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When is a journalist a joke?
by dingo Friday, Sep 7 2007, 12:56am
national / mass media / opinion/analysis

An exclusive interview conducted by national security correspondent to the (Oz) ABC, Ms Leigh Sales with US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice was without doubt the most wasted journalistic opportunity I have ever witnessed. Rice was allowed to literally get away with MURDER! Sales seems to have forgotten it is a journalist’s job to DIG for the TRUTH, not allow an opportunity to slip through her very wet fingers.

Leigh Sales, a convenient face!
Leigh Sales, a convenient face!

Whatever prior arrangements were made regarding questions, any journalist worth their salt would have seized the opportunity to question Rice on the civilian death toll in Iraq; the child killing ‘give war a chance’ paradigm applied to the South Lebanon conflict; the legalisation of torture in the US and the Guantanamo concentration camp of illegally held detainees. Rice is complicit in all the above and was directly involved with policy-making yet Rice has the gall to accuse others of terrorism! What’s-a-matter, Leigh, were you intimidated by a mass murdering, black-hearted, American bitch?

Rice was allowed to spout (unchallenged by Sales) the usual clap-trap designed for American morons, 9/11, the ‘world’ terrorist threat, spreading democracy at the point of a gun, etc, etc. Rice’s feeble attempt to camouflage an illegal invasion, oil plunder and a civilian holocaust as an exercise in spreading ‘democracy’ fools no one outside America, except perhaps Ms Leigh Sales!

Perhaps Ms Sales should research topics related to military expansionism, imperialism, civilian holocausts, war crimes, the Geneva Convention and a host of other related topics prior to allowing her face to be used as a gusset.

War whore, Condoleezza Rice
War whore, Condoleezza Rice

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