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Blinded by the Shite
by finch Tuesday, Nov 7 2006, 7:16pm
national / social/political / article

One medium size cauliflower, $3.46, bananas remain at $13/kilo at Coles Meyer supermarkets as of 8/11. Australian food prices at the grass roots Mr. (incompetent economic manager) Howard. John Howard is without doubt Australia’s biggest liar, racist, war criminal and scoundrel Prime Minister; he is also proving to be a thoroughly incompetent economic manager – just across the Tasman bananas remain at $2/kilo. The hard times (water shortages) haven’t hit yet but they soon will; can you imagine Howard’s performance in a real crisis if the above prices are an example of his management in relatively easy times?


The local news of the week is another interest rate rise and an explosion of mortgagee sales; families who voted for you Mr. Howard are no doubt being repaid for their loyalty, but I forgot, the people losing their homes are probably the wrong skin colour or religion.

You will never turn Australia away from its traditional course and values, Mr. Howard; your tenure will be seen as an historical aberration. We can promise you this; you will not retire peacefully, you will pay for your crimes against humanity and the Australian people. We will not rest until we see you in the dock answering for your many heinous crimes. This action will be Australia’s first undertaking on its road to recovery. You and your front bench have been advised.

We refer you to the legal statutes and the many options available to citizens, Mr Howard; the breath you feel on your neck is retribution.

Perhaps the greatest personal injustice is under achievement, or failure to utilise all of one’s talents and abilities. One example of an action that is available to the vast majority of people is the march! The non-violent march on government to remove criminals from power. Today, we abandon this option at great cost. I refer to all nations where corruption has entrenched itself at the highest levels.

China and America claim the criminal achievement awards in today’s race for planetary sociopathology. Who said communist totalitarian states have nothing in common with capitalist controlled ‘democratic’ states? Whether crimes are committed at home or abroad these two nations, on a per capita basis, excel as the leading criminal regimes of the world. Organised crime has come of age, its final bid for respectability has been successful; criminals now rule the two most powerful nations on earth.

It may be time to resurrect a neglected human quality/characteristic; a quality feared and despised by all conservatives, despots, doctrinaire ideologues and religionists alike; a quality common to the human species and therefore immediately AVAILABLE to EVERY HUMAN BEING.

The luxuries of apathy and inaction are no longer affordable. Today the greatest crime of all is your failure to help save the planet and your own life! Inaction is no longer a viable option – the hard reality is ACTION or DEATH. The leaders we have placed in power are nihilistic psychopaths; the course they have set for us all is to oblivion; taking the rest of the world with them gives them a perverse sense of achievement, a sadistic pleasure in which their sick minds delight.

The critical fight today is against those who kill, maim and exploit disadvantaged societies (people) and wreak havoc on the natural world. This is the fight of our lives; to lose this fight is to lose them all. Resist, oppose, and fight against those who would kill and destroy for personal gain and their own selfish purposes. Our values are the enduring real values of harmony and mutual cooperation; clean air, water, food and a sustainable world for our children to inherit are the most important considerations if the species is to survive. Economic rationalism is the enemy of everything that is natural and balanced – economy is another word for catastrophe! Those who continue to espouse antiquated economic formulas of death, greed and destruction are those devoid of vision, the hollow people who cleave to redundant formulas that have clearly failed. They cling desperately to their ‘holy’ books in a futile effort to locate meaning for their failed vacuous existences.

LIFE is immediate and forever, it unfolds daily before our eyes and prods us to survive; to lose this natural wonder would be the greatest tragedy imaginable. The following is an account of events leading up to a shift in perspective and a reclamation of personal sovereignty:

Taking a shortcut across the city on foot one day, I chanced upon a set of circumstances that transformed my reality/consciousness. The shift in consciousness resulted in release from the last remaining vestiges of cultural bondage, which had remained hidden from my conscious awareness – we are all enslaved/held prisoner by our unconscious behavioural responses. The experience of release was overwhelming, my days as economic slave (‘productive’ citizen) had finally come to an end – Hallelujah! “Free at last, free at last, thank Gus the bus driver, I am free at last! (Notwithstanding the fact I had been LED TO BELIEVE that I was living in a ‘free’ society).

The ‘event’ came in the form of a malformed living human body (PERSON) who crossed my path. It took a little time to determine gender and other distinguishing characteristics but suffice to say the very athletic hunchback of Notre Dame had nothing on this person’s disfigurement and physical limitations. Contorted and hunched over to the extent that his nose was closer to the ground than his knees, he nevertheless slowly shuffled along progressing at a rate a snail would’ve been proud of!

I watched the ‘normal’ crowd dash and dart around this [almost wrote, “poor unfortunate creature”] person taking pains to avoid close contact. It seemed everyone was thinking limitation, malformation and disability! Faces and gestures spelled it out perfectly, ‘poor unfortunate creature’, ‘but for the grace of God go I’, etc. I too reacted in similar fashion – it was UNANIMOUS – the perfect learnt cultural response and a story/LIFE is swept into the narrow confines of a pitiful cultural reaction. [But whose loss is it?]

Stephen Hawking is immobilised in a wheelchair unable to speak yet he is a mathematical genius! This hunched man could have been a leading composer, poet, philosopher or whatever; however, people chose to IMPRISON THEMSELVES in a learnt cultural response without knowledge of the entire story.

