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WikiLeaks has released a trove of files relating to Guantanamo Bay and its inmates. We refer researchers to mirror sites for details; however, we would mention one outstanding FACT the files reveal: one hundred and fifty (150) illegally detained inmates were KNOWN to authorities to be innocent of terrorist activities, yet these Muslims presented an awkward propaganda dilemma for the criminal, civilian killing, TORTURING, US military and White House – how many probing questions would criminally corrupt authorities be required to answer if it became widely known that some of the so-called, “worst of the worst,” were in fact INNOCENT?
Should we be shocked by these latest incriminating revelations from WikiLeaks? No, but we should be RIGHTEOUSLY OUTRAGED that CORPORATE controlled puppets in the military and White House would trade in DECEPTION and LIES in order to protect and further Corporatist interests! Please refer to some recent events that reveal the TRUTH of Corporate corruption and criminal deception; the Exxon Valdez disaster, the corrupt BP Gulf spill and the Fukushima General Electric designed and built, FAULTY nuclear reactors.
If the majority of Americans imagine the UGLY TRUTH of a corrupt and criminally compliant White House and Pentagon can be ignored then consider corporate outsourcing of jobs, skyrocketing unemployment and foreclosure rates, runaway national debt and the abysmal neglect of important public infrastructure spending on essential services. Also REALISE that Corporate Executives have never made more money while the living standards of average Americans are now below Western Europe. Note that the largest Corporations avoid paying any TAX whatsoever – it’s easy to increase profits if you avoid social obligations and responsibilities!
Understand that Corporatists are nothing if not aware of the forces that can hurt them so they protect their interests by purchasing/funding politicians, lawmakers and legislators. Today’s reality verifies the above claims, America no longer exists as a Democratic Republic, it is NOW (indisputably) a CORPORATE CONTROLLED STATE!
The following informative video depicts some Americans that cannot remain silent or passive in the face of such OVERT CORRUPTION and CORPORATE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY – all the CIVILIAN KILLING wars waged today are Corporate instigated resource wars of appropriation: