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Dying embers
by Kingfisher Thursday, Oct 4 2007, 12:03pm
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

The Howard racist government has plainly lost the plot as is clearly evident in the announcements and statements of Immigration Minister, Kevin ‘no Africans here’ Andrews and Howard enforcer, Bill ‘yellow peril’ Heffernan. But the overt racism of these two ideological dinosaurs has not delivered the final deathblow to the Howard antiquated government. That dubious honour goes to Malcolm ‘rice balls’ Turnbull, who has so ‘expertly’ committed personal political suicide (over his handling of the red-hot Gunns, pulp mill issue) the flow-over effect threatens to drag his party under with him! For the want of a Tasmanian marginal seat the whole party was lost -- and it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of incompetent cowards.

Dedicated to a treeless Australia -- eat pulp not seafood!
Dedicated to a treeless Australia -- eat pulp not seafood!

In defiance of the world’s most critical concern -- pollution induced GLOBAL WARMING -- the parochial, myopic Howard government could not see the nose on its face. In a suicidal bid to gain favour with Tasmanian lumberjacks, the Howard government has earned the ire of the entire nation by allowing a controversial pulp mill to be built in Tasmania – the situation is made worse as the industrial plan is based on antiquated highly polluting designs. The flagrant lies of Environment Minister,Turnbull, relating to claims that the mill conformed to ‘world’s best practice’ were almost immediately exposed by citing Swedish models. The Swedish model dispenses with the use of Chlorine, which in effect allows over 30 pulp mills to produce less pollution than the single mill approved by ‘rice balls’ Turnbull!

The groundswell from this issue promises to make and break political careers, who is up for the challenge? Certainly not the opposition shadow environment minister, Peter ‘back flip extraordinaire’ Garrett, whose personal credibility is so far in the minuses he challenges Turnbull’s effort!

We can confidently state that the backlash from the Oz public AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, once the media circus is underway, will bring nothing but negative consequences for all those involved in the project. The mill has, however, served to highlight the servility of Oz politicians to the corporate sector and big business. Both major political parties will soon regret their actions regarding this mill. Bankers and financiers have already stalled, as the issue promises to be anything but certain or successful.

BHP-Billiton continues to extract (without charge) over 30 million litres (PER DAY) of our high quality artesian water for filthy industrial purposes while we suffer the worst drought in living memory. The mindless population will soon be alerted by skyrocketing food prices; perhaps then they may realise that neither Rudd nor Howard have what it takes to GOVERN Australia -- “I love a sunburnt country a land of spineless, insular, racist, myopic, mindless morons!”

The elections are looming, IS ANYONE UP FOR THE CHALLENGE, no responsible citizen could possibly vote for Howard or Rudd?

It’s OUR nation, OUR wealth and OUR resources – we do not accept any buccaneer Corporations dictating policy, POLLUTING and raping OUR NATION!

Garrett, Turnbull -- Facing Oblivion!
Garrett, Turnbull -- Facing Oblivion!

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