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Kevin Rudd’s Last Stand at ‘Little Big’ Copenhagen
by bluey Thursday, Dec 17 2009, 8:59pm
international / environment / commentary

One cannot help but draw parallels between the arrogance, foolhardiness and NARCISSISM of General George Armstrong Custer and his modern blonde counterpart, Kevin ‘photo-op’ Rudd. Both men share similar personality flaws, not the least being pathological narcissism, which also explains the one-man-band attitude of both men AND of course defines their greatest weakness and the inevitable cause of their ignominious FALL from grace.

K. Rudd
K. Rudd

Rudd is known in Oz as the ‘do nothing’ Prime Minister, principally because he spends most of his time seeking photo-opportunities and the public spotlight rather than running the nation.

Rudd’s pathology forces him to seek the limelight at any cost, as is evident with his now exposed climate change charade. Rudd hoped to enter the history books as a leader in a Goldman Sachs designed carbon trading based economy; the simple maths of his carbon ‘reduction’ policies easily exposed his LIES and the overt DOUBLE STANDARD he displayed toward developing and poorer nations quickly earned him the scurrilous reputation he rightly deserves at Copenhagen.

Rudd singularly earned his current status as FAILURE locally AND at Copenhagen due to his lack of political sensitivity/AWARENESS. It is patently obvious that INTEGRITY was the ONLY BASIS upon which worldwide consensus and agreement could be reached but our little pathological DECEIVER, Kevin Dudd, doesn’t know the meaning of the word.

When REAL ISSUES confront our anal, bureaucratic, pipsqueak PM, the true measure of the man is seen. Shall we all laugh out loud regarding his border ‘protection’ policies or his SUBSERVIENCE to Corporatists raping our land and returning virtually nothing to the local population of the $TRILLIONS they plunder! Rudd’s pathological avoidance of BHP-Billiton’s wholesale THEFT of billions of litres of Australia’s, OUR, precious artesian water reserves while the nation’s MAJOR river systems face collapse is now legendary – ‘leadership’ like this Oz needs like a hole in the head!

This backward-looking, arrogant, parochial, Queenslander displays such contempt and disregard for the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Aussies (over 90% disapproval) of HIS regressive, Internet CENSORSHIP policy that he somehow hopes to survive the next election or indeed the leadership of his Party! But we should never forget that all pathological narcissists are divorced from REALITY and the feelings and wishes of others!

Viewing existing photographs of the extraordinarily flawed and vain Custer, one can’t help but draw parallels with our own little blonde, ego-inflated, Kevin ‘custard face’ Rudd. [That’s a good little boy, Kevin, the whaling ‘hero’ of the Southern Oceans!]

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