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Afghan Slaughter: Gillard Quick to Reassure her Washington Overlords
by suzie Sunday, Mar 11 2012, 9:17pm
international / imperialism / commentary

Washington doormat Juliar 'Carbon Sachs' Gillard -- soon to be former PM of Oz -- was quick to reassure her American masters that SHE is committed to HER mission in Afghanistan; perhaps she should ELABORATE or try to justify the presence of brave Aussie troops fighting filthy, illegal, civilian killing, AMERICAN wars for PROFIT in Afghanistan!

Lackey idiot, Juliar Gillard!
Lackey idiot, Juliar Gillard!

Her sickening undying "pledges" and "vows" to her American masters remind us of her stomach-loosening grovel to the US Congress and the pathological need of a frustrated schoolgirl and unfulfilled woman looking for someone to serve and love, absolutely pathetic! Gillard is clearly stunted and ill-equipped to be an independent, national leader; she has not earned the title of 'Washington doormat' for nothing!

Gillard is both a tragic and PATHETIC figure as she OPENLY displays her FAILINGS to the WORLD -- she is the most unrepresentative and reviled PM Oz has ever known and its easy to see WHY!

Traditional Australian egalitarian values of a fair go and fair play, clearly PROHIBIT our involvement in illegal child killing, COMMERCIAL wars for the benefit of Corporate and Banking criminal elites; notwithstanding that Afghans are the most fiercely independent people on the planet and are clearly able to take care of themselves. Nevertheless, we should allow these war-ravaged tribal people to get on with their own lives, 'to live and LET LIVE' -- murder, indefinite detention and extra-judicial assassinations are NOT the Australian way! Gillard should pack her bags and go to America, where she can 'pledge' and 'vow' undying support for Washington forever, please relieve Oz of your embarrassing and pathologically warped presence, Juliar!

The illegal and immoral Afghan occupation was lost years ago, MORALLY and strategically; no justification exists for an Australian presence in this region. Aussies fight honourable and just wars, NOT filthy little, civilian killing wars of occupation for American CORPORATE interests! There is a very good reason why SUICIDE is the highest cause of American deaths in these dirty, criminal, civilian killing wars for PROFIT -- the TRUTH on the ground is an appalling and horrific criminal travesty -- LET IT BE KNOWN! The latest tragedy is typical of the psychosis that plagues all US forces -- when the ugly TRUTH and REALITY of criminal wars on the ground collides with the propaganda/lies of military indoctrination, the soldier's mind breaks and psychosis results!

The enemy is NOT the Afghan people, it is the Corporate/Banking cartels and the puppet politicians that serve them!

Report from the mass media follows -- note the opening paragraph:

Afghan [civilian slaughter] deaths ‘won't stop our mission' - PM
by Phil Hudson

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard today vowed Australian soldiers would stay in Afghanistan to finish their mission as she offered condolences after a rogue US soldier killed 16 civilians.

Ms Gillard described the attack as "an appalling incident involving a rogue US soldier'' and said she was waiting for more information about what had happened.

"On behalf of the Australian Government and the Australian nation I offer our condolences to President Karzai and to the people of Afghanistan, most particularly the relatives and friends of those who have lost their lives,'' Ms Gillard said.

"I'm not in a position now, because details are sketchy, to go through full details of this incident or to speculate on motivation.

"But we do know that a large number of Afghan families are grieving today so on behalf of all Australians I offer my condolences.''

About nine children are believed to be among the 16 civilians killed in the attack that President Karzai described as "unforgivable''.

Ms Gillard said Australia would not pullout early from Afghanistan.

"Our mission in Afghanistan is clear and our commitment to it remains firm. Of course an incident like this is a truly distressing one, but it's not going to distract us from our purpose in Afghanistan and our clear sense of mission in Afghanistan.

"We know what we're there to do, we know the time frame that we are doing it on and our commitment remains clear,'' she said.

© 2012 News Limited.


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Sixteen Afghan civilians killed in rogue U.S. attack
by group report via stan - Reuters Sunday, Mar 11 2012, 10:27pm

(Reuters) - Sixteen Afghan civilians, including nine children, were shot dead in what witnesses described as a nighttime massacre on Sunday near a U.S. base in southern Afghanistan, and one U.S. soldier was in custody.

