"Global political awakening is historically anti-imperial, politically anti-Western, and emotionally increasingly anti-American." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski
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It is important that all rational, clear thinking people of the world are able to recognise a sick society immediately they are confronted with its psychopathologies and/or its sick population. The following video highlights a COMPLETE, pervasive psychopathology that enables criminals to assume national leadership and openly extol the (perceived) ‘benefits’ of TORTURE, invasive warfare and mass murder.
The clip reveals misguided, hypocritical and demented Evangelical ‘Christians’ openly flouting regulations and conventions by proselytising to Afghani Muslims in direct contravention of military codes of conduct -- this they do while engaging in a ‘Christian’ illegal, invasive, murdering, war!
I have read the New Testament numerous times and have a clear understanding of its precepts and theology AND nowhere, under any circumstances, does it permit the shedding of human blood; – most especially INNOCENT blood! However, that ‘minor’ FACT seems to have escaped the attention of sociopathic Evangelicals who continue in the practice of their LYING ‘theology’ in the guise of Christianity.
In the text, Jesus is portrayed as an extremely passionate man, however, he abhors AND PROHIBITS violence in all its forms – he is not called the “Prince of Peace” for nothing.
The sick fucks depicted in the video are so far removed from anything SANE or Christian it staggers the imagination; nevertheless, like all psychopaths they persist in their violent delusions.
Killing and genocide are sanctioned in Jewish and Islamic texts; however, such behaviour is clearly shunned and PROHIBITED in the REFORMIST, N-E-W Testament! I would suggest to all Christian hypocrites and imbeciles that engage in killing that they convert either to Judaism or Islam if they wish to avoid the consequences of their CLEARLY transgressive and perverse ways.