"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" -- George Orwell
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Hillary’s recent address to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a group primarily comprised of white-haired geriatrics pining for the good ol’ days, confirmed that regardless of whoever inhabits the White House, status quo policies continue without interference from puppet politicians! It’s business as usual for the mass murdering, plundering, rapacious, USA and the Corporatists that run it!
Clinton humoured her audience with such conviction that it appeared she actually believed what she was saying; however, her accommodating speech, tailored for mutually assuring rabbit-hole dwellers, was characterised by delusory statements such as, America continues to lead world affairs; how ‘out-there’ is that one? Consider for a shocking moment, the global majority that loathes the USA and everything it represents, DISPARITY, military intervention, mass murder, social ruination, PLUNDER and occupation! Real ‘popularity winning’ strategies!
I recall David Rockefeller’s many comments, which never reflected reality, but who are we to disturb the geriatric dreams of the soon to be interred! Ninety percentage of the world’s population detests America and cannot wait for the (inevitable) day when the worthless greenback is dumped and America is sent into a tail-spin from which it cannot recover! Nevertheless bankers continue to subscribe to the debt slavery model for the masses, though it is universally known that DEBT is as FRAUDULENT as the entire banking and financial system itself! But again, why upset a group whose average age makes Methuselah look young, allow them to live out their days in their own private CFR?
Very soon the world will agree upon a transferable, digitised International Unit for trade purposes and restrict antiquated money/currencies for local use only.
Yes, it was a very nostalgic speech Hillary delivered but we should never forget that it was written for those unable to confront today’s REALITY; America is a reviled, failing nation, sssshh! It’s hot milk and bedtime at the Council on Foreign Relations …ZZZzzz!
"I just want you to know I can see through your masks"