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VIABLE Alternative
by yarra Sunday, May 13 2007, 11:06pm
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

Murdoch makes his move, out with the old (conservative) and in with the new (conservative). The poll driven sheeple have just been nose-ringed by a Murdoch media ‘news poll’ that indicates the public has rejected the Howard-Costello cynical vote grabbing budget bribe in favour of the Murdoch endorsed K. Rudd, who “would make a good Prime Minister!” Have we forgotten that lunch in New York so soon? Murdoch's media reminds us the Kingmaker is a man of purpose and commitment. From now till the election observe his media slowly crucify Howard and project Rudd as the man for the Job – it’s time for a 'change'!

How much time Mr Murdoch?
How much time Mr Murdoch?

A 'change' is necessary, the people are beginning to question the obscene profits of Corporations, parasitic bank fees, crippling personal debt, Iraq holocaust denial and military misadventures, the appalling neglect of education, hospital and other essential services. Notwithstanding the major oversight/neglect of WATER MANAGEMENT – unforgivable! The people may become aware of the real causes of their discontent; a change of government is required to placate the masses and preserve the REAL status quo.

Murdoch’s news polls have less integrity than carpet salesmen or Shanghai whores but integrity in Oz politics died decades past. In this prescribed political show (forthcoming elections) where do thinking Australian’s turn? Enter the Australian Republicans riding on the sure winning platform of the immediate arrest and incarceration of Howard, Downer and Ruddock for complicity in war crimes. The personal tax rate of 47% on high wage earners to be transferred to the Transnationals and the minimum levels Transnationals pay to be the new personal tax rate for citizens.

The immediate refund of ALL bank service fee charges to customers and clients from the first insidious day of implementation. An enforced percentage of profits from all Corporations to be utilised for social improvement and/or environmental rehabilitation. All directors of oil companies to be jailed for price fixing and unfair trading practices and on it goes, the major direction should be clear, reclaiming the nation from Transnationals and other minority interests.

Of course it’s impossible, the sheeple will dutifully follow Murdoch’s lead; puppet leaders will be replaced, the charade of a real democracy must be maintained; the exact same forces that prevailed during the Howard tenure will continue unaffected by changes in 'leadership', and the band plays on!

Before a nation can be reclaimed the people must reclaim their personal sovereignty, only then would we be able to secede from US neo-colonial rule and become a sovereign nation once AGAIN. But Oz reality dictates that radical change is unlikely, the sheeple take fright easily so it' s Kevin for prime minister yes I know for the polls tell me so, little children love to hear uncle Rupert in their ears.

Agree on a day to universally default on all mortgage payments and loans, force foreclosures or re-negotiate realistic non-slave debt structures. Destroy the enslaving shackles of the Howard regime. Free yourselves and share in the wealth of YOUR nation – a nation’s wealth belongs to its people not bloodsucking, destructive Transnational corporations.

Your options are clear, ongoing slavery or a demonstration of courage and reclaiming what is rightfully yours.

We are One or we are nothing!

Good 'ol days
Good 'ol days

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