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Holocaust denial: Turkey joins U.S. and Iran
by rubber band Wednesday, Oct 10 2007, 12:41pm
international / social/political / commentary

Adolf Hitler once stated in reference to his ‘final solution’ for European Jews that the world easily forgets/disregards mass exterminations (genocide). Hitler cited the slaughter of over one million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks as the example. Today Turkey officially joined the State holocaust deniers club by denying the first major holocaust/human mass extermination of the 20th century – the Armenian Genocide.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul rejected a Bill passed by a (U.S.) Congressional Committee labelling the Armenian slaughter a “genocide.” The Turkish President called the decision an “insult, invalid and unacceptable,” the deaths, he said, were the result of “civil unrest!” ‘Civil unrest’ indeed, an accurate though a conveniently non-specific description. Informed people of the world would appreciate the danger in allowing anyone to diminish or gloss over a genocide.

Predicably, Bush and Condoleezza Rice, leapt to the defence of the Turkish President, what would people think? There is the ‘small matter’ of the Iraqi holocaust presently in progress with over one million innocent civilian dead and a total of four million displaced persons – an effort that easily dwarfs the Armenian “GENOCIDE!”

The psychopathology of Turkey, the USA and Iran, regarding holocaust denial is irrefutable; cold-blooded murder can no longer be sold as anything other than what it is -- isn't that right Israel, you bunch of Jewish hypocrites? When national leadership so clearly and emphatically fails, people around the globe begin to reject ALL claims of ‘legal’ or ‘moral’ authority – if it's good enough for our leaders then it's good enough for us, that simple!

In local news, a story of an Australian police officer who had been targeted and bashed by a group of youths was featured. Many would consider bashing police a heinous act, others would consider it pollution control; however, most would consider it a very fortunate escape from serious injury.

It is clear that anyone can ‘drop’ anyone else and that the population is learning well from the example of their ‘leaders.’ Soon assassinations will become common fare in nations that wouldn’t have conceived of such events prior to neo-conservatives gaining government.

Australia has become a police state as was clearly evident at the APEC summit in Sydney. Our shallow thinking politicians did not consider the consequences or cost of introducing oppressive policing methods in a relatively peaceful society. The price of police oppression in situations where it is clearly unwarranted is of course RETALIATION!

Strategists make much of the term ASYMMETRY or the effectiveness and tactical advantages offered by smaller weaker forces against larger more powerful opponents. There is nothing new in this regard -- ‘asymmetric’ warfare is as old as mankind; the allegory of David and Goliath is an excellent example of agility versus a 'lumbering giant.' It should be noted that Goliath was killed with his own sword (superior weaponry) after suffering a debilitating strike from a shepherd's slingshot (skilfully deployed basic weaponry).

My first introduction to the superiority of this strategy was against a criminal standover man who terrorised everyone he came into contact with. I was extremely young at the time but my innate sense of justice and fair play was overpowering so I acceded to a request to help solve the problem, “once and FOR ALL.”

An older wily comrade asked me one day to record the daily movements and habits of this thug, which I did without too much difficulty. All humans are creatures of habit and this thug was no exception; every day he took the same route home from his favourite drinking hole and parked his vehicle under an apartment block where he would then very cautiously proceed to the lift. “Good,” said my mentor, “that will do nicely.”

One night we waited under the apartment block with a baseball bat and a crowbar, I was given the crowbar with instructions to strike with all the force I possessed, “if he dies, he dies,” my mentor said, “never forget, if you miss or do not strike hard enough then YOU are DEAD!” His comment didn’t reassure me or ease my growing anxiety but frightened as I was at the prospect of failure, my sense of justice prevailed and I maintained a degree of composure. My mentor assured me there was nothing to worry about, “just fight like hell!”

After waiting a short time the thug’s vehicle drove into the apartment car park and pulled into his car-space. The thug alighted the vehicle mumbling something to himself – seemed he had something on his mind, but not for long. My companion emerged from his hiding place with bat in full swing, thwack! And down went the thug. A few more heavy strikes with the bat (to be sure) left the thug completely unconscious with blood pouring from his head and face. I hadn’t done a thing. I immediately realised I had been invited more to witness the event and act as an emergency backup than to participate on the 'front-line.'

After relieving the standover man of his two hand guns and a dagger my companion pulled a peen hammer from his jacket and proceeded to smash the thug’s ankles and knee joints – he took time accurately hammering joints that would never heal properly again.

So ended my first lesson in self-determination and asymmetric tactics. We effectively eliminated a detestable bully and criminal thug from the area. The thug was eventually forced to leave town after a series of other revenge attacks left him in a wheelchair – “those who live by the sword ..,” exactly!

I really have to laugh when I think of the ‘police force’ and the superior forces of those who refuse to be intimidated by armed bullies in blue or whatever uniform. We deal with you in our own time, in our own way and in whatever manner we choose – consider the consequences of your actions well, you are right to be afraid!

When I think of one million innocent deaths and the people affected, I do not envy coalition forces that are now completely aware the Iraq war is an illegal criminal war of plunder; a criminal misadventure that has degenerated into a holocaust.

No one is safe in those circumstances.

[The most valuable lessons I learnt on the day of my initiation were planning, absolute SECRECY, stealth and SURPRISE!]

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