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Former Oz FM, Alexander Downer at loose ends
by Kingfisher Sunday, Nov 2 2008, 2:07am
international / social/political / commentary

There is a syndrome to which former public figures are extremely susceptible; it’s a type of hangover effect. After years in public office, directing the affairs of State, to suddenly find themselves on the scrap heap is a little disconcerting and a bit of a shock, especially for elitists that have always held the view they were born to rule!

Alexander Downer
Alexander Downer

Before launching into that effeminate, silver spoon, cowardly, cream puff and tragic excuse for a man, Alexander Downer, I would state that the syndrome applies to all who have held positions of power for extended periods.

Who remembers the excised casino ‘we had to have’ on Christmas Island, which was created on orders from then serving PM, Paul Keating? The casino ‘we had to have’ was expressly built to cater for the thoroughly corrupt Indonesian ruling elite who desperately required a means by which they could legitimise and launder hundreds of millions of aid dollars stolen from the World bank, IMF and other International agencies.

‘Gambling’ junkets from Jakarta to Christmas Island were arranged to facilitate the needs of these scurrilous scumbags. Of course, Paul Keating didn’t benefit ‘much’ from the service he provided, it was a gesture of good will to one of the most corrupt leaders of all time, General ‘kill ‘em all’ Suharto.

The above notwithstanding, most Aussies choose to remember Paul as the man who sold Australia to the banksters. Who could forget Keating’s deregulation policies that enabled New York bankers to introduce parasitic fee structures and crippling credit schemes that screwed average Australians?

Yet even Keating the scumbag occasionally ventures out of his hole to publicly lecture Rudd and Gillard on the affairs of state! It should be plain to Keating that Rupert Murdoch’s handpicked government requires no advice from him!

But to return to Downer, the ‘fishnet’ Foreign Minister and senior member of the most INCOMPETENT, COWARDLY, TRAITOROUS government the nation has ever known.

The national debt ballooned to $600 billion under the INCOMPETENT and SERVILE policies of the Howard government! I’ll put that figure in perspective for those who require relative comparisons. Australia’s population is only 21 million and we know that one billion is one THOUSAND MILLION! How is it humanly possible to blow out a debt to that extent with such a tiny spending base of 21 million citizens?

A little research in the public domain reveals the total profits of Transnational, Banking, Financial, Mining and other Corporations for the duration of Howard’s tenure in government amounted to TRILLIONS (thousands of billions) of dollars! Now there ‘s some sobering information!

How is it possible that TRILLIONS in profits are extracted from the nation while the national debt is left to blow out to $600 billion? Where did all those profits go, as the majority of Australians saw little benefits?

The people continue to suffer from crushing debt and other credit economy induced burdens. After decades of neglect the nation’s essential services and infrastructure are in desperate need of funds, especially services relating to health, dental, education/skills, transport and other necessary infrastructure/services required to maintain national viability in a highly competitive world!

No amount of double-talk, jargon or torturing spreadsheets is able to disguise the NOW failing capitalist, inequitable distribution of wealth, model – the current global economic crisis is the result of obscene amounts of money in too few hands.

Trillions of dollars have been appropriated by minority Corporate interests with the barest minimum returned to the nation – BHP continues to drain millions of litres of high quality artesian water from our common resource -- free of charge – I need not remind readers that BHP is the richest miner in the world which has benefited most from our land.

The rape and plunder of our land and many others (Timor-Leste etc.) cannot occur without compliant, PUPPET governments. Do not be deceived; political party ‘differences’ are irrelevant today. BIG business DICTATES policy to those it places in power or destroys/eliminates leaders who oppose it. The examples of Keating (Labor) and Howard (Liberal) graphically demonstrate the servility to which I refer.

Before proceeding to Downer, I would mention the Australian values that elitist big business find so irritating and offensive; the egalitarian ideal, mutual cooperation/support and of course the ‘fair go.’ All of which have been subverted or outright attacked by the likes of Keating and Howard.

Now to Downer and the pot calling the kettle black. Is it nostalgia that motivates you to make an idiot of yourself yet again? Who could forget that singularly ‘brave’ effort of calling on Fijian citizens – from the safety of Adelaide -- to revolt against Commodore Frank Bainimarama after his bloodless coup returned his nation to its rightful owners! Would it matter to Downer if Fijian people suffered injury answering his call while he was safe in South Australia?

The Fijian people are not stupid; the entire world viewed Downer’s remote control call for revolution as the pathetic whimpering of a spineless, effeminate, cream puff! Just what was that birdbrain hoping to achieve?

Are your elitist, silver spoon, sensibilities now offended by Murdoch lackey, Kevin Rudd, leaking to the local press the INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN FACT THAT BUSH IS AN IMBECILE AND MORON? Give us a break!

What is it you hope to achieve; where do you think you are going with your press statement feigning indignation and massive diplomatic damage? Every banjo-playing hillbilly is aware of Bush’s status as idiot! Do your best Downer, but be aware of the consequences of YOUR actions!

Former politicians may soon realise that prudence is the better course and remaining in their rodent holes and crevices is the safer option.

You should be acutely aware there are no secrets in government; do YOU have a contingency plan in the event that the vast amount of material dealing with your traitorous relationship with the USA is leaked to the press?

Sometimes the burden of responsibility weighs heavy, gentlemen – do not push your rapidly evaporating luck!

And never forget there is a light pole with YOUR name on it!

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