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Prime Minister Howard image Australian Leader – “underdog” Kingfisher, Sunday, Apr 15 2007, 3:39pm
The Prime Minister of Australia claimed today that he would contest the forthcoming Federal election as the "underdog" – another tired (and familiar) Howard tactic! The failing politician failed to mention that it was he who created the situation with his inane, ill-considered comments ranging from his hysterical criticisms of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama, as the terrorist friendly candidate, to his astounding comments on HIV and immigration bans. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Apr 15 2007, 4:47pm
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

liberators.jpg image Euphemisms, Militarism and U.S. Psychopathology barra, Monday, Apr 9 2007, 12:43am
I have long since given up wondering why the masses tolerate the most heinous criminals in government; the answer to that was so obvious it was elusive. These days freelancers and associated drunks in the ranks of Murdoch’s Orwellian media, review past stories when nothing dramatic presents for ‘gory story’ and associated press! Hacks are instinctively attuned to language. Word abuse from those in high places always grates and alerts to possible subterfuge. Professionals do not appreciate the tools of their trade being abused by oafs and unqualified sordid types. (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello image Hicks case becomes Quicksand for Oz Government budgie, Saturday, Mar 31 2007, 2:54pm
When things are a bit slow we can always rely on the Australian conservative government to entertain us -- their now very desperate (divorced from reality) attempts to come out of the Hicks “saga” smelling roses are entertaining if nothing else. The impossibility of the Howard government looking good over any issue relating to Hicks hasn’t dampened the enthusiasm of the Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello. The Treasurer has very unwisely waded into the debate with characteristic arrogance and miscalculated comments directed at Hicks. Try as Costello might to incriminate Hicks and brand him a murderer, the facts defy his every attempt. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

text The Failure of Modern Western Society finn, Friday, Mar 23 2007, 2:12pm
Wind down from your artificially induced stress/pace and confront your personal reality – take stock for a moment. Your existence has been confined to sustaining and maintaining a system that makes ever-increasing demands on your liberty and freedom – the pillars upon which joy and satisfaction are built/derived! The frenzied pace of western society is largely the result of the manic need for ever increasing profits and greater concentrations of wealth in the fewest possible hands, which inevitably places higher demands on those at the bottom of the financial scale. Obtaining wealth is simply a matter of applying unfair downward pressure in favour of upward flowing benefits; wealth is not created it is the result of manipulation and/or theft – the historical record bears this out. Put simply, profit is exploitation/theft!
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

'Mahatma Gandhi' image New World Order peptide, Wednesday, Mar 21 2007, 10:22am
A recent article brought home the shocking truth of today’s new world order by contrasting the social outrage expressed against Richard Nixon for his minor offence of a break and enter (Watergate) with today's social complacency in the face of half-a-million civilian dead in Iraq. The office of president of the USA has become an experimental position where corporate placed buffoons are allowed to reign ruin on the world. The “bouquet of flowers, mission accomplished, WMD, give war a chance”, administration got it wrong from the start yet ‘bouquet’ Wolfowitz has been promoted to president of the World Bank, where he continues to bungle and lose to other interests (China). The incompetent clown, Bush, remains president and the criminals who benefit remain behind the scenes profiting on the misery of others! (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

Bush and Howard image The Politics of Apathy: an Australian story yarra, Friday, Mar 16 2007, 1:29pm
While America leads the world in insularism and denial, Australia is the world leader in complacency and apathy. No cultural equivalent for the Oz expression, “she’ll be right, mate”, exists anywhere – notwithstanding the variation of “who gives a shit?” Today, non-involvement is proving to be a very costly cultural habit. America has become the world’s most hated nation and will soon attract very real consequences for its actions, one of which is the acquisition of Australia as a colonial trophy. Australia remains an international laughing stock under the servile leadership of lackey prime minister, John Howard; Aussies are experiencing their eleventh year under the rule of the most slavish, gutless, lying, duplicitous, cringing, government on record. No other leader in world history has displayed the servility and cowardice of John Howard. When America says jump, the despicable little coward, Howard, says how high, boss! (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