While U.S. officials rushed to draw a line between the rogue shooting and the ongoing efforts of a U.S. force of around 90,000, the incident is sure to further inflame Afghan anger triggered when U.S. soldiers burned copies of the Koran at a NATO base.

U.S. officials said an American staff sergeant from a unit based in Washington state was in custody after the attack on villagers in three houses. Multiple civilians were also wounded, a spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) coalition said

President Barack Obama called his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzai promising to establish the facts quickly and "to hold fully accountable anyone responsible."

There were conflicting reports of how many shooters were involved, with U.S. officials asserting that a lone soldier was responsible, in contrast to witnesses' accounts that several U.S. soldiers were present.

The incident was one of the worst of its kind since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said anti-U.S. reprisals were possible following the killings, just as the Koran burning incident a few weeks earlier had touched off widespread anti-Western protests in which at least 30 people died.

Neighbors and relatives of the dead said they had seen a group of U.S. soldiers arrive at their village in Kandahar's Panjwayi district at about 2 a.m., enter homes and open fire.

An Afghan man who said his children were killed in the shooting spree accused soldiers of later burning the bodies.

Obama said he was deeply saddened. "This incident is tragic and shocking and does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan," Obama said in a statement.


Afghan President Karzai condemned the rampage as "intentional murders" and demanded an explanation from the United States. His office said the dead included nine children and three women.

Afghan officials also gave varying accounts of the number of shooters involved. Karzai's office released a statement quoting a villager as saying "American soldiers woke my family up and shot them in the face."

Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs Asadullah Khalid said a U.S. soldier had burst into three homes near his base in the middle of the night, killing a total of 16 people including 11 people in the first house.

The ISAF spokesman said the U.S. soldier "walked back to the base and turned himself into U.S. forces this morning," adding there had been no military operations taking place in the area when the incident occurred.

Panjwayi district is about 35 km (22 miles) west of the provincial capital Kandahar city. The district is considered the spiritual home of the Taliban and has been a hive of insurgent activity in recent years.

"I saw that all 11 of my relatives were killed, including my children and grandchildren," said a weeping Haji Samad, who said he had left his home a day earlier.


The walls of the house were blood-splattered.

"They (Americans) poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them," Samad told Reuters at the scene.

Neighbors said they had awoken to crackling gunfire from American soldiers, who they described as laughing and drunk.

"They were all drunk and shooting all over the place," said neighbor Agha Lala, who visited one of the homes where killings took place.

"Their (the victims') bodies were riddled with bullets."

A senior U.S. defense official in Washington rejected witness accounts that several apparently drunk soldiers were involved. "Based on the preliminary information we have this account is flatly wrong," the official said. "We believe one U.S. service member acted alone, not a group of U.S. soldiers."

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called Karzai to offer his condolences. "I condemn such violence and am shocked and saddened that a U.S. service member is alleged to be involved, clearly acting outside his chain of command," Panetta said in a statement. "A full investigation is already under way. A suspect is in custody and I gave President Karzai my assurances that we will bring those responsible to justice."

The Afghan Taliban said it would take revenge for the deaths, in an emailed statement to media.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said an investigation was under way and that "the individual or individuals responsible for this act will be identified and brought to justice."

ISAF Commander General John Allen promised a rapid investigation.

Civilian casualties have been a major source of friction between Karzai's Western-backed government and U.S.-led NATO forces in Afghanistan. NATO is preparing to hand over all security responsibilities to Afghans and all foreign combat troops are scheduled to leave by end-2014.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the alliance remained firmly committed to its mission and said anyone responsible would be held accountable.

The Koran burning and the violence that followed, including a spate of deadly attacks against U.S. soldiers, underscored the challenges that the West faces as it prepares to withdraw.

Sunday's attack may harden a growing consensus in Washington that, despite a troop surge, a war bill exceeding $500 billion over 10-1/2 years and almost 2,000 U.S. lives lost, prospects are dimming for what the United States can accomplish in Afghanistan.

"These killings only serve to reinforce the mindset that the whole war is broken and that there's little we can do about it beyond trying to cut our losses and leave," said Joshua Foust, a security expert with the American Security Project.

(Reporting by Ahmad Nadem in Kandahar and Hamid Shalizi in Kabul, Additional reporting by Missy Ryan and Alister Bull in Washington; Writing by Amie Ferris-Rotman; Editing by Andrew Roche and Jackie Frank)

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