"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" -- George Orwell
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Desperate for any diversionary tactic, the White House PR machine has opted to hold the trial of alleged 9/11 “mastermind,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in New York! However, the problem for American ‘justice’ (ROFL) is the widespread knowledge of a ‘confession’ obtained under torture – Sheikh Mohammed was subjected to 183 separate instances of ‘waterboarding’ by the State -- and as any first year Law student would inform you, any case against the Sheikh would have been severely compromised as a result. But in the lobotomised land of cowboys, a minor technicality like a confession obtained under torture is not a problem -- the White House has been flouting every civilised Law in the world since the Balkan intervention – how many civilians have we killed this month, Uncle Sam?
The legal reality is simple; the defendant is able to mount a case against America, in the international court, for torture but America is in no LEGAL POSITION to mount a LEGITIMATE case against anyone it has tortured to obtain a 'confession!'
We can’t wait for the next lunatic announcement from the bereft Obama White House – though it would be difficult to top ‘permanent occupation in invaded ASIA!’