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Insider bankster Paulson to throw another $1.2 Trillion at FAILED financial system
by yarra Tuesday, Nov 25 2008, 11:32pm
international / social/political / commentary

The US is clearly bankrupt; however, the same pathology that denies the civilian death toll in Iraq (one million innocent souls) also denies the REALITY that the economy and financial system are DEAD, and have been for some time. It is time for all Americans to apply another delusional, mythic, remedy to the real economy – RESURRECTION! [Laughing out loud!] Give it your best shot you SICK, pathological DENIERS. Ask Jesus fucking Christ to ‘bail’ you out, you mindless morons! You would quickly learn that no MAN MADE ‘GOD’ or MYTH is able to affect even a single hair on the head of the most ardent delusionist/religionist/fantacist – you vacuum-headed imbeciles!

The religious right voted the current criminals and rogues into office on TWO separate occasions! Well, the $chickens$ have come home to roost; it is NOW TIME to ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR mindless, moronic actions! On your knees, you imbecilic, religious SLAVES or, alternatively, bend over and take MORE from the same CRIMINALS YOU placed in OFFICE – YOU mindless Christians! I guess you quarter-brains got the wrong message from Jesus fuckin' Christ, didn't, ya?

However, if you would avoid third world economic status, as the largest debtor nation in ALL history, then apply RATIONAL solutions to REAL problems, you screaming idiots!

The very first step is to REMOVE from all positions of influence those persons/groups/banksters/fanciers responsible for creating the crisis in the first instance – are you able to determine their identities in order to hold them accountable and return their stolen SPOILS to the wider community? Source the information you require from the public domain (doh!) and ACT positively and decisively to REMEDY the situation -- supporting the disease/problem by allowing the KNOWN CRIMINALS and GUILTY to pilfer evermore funds ain't real smart, is it, Bobby-Joe?

Re-establish SOUND economic practices and proven economic PRINCIPLES based on REAL PRODUCTION not the paper-shuffling tricks and subterfuge utilised by these reprehensible types to plunder the public purse! You will note the nations least affected by the crisis are those that have based their economies on real production, development and savings.

What insane logic leads American morons to believe that the idiots that ruined the system are able to repair it – they CLEARLY haven’t a CLUE but they do have MUCH to answer for!

Finally, never forget the role MINDLESS religious idiots – Evangelicals, Baptists, Catholics etc -- played in destroying the nation and economy! What day is it, Jethro?

US to pump $1.2 trillion into battered economy

by Michael Rowland

The United States Government is providing an extra $1.2 trillion in its latest effort to repair the country's battered financial system.

It will spend an additional $900 billion buying troubled mortgage-related debt and pump a further $300 billion into the stalled consumer lending market.

US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says it is yet another attempt to deal with financial problems of historic proportions.

"This is just a very strong statement of support and it's a very strong statement of support for the housing market," he said.

"I wish - and I know you all wish - that there was just sort of one action we could take and all of this would end and the economy would turn around and the financial system would be in the kind of shape we'd like it to be, but that's not the world we live in today," he said.

The latest action takes to well over $4 trillion the amount of money the US Government has spent on dealing with the financial crisis.

The announcement came as the Government reported the US economy shrank by a bigger-than-estimated half a percentage point in the three months to October.

As the Federal Reserve announced its move, the United States posted the sharpest fall in gross domestic product since 2001, likely joining Europe in recession, while China's economy is now expected to grow next year at the slowest pace since 1990.

Investors generally welcomed the Fed's latest move, although some worried that injecting more dollars into the financial system would spur inflation.

Stocks of homebuilders and consumer lenders jumped on the Fed's support plan.

- ABC/Reuters

© 2008 Australian Broadcasting Commission

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