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The Farcical CHOGM summit in Oz
by bluey Friday, Oct 28 2011, 10:31am
international / social/political / commentary

It’s lobotomy time in Oz – we’re all American now! The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, overseen by the anachronistic British Monarchy, has agreed on two policies to date, to defend democracy and guard against violations of human rights. Member nations agreed to intervene whenever democracy was under threat yet everyone seemed oblivious to the fact that the PM of the host nation, Australia, only recently IMPOSED, via the legislative process, a Goldman Sachs Carbon Tax on the nation against the wishes of over 60% of the population!

Gillard with Sri Lankan war criminal, Mahinda Rajapaksa
Gillard with Sri Lankan war criminal, Mahinda Rajapaksa

From Oz PM Gillard’s own mouth; "The purpose of these reform proposals is to enable the Commonwealth to act when a country is veering off course in terms of democratic values and the rule of law rather than waiting until a country has gone to a grossly unacceptable stage and leaders only having the option of suspension or expulsion in front of them." Label Gillard’s Carbon imposition/action whatever you wish, but you certainly couldn’t call it Democracy in action. I’m still waiting for the penny to drop with Commonwealth leaders, and the local beer-swilling population, but I’m not holding my breath!

Another issue that gained consensus was preventing human rights violations; however, sitting in the midst of Commonwealth leaders was a known, heinous war criminal, the president of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa; a felon the Oz Attorney-General refused to pursue, though an indictment had been filed against him in the courts – the AG lamely cited diplomatic immunity as the excuse, however, immunity didn’t seem to ‘cut it’ for Milosevic and other national leaders hauled before the ICC!

The overtly moronic proceedings at CHOGM serve to highlight the utter destitution of reason in today’s civilian killing, targeted assassinations, world – I mean, look up the word “think,” then try it sometime, you may be very unpleasantly surprised at the results.

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