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The American push began in the Balkans and will end in Washington. Today it becomes abundantly clear that nothing will change until America’s wars are fought on American soil.
As each day passes the criminal bombing of Belgrade by the U.S. and NATO justifies an attack on a U.S. Capital. Sooner rather than later the many enemies the U.S. has (unnecessarily) created will return the devastation and destruction wrought on them to the people of America.
The following videos highlight the crimes committed against Serbian civilians (never mentioned by America or NATO) prior to the Srebrenica ‘massacre.’ It also accurately portrays the Hague courts as American courts of convenience – simply ask yourself why no Americans have ever been put on trial for war crimes notwithstanding the Iraq civilian holocaust etc! America CONTINUES to slaughter innocent civilians almost daily with its criminally imprecise UAV Drones, controlled by the non-military CIA!
It becomes the responsibility of the aware and able few to seek justice for the many.
Corporate ruled America is a disease that must be eradicated if the world is to know peace.