business of Banking
shyluck, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 9:07am
No surprises here; banks will stop at nothing to increase their bottom line? Using new software packages designed to assess when existing customers/clients are at their most vulnerable, banks hope to sell more products and increase client debt. But what of the moral issue of taking unfair advantage of the public? Whatever happened to protecting the public interest? O, that's right, bank serving Juliar 'carbon tax' Gillard became PM!
international /
imperialism /
other press
Who is the "Enemy?" Bradley Manning to be tried for aiding TRUTH and Liberty
red, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 1:52am
Good lawyers and investigators would have a field day with this case and the moronic, CORRUPT and PARTIAL military 'court.' Remember that president Obama himself stated openly that Manning was GUILTY! Which absurdist trial are we prosecuting today , Mr Barack Alice Kafka? You people have lost it, big time! The WORLD (history) is watching you imbeciles imploding in your own cesspool of lies, distortions, deceptions and unreality -- what a tragic circus!
international /
injustice/law /
other press
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