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resource you can access on or offline
anywhere anytime you wish!
In characteristic fashion, hacker groups are joining forces to 'serve it up' to criminal Banksters and polluting, murdering Corporatists. Anonymous and Lulzsec announced they have joined forces in order to increase their impact and ability to intervene into 'secure' Corporate and Bank systems. The aim of the alliance is to obtain sensitive data that conclusively reveals the criminality of mega Corps and Banks -- the two largest corrupting influences in the World today.
Recent successful hacks on mega Corps, Banks and 'Intelligence' agencies not only make plain the ineptitude of those institutions/organisations but reveal to the public the most effective Front against the criminal cabals that would lord over the entire world if we allow it.
The war will be won or lost in Cyberspace -- a mystery field to most but a very familiar theatre to skilled hackers. Cyberwar is the ultimate Asymmetric warfare in that skill and speed prevail over every other force.
Mass murdering, criminal governments and the Corporatists that control them are aware their days are numbered -- in vain do they attempt to master the new warfare. There is no closing the yawning skill-gap between the opponents -- suck on that REALITY you criminal bastards.
Report for the ABC (Oz) follows:
Lulzsec teams up with Anonymous
by Nick Ross
After a brief spat where the notorious Anonymous hacking collective sniped at Lulzsec, the 'upstart' hacking collective, for crowing about low-rent Denial of Service attacks on the CIA and 4chan websites, the two groups have apparently teamed up.
A release from Lulzsec, which is reprinted below, announces Operation Antisec. This new operation asks people to hack government information and deface internet enemies with the word Antisec. The group also asks for support for several hacktivist websites.
The group says, "Top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information, including email spools and documentation. Prime targets are banks and other high-ranking establishments."
It remains to be seen how successful the forthcoming operation will be. However, even with advance warning, recent history suggests that there will be no shortage of targets with gaping security holes.
The Twitter hastag #antisec shows that the news is going globally viral.
ABC Technology and Games reminds people, organisations and companies to be vigilant while the apparent forthcoming attacks take place.
Anonymous representatives were being sought for confirmation of the collaboration.