death5.jpg image When Superpowers go Rogue peptide, Sunday, Feb 25 2007, 12:52pm
History records instances of powerful, belligerent nations invading and annexing weaker nations in their bid for world domination and plunder. Various pretexts are utilised to justify these attacks/invasions, the most familiar and infamous are the USS Liberty attack, the Tonkin Gulf incident and more recently the imaginary WMD 'threat'. These examples have one thing in common; they are all orchestrated in order to harness the public as a manageable resource to be used and abused by prevailing powers and to justify an otherwise illegal invasion or military aggression. Nations bent on world domination are extremely predictable; world domination is the folly of a powerful military and inept leadership – history is familiar with a multitude of conquering clowns known to us today as mass murderers. (story and 2 images)
international / peace/war / opinion/analysis

Peter Costello image Conservative Lunacy and Public Paralysis nano, Saturday, Feb 17 2007, 3:52pm
The Australian Federal Treasurer, Peter (supercilious prick) Costello today impetuously let one cat out of the (tactics) bag! Responding to a question relating to the economy, Costello took the opportunity to state that “the people wouldn’t trust their mortgages to the opposition party or to the leader of the opposition”. Tired fear tactics aside, Costello’s statement relates directly to the crippling debt the Australian public has been experiencing since the conservatives took office (hint!) The conservatives are the problem not the solution. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

Vladimir Putin image The Russian Bear rouses from Hibernation Kingfisher, Sunday, Feb 11 2007, 12:48pm
Speaking at the Munich security conference, Vladimir Putin took the opportunity to denounce America for its pursuit of world domination. Putin’s verbal attack lacked the clout the old Soviet Union once possessed, however, the message was not lost on the Americans who immediately went into recovery/spin mode regarding their hegemonic pursuits. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Feb 11 2007, 3:49pm
international / imperialism / opinion/analysis

The American ideology image What’s the Death Toll, Mr. Bush? peptide, Friday, Feb 9 2007, 11:29am
The ever increasing, unmentionable death toll of U.S. military expansionism in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and elsewhere exceeds one million souls. The human casualties have achieved unification and consensus at last! The slogan of death is unutterable, perfectly silent and devastatingly effective! Devoid of tribe, nation, race, religion and every other divisive factor that contributed to their demise, all humans are united in death – they are finished! In death there are no ideologies, 'critical issues' or causes. (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text WAR of the 21st Century cleaves, Saturday, Feb 3 2007, 2:41pm
The real war today is for survival; whether the species earns the right to survive or annihilates itself remains to be seen but the money is on annihilation, where it belongs! It is counter-productive to focus on the external manifestations of man’s evolutionary struggle against his dual nature – the WAR today is the final war for the species, it is the last battle of LIFE against DEATH.
international / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis

foxnews.jpg image Lost in Translation dingo, Thursday, Jan 25 2007, 6:12pm
‘Never look at what they want you to see, look at why they want you to see it’! This East European adage is attributed to the Gypsies but its real origin is lost in the sea of ethnic diversity that is Eastern Europe. My initial exposure to this European gem of wisdom was while watching a news report on TV with friends; one of the group rightly asked what had happened to Bush’s highly prized ‘democracy’ in his own nation where over seventy percent of the population rejects him and his incompetent regime? BUSH AND THE PUBLIC SEEM TO HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT DEMOCRACY IS REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT AND BUSH (with only 28% approval rating) IS NO LONGER REPRESENTATIVE! (story and 2 images)
international / imperialism / opinion/analysis

Dingo image Dingoes and Dragons barra, Monday, Jan 22 2007, 5:56pm
It is easy to overlook the critical issues in the present political climate of rapid change. While most eyes are on Iran and America’s woeful attempts to revive its international reputation by pursuing an already failed PNAC strategy, China quietly ascends with the minimum of fuss. Asian nations (including Japan) are fully aware of China’s unassailable supremacy in the region and its wider influence in regions traditionally the domain of western powers. It seems that even the Americans have been jolted into a new awareness of China’s place in the International Community. (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

