"What is absurd and monstrous about war is that men who have no personal quarrel should be trained to murder one another in cold blood" -- Aldous Huxley
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Regardless of the now CONFIRMED HOPELESS and CHANGE NOTHING fraud President Obama's LACK of integrity, his billion dollar Corporate supporters will ensure his second term -- after all, moron Bush got two terms and so did his predecessors. It's the way things are done in Washington; Corporatists need two terms to extract value from their PUPPET presidents.
The people are merely led like the sheeple they are; don't 'forget to FORGET' that Obama back-flipped on every promise except health care and that was a Corporate sell out! INTEGRITY, you won't find it anywhere in today's USA!
What was it that Alaskan vacuum-head said? How's all that 'changey, hopey' stuff going?
Consider the possible opponents, Mitt 'Joseph Smith' Romney, Michele 'lobotomy' Bachmann and in the wings Sarah 'do you like my open mouth and empty head' Palin -- but Corporatists know how to 'stage' a race for a predetermined outcome.
I often wonder why Americans seem blind to INDEPENDENT, possibly even R-E-P-R-E-S-E-N-T-A-T-I-V-E candidates; but it's the home of marketing, Corporate lobbying and purchasing politicians. Another resource war anyone?
Every dreamboat loves a circus -- 'it's a wonder they still know how to breathe' -- Bob Dylan.
How many civilians has Washington and Wall St killed today?