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Equine Flu virus sets terrorist agenda for APEC
by morgan Thursday, Aug 30 2007, 1:51pm
international / social/political / commentary

The incredible speed at which the highly contagious equine flu virus has infected the local horse population and the huge negative impact this infection has had has not gone unnoticed by non-state terrorist groups at war with state terrorists. An anonymous report earlier this week (see link) warned of the release of a virulent pathogen during the APEC summit. All security and other preparations, funded by the Australian taxpayer, would have been to no avail if such an attack were to occur in Sydney.

Cowboy coward
Cowboy coward

A major city of over 5 million people is a perfect target for a highly infectious short incubation pathogen. It would also provide a perfect diversionary tactic for other operations. [Existing] INADEQUATE infrastructures would be completely overwhelmed and chaos would prevail under the weight of mass infections – it is always the attack for which you have not prepared or for which there is no adequate defences that is utilised by an enemy!

In the event the anonymous warning proves credible, the Australian authorities would have no excuses whatsoever. A function of this type (APEC) should never be held in a highly populated major city, especially in consideration of the many easily secured (at much lower cost) islands and other more suitable locations in this nation.

We would refer our chimpanzee (AFP) police chiefs and security agencies to stocks held by Commonwealth Laboratories. A full inventory would reveal inconsistencies with stocks and records – inconsistencies are nothing new in our highly ‘efficient’ bureaucracies? But during highly ‘explosive’ situations such as the APEC summit, these inconsistencies may prove to be fatal.

There is an element of the absurd surrounding the present APEC summit. Australians are not happy with our government hosting a meeting of mass murderers and criminal polluters. Draconian tactics previously unseen in pre-Howard Australia are to be utilised against locals protesting the many criminal and delinquent activities of APEC leaders.

Aussies should have no illusions regarding Howard’s thoroughly un-Australian (pro-American) values; an egalitarian ‘democratic state’ employing totalitarian, dictatorship style tactics (water cannon, guard dogs) against its own people engaged in voicing their opposition to major polluters and mass murderers would constitute an appalling inversion of Oz values!

The puppet Texan President today made the extraordinary statement that Australia should ‘stay the course’ in Iraq; we would immediately ask the idiot president to qualify the inane and vague expression “stay the course.” The only course that interventionist Iraq is on is to hell – a course set by Bush and his ‘perpetual war’ neocons. Perhaps Kevin ‘custard face’ Rudd may choose to inform the idiot president that Australia traditionally does NOT pursue mayhem, protracted military occupations and oil plunder at the cost of millions of innocent civilian lives. I say “perhaps” with reference to Rudd, to date he has proven to be just another compliant American house slave – but we shall see!

Bush also referred to increasing Sunni and Shiite threats against occupying, murdering and plundering coalition forces. Ironically, Saddam Hussein – a secular tyrant – kept extremist religious groups in check during his reign. Moron George creates problems then imagines other nations are obliged to do the ‘fixing,’ while HE concentrates on stealing the oil, is that how it goes, George? You’re not talking to your dumbarse ‘sepo’ population here, Georgie boy! An international legal delegation may just choose to serve you with an arrest warrant for war crimes while you’re here – this is our home ground and we do not protect war criminals avoiding legitimate legal authorities.

Australia is least characterised by conservatism or the likes Howard and his spineless, cringing, conservative ministers. You may just get a taste of the other Oz, characterised by Kelly, Morant, Hall, Starlight and a host of other anti-colonialists!

Just for the record, George, Oz Bushrangers make American western legends look like a bunch of poofs -- makes sense, you are living proof of American incompetence, imbecility and cowardice -- you Vietnam War-avoiding COWARD!

Bush, Howard is "man of steel" -- everything is relative!
Bush, Howard is "man of steel" -- everything is relative!

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