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The ‘Claytons’ Prime Minister
by Kingfisher Monday, Mar 31 2008, 9:04pm
international / social/political / commentary

Kevin Rudd, the leader you have when you do not have a real leader, has left the country to prance and posture on the world stage. Rudd is a man of impressions NOT actions, a media performer, a petty bureaucrat, expert in the ‘art’ of looking busy! All bureaucrats learn early in their careers how to ‘fake it’ and delegate the job to another. However, Rudd is less than expert in the art of political deception, his electoral PROMISE of Australian troop withdrawal from Iraq is a good test of his integrity and performance!

Kevin Rudd -- the pretend PM
Kevin Rudd -- the pretend PM

It appears that Rudd’s troop ‘pullout’ is a feign, a fake withdrawal, a coitus interruptus; the screwing of Iraq by the criminal coalition will continue unabated.

Gerard Henderson states in the SMH [see link] that at least 900 troops will remain in Iraq – that figure constitutes more than 60% of the current compliment. If you wondered why Bush was all smiles and brimming with Texan praise for Rudd -- describing him as a ‘man of steel’ and ‘straight shooter’ etc -- then wonder no more. Rudd proved himself to be an expert lackey, possibly bettering Howard’s previous effort. But as Abe Lincoln once said, ‘you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, Kevin!’

The pip-squeak Australian PM has been criticised for his soft stance on China in relation to the Tibetan independence movement and for ignoring Japan on his current tour of Asia; but we know ignoring the Japanese is only a petty bureaucratic behaviour. It appears Rudd is still smarting over the loss of face he suffered over Japanese whaling in the Southern Oceans. However, the world of politics requires an entirely different approach to the bureaucratic.

In the diplomatic and political world it is imperative that relations are constantly maintained, whether or not one wishes to plunge a poison dagger into the heart of an opponent is irrelevant. Stabs and parries are common fare in international political relations, NOT disengagement, as has been proven by the disastrous Bush regime. Rudd’s childish disengagement of the Japanese clearly indicates a substandard performer and/or a coward.

Perhaps Rudd’s perception of himself is exaggerated; his inappropriate and hugely expensive ($35m) bid to secure a seat on the UN Security Council betrays an inflated sense of himself and Australia’s role in international affairs. The world already knows that Australia does what it is told by the yanks and is viewed as nothing more than a convenient supplier of cheap resources. The best Rudd can hope for is exactly what he is, an errand boy for his American masters and a servile lackey in the Howard tradition.

Previous Australian governments have all squandered the opportunity to establish Australia as a major player in the region; its unique placement affords it the opportunity to act as an important interface between East and West, notwithstanding the leverage Australia has as a supplier of mineral resources. But Australia traditionally suffers a colonial cringe mentality, which has resulted in a lack of INDEPENDENT LEADERSHIP. What is the measure of a PM who leaves the nation to subordinates at a time when radical change and reformation is required on a number of fronts?

BHP continues to extract, free of charge, millions of litres of high quality artesian water daily for mining purposes while our crucial river systems and critical irrigation systems collapse. There are no shortages of crises that require the guiding hand of strong leadership on the home front. Rudd’s deliberate decision to delegate in these circumstances clearly indicates he lacks what it takes to lead – this is a most alarming situation as the future promises even greater (agricultural and economic) crises!

It is clear the wrong man has filled the position of national leader. Mr. Kevin ‘show pony’ Rudd displays all the characteristics of a narcissistic INADEQUATE personality. Rudd’s evasive behaviour would indicate he lacks the fortitude and ability to make the hard decisions, especially in relation to the banking and corporate sectors. He has also failed to address the gaping social inequities created by the policies of the previous conservative government.

Good luck, Australia!

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