Sub-launched U.S. Trident II -- nuke madness image Convenient Coincidences mantis, Thursday, Jan 18 2007, 10:00am
Analysts are trained to give special attention to what appears to be coincidence. A good example of this today would be the current hysteria in the UK over the racial vilification of an Indian actress on some inane TV show and ‘coincidentally’, in Australia, the mysterious ‘surfacing’ of an extremist DVD allegedly produced by an Australian Wahhabist Muslim. The mass media of both these nations is saturated by these attention-stealing ‘stories’. The attention of the respective populations has been conveniently diverted away from coalition forces quietly preparing for a nuclear attack on Iran. It could also be argued that the racist card is being utilised to soften western populations to the use of nuclear weapons – after all, unwashed Arabs and Persians are expendable, aren’t they? (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

elvisnixon.jpg image The American ‘Think Tank’ nano, Monday, Jan 8 2007, 5:47pm
The world can hardly wait to hear Bush’s new plans for the continued occupation of Iraq. With an official Iraqi death toll exceeding 655,000, social anarchy and failed state status fast approaching, the Bush regime has NOTHING to skite about and no where to go but HOME. The whole disastrous intervention in Iraq is living proof that myopic criminal endeavours always end in tragedy for the people. We recall that U.S. invading forces were under strict orders to secure one site only, the OIL MINISTRY in Baghdad – how telling! From the first day analysts were under no illusions as to the real intentions of the invaders – PLUNDER – the appropriation of Iraq’s most valuable resource. (story and 2 images)
international / peace/war / opinion/analysis

Saddam Hussein image A Life of Crime nano, Saturday, Dec 30 2006, 3:26pm
The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determine who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’ regardless of the acts committed. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, Dec 31 2006, 4:34pm
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text Inverted Values finch, Wednesday, Nov 15 2006, 12:11pm
An Australian corporate director who FAILED to perform was recently relieved of his position; he nevertheless was able to walk with a $30 million severance package. This case is not uncommon, directors who fail to perform ensure they win regardless of other factors. Public companies are milk cows for these unscrupulous types.
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text Wake-up Call peptide, Sunday, Nov 12 2006, 7:51pm
If after comparing actual events with posturing and rhetoric you conclude that Western governments serve minority corporate interests rather than the interests of the people, you would have discovered the lie that is democracy. You may also be surprised to discover that the majority of people who live in so-called democratic societies are actually compliant slaves! Governments that are SUBJECT to the rule of minority Corporate elites could hardly be expected to serve the interests of the majority if their masters specialise in inequity, disparity and the concentration of wealth in the fewest possibly hands. The appropriate response to any politician who states they are serving the interests of democracy, liberty or the people should therefore be, LIAR – unless of course you belong to the category of mindless slaves referred to above!
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

jester image Sedition and Popular Media Kingfisher, Friday, Nov 3 2006, 10:28am
Conservative governments (marionettes of Corporate and Financial interests) have unanimously implemented 'new sweeping' [slogan] anti-terrorist and sedition laws to constrain and stifle dissent; conservatives can always be relied upon to implement the most lacklustre ‘solutions’! In characteristic mode they have resorted to Legislation in a futile attempt to silence dissenting and protesting ‘voices’. Legislation has always been the desperate final resort of all scoundrel governments and inept politicians. Nevertheless, the popular media remains unaffected by the new laws and continues to demonise, misrepresent, distort and omit details in order to present a ‘tailored reality’ to the public. Circumventing the ‘new sweeping laws’ is child’s play for any journo, analyst, artist or professional media manufacturer/fabulator/fabricator – WHY? (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Saturday, Nov 4 2006, 11:55pm
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

Helen Coonan -- Communications Dominatrix image The Management of Information peptide, Sunday, Oct 22 2006, 11:10pm
The Australian Minister for Communications, Helen Coonan, buoyed by her recent success in eliminating media diversity in Oz is now targeting the most diverse (content) medium on the planet – the internet. Her latest comments (news radio) veil her real intentions (information control!) The only effective means of controlling the flow of information on the internet is filtering at backbone or provider level. Conservatives are entirely predictable and Coonan is no exception, her intentions to target the internet were anticipated, a quote from an article dated July 5, follows: (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

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