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Australia has no better ‘friend’ than Sarin Gas America
by nano Sunday, Jul 6 2008, 12:13am
international / injustice/law / commentary

‘Shit floats,’ but for those with bourgeois sensibilities, the truth always surfaces. However, we need a suitable context to emphasise the point and what better context than the behaviour of the current and previous slaves to America, Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and John Howard! We hope the issue of America’s true attitude to Australia – and the world -- will be clarified once and for ALL! Satisfaction guaranteed for patriot Aussies and cringing colonialists alike!

Remember the now infamous, grovelling remark made by former PM John ‘aluminium tubing’ Howard, that led us into an illegal WAR, “America has no better friend than Australia;” many a gut turned at that remark? All hope was dashed when the current PM, Kevin ‘bereft’ Rudd, continued to tread the same slavish path to the Whitehouse worn smooth by the knees of former PM Howard and his senior ministers. We do note, however, that previous grovelling efforts pale in comparison to the floor-licking efforts of Stephen ‘kneepads’ Smith, whose grovelling and acquiescence has been captured on camera complete with the soundtrack of Condi Rice’s mocking laughter!

Truth of the REAL America has finally surfaced and what a rank odour accompanies it! I refer to the UNDISGUISED contempt the USA has for its ‘allies’ and the now very obvious murderous contempt it displays toward the rest of the world/humanity. Information obtained under FOI by an AUSTRALIAN investigative reporter CLEARLY REVEALS American plans to test the deadly SARIN nerve gas on Australian troops in Queensland! The price for allowing whimps and incompetents to lead the nation is involvement in illegal wars (Iraq) and ‘friends’ demanding that we allow OUR TROOPS to be used as guinea pigs for deadly SARIN nerve gas tests! A weapon considered illegal under the conventions of modern warfare!

We know today the USA could care less for law, order and convention but few realised the degree of contempt the USA has for the lives of its ‘allies and friends’ – well, FUCK YOU, UNCLE!

Time to wake up Australia. Fools not analysts believe in coincidences; the Oz PM at the time, Harold Holt, RIGHTLY vetoed the plans. History notes that soon after that decision Holt disappeared while skindiving off the Victorian coast! Holt was an expert diver and shark attacks always leave remnants, body parts and other indigestibles, but NO TRACE of HAROLD HOLT was ever found!

Seems the Americans took offence when an Australian ELECTED LEADER vetoed their plans – need we mention CIA intervention in the removal of Gough Whitlam, who threatened to close Pine Gap if our military intelligence and other agencies were not given access – it was goodbye Gough, bitten by an American Kerr! Time to WAKE UP AUSTRALIA!

The solution to the current expose is available under existing law; arrest all U.S. lackeys and other traitors in government and hold them accountable. Howard and his ministers present no problem as they have been openly exposed as war criminals and traitors. However, Rudd and his minister’s have not yet been given the opportunity to compromise themselves to the extent that would make a strong case. Nevertheless, make no mistake -- as is evidenced by their appalling, slavish behaviour – whatever the American Overlord demands, Rudd complies; even against the best interests of Australian citizens (the stinking, traitorous, scum!) Care to calculate the total amount in hundreds of billions that is pilfered from OUR nation without so much as BHP paying for the billions of litres of water it uses for mining purposes in South Australia -- the State hit hardest by the Murray-Darling scandal! Kevin Rudd should be tried for incompetence -- when action is clearly required he establishes YET ANOTHER commission!

I have nothing more to add except to emphasise the need to hold ALL criminals and incompetents accountable; especially those involved in mass murder and other war crimes. Restore the rule of law (and) order/fairness will return to Australian society.

Australia can no longer afford to be ruled by cowards, criminals and bereft incompetents – if action can be taken against living Americans and Australians for conspiracy to commit murder with SARIN gas or by any other means, then that action MUST BE TAKEN! The LAW demands it, AUSTRALIA demands it!

Anyone who continues to have doubts regarding the criminal USA, do us all a favour and quietly FUCK OFF over there – emigrate! As for the rest, have a nice day!

[A note for incompetent (criminal) politicians, banking and mining executives raping the people and the nation – your day will come, sooner than you think!]


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US planned nerve gas attack on Australian troops
by Greg Ansley via krill - NZ Herald Tuesday, Jul 8 2008, 12:04am

CANBERRA -- The United States planned to gas Australian troops in experiments with two of the most lethal nerve gases ever devised, newly declassified files have revealed.

Previously top secret documents have shown that even as the world was outlawing chemical weapons at the height of the Cold War, Washington sought Canberra's permission to test sarin and VX gas on diggers in remote Queensland.

The documents, shown on Channel Nine's Sunday programme yesterday, indicate that US military scientists wanted to bomb and spray 200 "mainly Australian" troops with the deadly nerve agents in the 1960s.

Shaken by the request, the plan was rejected by Liberal Prime Minister Harold Holt, despite Canberra's deep concern to keep the US engaged in the western Pacific.

At the time the two nations were embroiled in Vietnam and in contingency plans for war against China drawn up by the former Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation.

Sarin and VX gas are now classified as weapons of mass destruction and are outlawed under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention.

First produced by Nazi Germany but not used in World War II, Sarin is fatal at even very low concentrations, killing within minutes.

Produced by both the US and the former Soviet Union, the gas was adopted as a standard chemical weapon in Europe by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation but was later dumped from Western arsenals.

But Sarin was used by Iraq during its eight-year war with Iran in the 1980s, and was used by late dictator Saddam Hussein in an attack against the Kurdish city of Halabja, killing an estimated 5000 people.

The other nerve gas named in the US proposals for Australian tests, VX, is regarded as the most toxic nerve agent ever produced, and was manufactured in large volumes by America during the early 1960s.

Channel Nine reported that Washington had asked Holt to allow testing of the two gases against Australian troops, probably in the Iron Range rainforest near Lockhart River in far north Queensland.

It said planning was very advanced in the US, which wanted the operation to be kept secret because the weapons were illegal under international law.

Survey teams inspected the proposed testing site, and details of the tests were to be kept secret from all but a handful of troops.

Peter Bailey, a former senior adviser to Holt, told the programme that the request alarmed Canberra. "If they weren't pretty good and pretty faithful to the Americans we would be dumped, so I think ministers were very aware that this was probably our one main support," he said.

Former Democrats Senator Lyn Allison told Channel Nine the present Labor Government should make the documents public.

And toxicology Professor Chris Winder of the University of New South Wales said the idea that Australia could even countenance such tests was unacceptable. He said Cold War fears that Chinese or Russian attackers might have used such weapons in a third world war "doesn't justify it now and I don't think it justified it then".

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