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Underground water set to soar in value
by budgie Sunday, May 11 2008, 11:16pm
international / social/political / commentary

The story from the San Francisco Chronicle (see link) on water scarcity, compounds the crisis of skyrocketing rice, wheat and maize prices around the globe! We are ALL facing starvation and unprecedented social unrest on a global scale but are we ready?

Addressing a ‘Future’ summit in Sydney, the Governor General, Michael Jeffrey, spelt it out; the major issues facing Australia are water, food, sustainable energy and the environment. However, possibly due to external pressure or complying with the wishes of the Rudd government, the G-G foolishly stated that these would be the major issues in FIFTY years time, WHAT! Try right now, Mr Jeffrey!

“Australian scientists suggest they could meet the total energy needs of Australia with a solar panel array of around 50 kilometres squared," he said. By George I think he’s got it, but your time frame is woeful, ol’ mate!

Consider the rapacious mining company that has been extracting millions of litres of high quality drinking/irrigation water PER DAY over a period of YEARS from OUR/Australia’s precious, FINITE, artesian supply -- FREE OF fuckin’ CHARGE! Yes, G-G, its BHP! The ISSUE IS NOW!

If ever an inquiry needed to be launched into water usage, it is now! BHP and the Rann state government no doubt would have plenty to hide! Pilfering the nation's precious water for filthy, polluting, mining purposes when the land is parched will not long remain conveniently hidden from public attention, Mr Rudd, the situation is SCANDALOUS!

The nation is in dire need of a nationalist government with LOCAL priorities foremost on its agenda – not the kowtowing likes of Stephen ‘kneepads’ Smith and ‘custard face’ Rudd – what thorough disgraces these ‘men’ are!

The Australian public voted for change but it seems whichever major political party is elected all remain servile to BIG BUSINESS interests at the expense of EVERYTHING else, including the nation's well being – a treasonous offence.

People should never lose sight of the DEMOCRATIC alternative – MAJORITY RULE via real REPRESENTATION – it cures a multitude of ‘special interest’ ills.

The world is now in survival mode and BHP gets FREE water which it wastes for profit while the people pay through the nose for everything – that’s a 'fair' go, isn’t it, Mr Rudd – you reprehensible, gutless, little lackey?

If you’re looking for those responsible for destroying the nation look no further than the boardrooms of BHP and other Transnational Corporations and the Federal Parliament – at least that makes rounding them up easy!

Rid the nation of Rudd and his senior ministers; it is not necessary to wait for an election. STAND THEM DOWN NOW!

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