How easy it becomes to invade and exploit weaker nations, murder the people and steal resources under the facades of religion and the ‘terrorist' threat. Capture the focus, distract the attention away from the principal reality and the local public will follow its cultural cues and imprison itself in the appropriate cultural response -- genocide is easy! [That’s a good dog, here, have a bone/headline].

My release from the habitual response hit me like a black-op jet hitting a tactically charged twin towers; my personal cultural baggage was blown back in my face; the ‘fan’ had hit the dry leaves of my cultural values and exposed a hard reality – ‘it is not about what you CAN’T do, it’s about what you CAN do’ – the magic of a focal shift and ACTUAL REALITY presents itself!

The majority of people are able to march/walk on government or other centres of power and demand the arrest of known vandals, liars, murderers and war criminals. However, the public’s focus is constantly lured into negative cultural responses! We are ALL held CAPTIVE by our focus, attention and imposed/learnt values/beliefs. Nevertheless, alternative options are readily available.

Focusing on a section or segment of a picture in an attempt to determine the nature of an entire composition is a folly; the most likely outcome would be irrelevance, inaccuracy or simply an unreality. Do you remember the story of the man looking for his lost key under a street lamp because more light was available in that location; he had actually lost his key elsewhere in a dark alley? Does the above tale illustrate the mentality of the masses? [What is the REAL issue today, the collapsing environment, an absolute value, or the economy, an abstract value?]

The number of consultants, advisers, advertising agents, psychologists, propagandists and marketing strategists advising the conservatives, John Howard, George Bush and Tony Blair is staggering. The real war today is waged for our FOCUS! Under the guise of democracy, liberty and ‘the war on terror’, murder, plunder, collapsing environment and pollution not only continue but are supported by a duped domestic population.

Consider your automatic slave response to cultural triggers (religion, nationalism, race, etc) then consider the criminal murderers who deftly manipulate those known emotive triggers. Would it not be preferable to dance to your own tune rather than to the pied piper’s hypnotic notes that lure the unwary to destruction?

The “economy” and numerous other non-critical issues capture the minds of those unable to provide solutions for today’s major issues. Hundreds of species become extinct while the “economy” remains the primary consideration. The economy is the principal factor contributing to the future untenability of the human species. And we pour scorn on Nero!

The real battle today is for the MIND.

A deformed (but fully) human being cured my blindness and stupidity. All governments are corrupt and we support them, ridiculous! If we are to survive, surely we must cease following idiots, criminals and liars – sort of makes sense, don’t you think?

A journey begins with a first step; I can think of no better first step than marching on the Capital/seat of government and demanding the arrest of corrupt, lying and murdering politicians – they have no chance against the public.

To hold Bush (WMD) Howard (aluminium tubing) and Blair (45 minutes) and their handlers accountable for their horrendous crimes is without doubt a very good start, in fact it is IMPERATIVE if we are to survive. The socially oppressed majorities of India and China would follow suit and the world could face the challenges of the future as a unified human race not a species at war with itself headed for certain annihilation.

The tired social formula of leaders and followers has clearly failed.

We are all responsible for each other’s welfare; mutual cooperation and mutual assistance engenders harmony and Peace. The mutual support mechanisms in communities ensure a higher survival rating than nations, alienated individual and family units.

We are ONE.



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The price of peas
by Pete Wednesday, Nov 8 2006, 6:35am

Demand carbon rationing.

Call your MP, your granny and your bank manager. Demand carbon rationing to achieve contraction and convergence of greenhouse gas emissions globally.



easily manipulated fanatics
by nose ring via rialator - MIM Thursday, Nov 9 2006, 7:09pm

On ninemsn today: 10/11/2006

An email and SMS hoax based on blasphemous Mohammed cartoons has spread through the Australian Islamic community at lightning speed, provoking an enormous response and revealing the depth of the community's loathing of such images.

The hoax, which asks Muslims to vote on a ninemsn poll to prevent publication of offensive cartoons, has garnered more than two million responses throughout Australia.

Most of the responses have been received in the past few days as what began as a chain email moved to SMS messages on mobile phones.

The poll itself is legitimate but obsolete, having been published in February at the height of Muslim anger over Danish Mohammed cartoons. It invites a yes or no answer to whether an Australian newspaper should publish the cartoons.

The hoax takes the poll out of context, incorrectly telling Muslims that unless three million "no" votes are received, the cartoons will be published.

One example SMS reads: "national nine news wants 2 publish cartoons of Rasulallah. to stop this we need 3,000,000 votes today."

The SMS then goes on to give the web address of the ninemsn poll, which has now been deactivated in efforts to stop the hoax.

"Rasulallah" means "messenger of god" and refers to the Prophet Mohammed, who cannot be depicted under Islamic law.

Muslims contacted by ninemsn throughout Australia have reported receiving numerous emails and SMS messages relating to the poll.

Abdul el Ayoubi, of the Lebanese Muslim Association, says he received an email three weeks ago and went to the poll to vote "no". Then he received the SMS on Wednesday and realised it was not legitimate.

"A lot of people got the message. I received another SMS 10 or 15 minutes after the first," he said. "People really care about this, the Danish cartoons of Mohammed were a major issue for the Muslim people of Australia, we see them as pure blasphemy."

Mr el Ayoubi noted that there were only about 400,000 Australian Muslims, so it was interesting the poll — which contains strong measures to prevent users voting more than once — had amassed more than two million votes.

"Many non-Muslim religious people felt strongly about this, so maybe they decided to vote as well," he said.

The final poll results were 65,566 votes for publication of the cartoons and 2,158,490 against.


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